Urban Witcher

Chapter 723 Mirror Image 2

After Xiao Ma left, Zhou Jingru ordered Ye Shaoyang another cup of sour plum juice, and the two of them sat down to drink.

"Do you believe what Wang Ping said?" Zhou Jingru asked tentatively.

"I can only believe it," Ye Shaoyang spread his hands, "I hope it's true. After all, apart from this, she really didn't need to hurt me, and I have no grudge against her."

Zhou Jingru nodded.

After drinking something, Ye Shaoyang calmed down a little, and stopped thinking about it too much, went upstairs with Zhou Jingru, returned to his room, calmed down his mood, found a pen and paper, and wrote down what he had written down before. Luo Shu's hexagrams were recorded.

After some research, I thought how complicated the hexagrams are, but in fact the hexagrams are very simple - if it is too complicated, he can't force it down. The problem is that the arrangement of the hexagrams is incompatible with the eight trigrams of the day after tomorrow. It can't be deduced, but after replacing it with Xiantian gossip, it really fits perfectly with Luoshu hexagrams.

However, due to the complexity of innate gossip, and Ye Shaoyang really only comprehended the seven hexagrams, it was extremely difficult to deduce it, and he was exhausted. He finally deduced one hexagram and read it again. It seems to be some kind of Taoist method of nourishing qi and regulating breath. Very, never seen.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help getting a little excited. He had a feeling that he could occasionally get some kind of magical secret book, and as long as he practiced it, he would be invincible in the world immediately.

After reading it twice again, Ye Shaoyang found that the method of nourishing qi deduced by himself was just a short piece, so he continued to deduce the second hexagram in the Xiantian gossip. How did he expect that the difficulty would double, and when he deduced it, it would be difficult to look at the table. It was twelve o'clock, and he was exhausted physically and mentally, almost as if he had just fought a thousand-year-old ghost.

So Ye Shaoyang gave up deducing the third hexagram, undressed and went to bed, when he took off his belt, he saw a magic talisman inside, suddenly slapped his forehead, lifted the magic talisman, chanted the spell once, shook out a figure, stood still in front of.

It was Yang Siling.

Yang Siling glanced at him, and immediately turned his head away, "Brother Shaoyang, can you... put on your clothes?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and looked down, only to realize that his clothes were disheveled, and he was speechless immediately. This night, he lost his mind and hurriedly pulled up his pants. Undressing and going to bed was not intentional."

Only then did Yang Siling turn around and smiled at him.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath, looked at him and said, "What should I do, shall I send you down now?"

Yang Siling bit her lip, "I want to take a look at Qiangzi's tomb first."

"Oh, it seems he hasn't been buried yet, I'm not sure, the ashes were parked in the crematorium before." Thinking of this incident, Ye Shaoyang felt a little bit sorry, although it was a white lie, but he lied to her about the fact that Li Xiaoqiang had lost his soul.

"Then I'll go and see his ashes. If they haven't been buried, I'll ask you for help. After all, it's his remains. I want him to be buried in peace."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "No problem, but you have to come back quickly. You were excused before, but now that you return to the human world, if you delay for too long, I won't be able to talk. After all, Division Y has rules."

Yang Siling nodded, thanked him, and flew out of the window.

Ye Shaoyang regained his composure, thinking that she would not come back, so he took off his clothes again, halfway through, a girl's voice sounded next to his ear: "Hello!"

Ye Shaoyang trembled with fright, quickly pulled up his pants, turned around and saw that Yang Siling hadn't come back, who was talking?

"Ye Shaoyang!"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and then he heard the voice coming from himself. When he came to his senses, he quickly took out the Yang Yang mirror, and looked on the mirror, it was Xue Qi's face. Long time no see, she is still so pretty.

"How...can you see outside?"

"Of course I can see that you have opened the restriction on the Y sunglasses." Xue Qi looked at him and said lightly, "Otherwise, how could I help you before?"

Only then did Ye Shaoyang think of the female ghost he saw before. After he came back, he had been worrying about Wang Ping's affairs, but he forgot about it, and hurriedly said: "You can't even see Y Yangyang's light, so you can leave as soon as you say. Did you see clearly, how did she leave?"

"She's not there at all, why talk about leaving."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and said in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"I was also a mage before I was alive. I know that no ghost can completely resist the sun's rays, and no ghost will leave in that way without leaving any ghost aura. Haven't you ever wondered why?"

Ye Shaoyang spread his hands, "It's just unexpected, it's incredible."

Xueqi smiled faintly, "So there is only one possibility, she is simply a ghost and did not appear in that place."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, "I don't understand what you said, and it didn't show up, how did I see it?"

"Mirror." Xue Qi said, "The only explanation is that she is a ghost image reflected in the mirror, and her soul body is not there."

Ye Shaoyang's heart suddenly trembled, mirror image! Taking a closer look at the appearance and disappearance of the female ghost, it is indeed in line with this guess! There is no spirit or soul, and the ghost image comes from a mirror image elsewhere! Immediately asked hurriedly: "How mirror image?"

"I can't even get out of these Y sunglasses, how would I know."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and smiled embarrassedly, "Don't worry, I will find a way to get you out."

"It doesn't matter, it's good to be here, isolated from the world, just right for cultivation."

"By the way, how did you think that it was a ghost image from the mirror image?"

"Because her performance does not conform to the characteristics of a ghost. Most importantly, I am in the mirror myself. It may be easier to think about this aspect. There is only this kind of explanation."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, thinking about it according to her thoughts, although she didn't understand how the female ghost was mirrored and projected, but her soul body must not be too far away, it must be near Lifen Garden.

So I searched for nearby buildings in my mind, looking for the most likely place, and finally stayed in my mind with two places: Ghost Road and Anatomy Building.

Only these two places are full of grievances and can provide shelter for ghosts, and the two places, one in front of the other, are facing Lifen Garden.

But these two places are unlikely: Ziyue sits in the ghost road, and I have never seen any other ghosts. The anatomy building is Lin You's site. If there are other ghosts, she will not tell herself...

After much deliberation, I'd better go around the campus tomorrow and look for it.

Turning his eyes back to the mirror of Yang Yang, Ye Shaoyang said: "Thank you very much, by the way, where has Yang Gongzi been recently?"

"She hasn't come back since she went out, you ask me."

"Uh, forget it, I... sleep, you..." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head.


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