Urban Witcher

Chapter 855: Conquering the Fox Spirit 1

"Oh, five years ago, you seemed to be an adult, and you had no chance to fight him."

"Fuck, this is an insult," Ye Shaoyang scolded, "I am about the same age as him, and I was only sixteen five years ago, but I caught a cold and didn't participate in the fighting."

Xiao Ma chuckled, "I want to hear the real reason."

"This is the real reason. I have a bad cold and I feel exhausted, and I don't want to fight."

"I don't like fighting skills. It's boring. I only like actual combat." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "This guy has disappeared since then, and even the magic world has forgotten about him. Why did he suddenly appear again today? Came to Stone City?"

The last sentence was for Rui Lengyu. Rui Lengyu replied: "He didn't disappear, he went abroad, mainly Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, to learn various schools of spells."

Xiao Ma was a little upset, and said: "Our Central Plains martial arts... no, the spells are extensive and profound, what to learn in other countries?"

"Then you are wrong. The movement of the year wiped out many traditional things, but Hong Kong and Taiwan have passed them on very well." Ye Shaoyang has no prejudice against this point.

"That's right, and there are some spells worth learning in Thailand and Japan. Now that he has returned from his studies, he is full of energy, and he naturally wants to challenge the famous spell masters in China. Before coming to Shicheng, he has been to many schools, and his record is prosperous."

Rui Lengyu glanced at Ye Shaoyang, "It's only you now."

"Stupid, I don't know how to fight with him." Ye Shaoyang snorted disdainfully, "By the way, how did you get together with them, and what happened to that girl from Nanhaishan?"

"When he went to study in Hong Kong, he approached my master and stayed with me for a while. He pursued me, but I rejected him, and left in a fit of anger."

"Chased after you?" Ye Shaoyang showed a ferocious face.

The pony patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Do you have the motivation to fight him now? I support you and get him."

Rui Lengyu pretended not to hear, and said: "He met Liu Ruxu later, and the two got together. Liu Ruxu is a disciple of the Nanhai Mountain layman, and her spells are very good, but she seldom practiced in the mountains. Her family is A wealthy businessman in Taiwan is a very rich kind.

Together with Ling Yuxuan, she gained a great reputation in Southeast Asia, known as the "Golden Boy and Jade Girl" in the magic world. Now, they want to bring this reputation to China, and they succeeded. "

Ye Shaoyang wondered: "How do you call it a success?"

"You are ignorant. Ling Yuxuan has been to several sects and challenged the second-generation disciples. Every match is a big victory. Now you are the only one left."

Ye Shaoyang smiled helplessly, "He wants to be number one, so let him be, it's none of my business."

Xiao Ma said: "What are you talking about, seeing how arrogant he is, can you bear it?"

"I learn Taoism to catch ghosts and subdue demons, not to fight. It's boring." Ye Shaoyang looked at Rui Lengyu and said, "He came to Shicheng to find me to fight, right?"

"Yes, this is one thing, and another thing is the birth of the great demon."

Rui Lengyu said: "Do you still remember that every time I looked for me before, I was with my senior brother. In fact, I was searching for the big monster. This year, the Kuimu wolf star invaded the ghost golden sheep, and the main monster star descended and started killing.

This kind of thing only happens once every three hundred years at the most. Those who are capable in the magic world are looking for the location where the great demon was born. We have searched many places, and now we are sure that it is near Shicheng. "

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that Yang Gongzi had told him about this matter, she was also looking for the exact place where the great demon was born, at that time she was still skeptical, but now after hearing what Rui Lengyu said, she was sure.

"As a celestial master, don't you know any clues, and don't even look at the astrology?"

"I never read that stuff, and I don't know much about it, and I seldom associate with other mages." Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself, "The big demon was born... Could it be the demon king?"

"It's very possible. Now that the rumors have spread, many mages are rushing over, wanting to kill the big monster and get a share of the pie.

Ling Yuxuan wants to slay the big demon and win the inner alchemy in front of many sorcerers. This confirms his position as the number one disciple of the Taoist sect. You are his biggest competitor. He wants to take this opportunity to step on you. underfoot. "

"Why do you step on me? I'm not interested in inner alchemy. Whoever is interested will fight for it." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes. "A group of two contestants. It's so old. They still care about these things. There is no bonus for being the first."

Rui Lengyu smiled faintly, "I don't believe you don't care."

"I care, but I will never go to fight with him foolishly."

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to talk about this anymore, and asked: "About that big monster, do you have any clues?"

"There are no clues. There are rumors that it must have been born within the last month. Now everyone is searching to find the exact location."

Xiao Ma poked Ye Shaoyang with his arm, and said, "Could it have something to do with the vixen you investigated, aren't they all demons?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he murmured: "Probably not, the big monster that appears once every three hundred years is probably the king of the demon, no matter how powerful the vixen is, no one can be king, unless it is the nine-tailed celestial fox..."

"Maybe it's the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "Nine-tailed celestial foxes have never been seen since ancient times. I'm not so unlucky to meet them, right?"

"What are you talking about, what vixen?" Rui Lengyu wondered.

Ye Shaoyang recounted his recent experiences.

Rui Lengyu listened, pondered for a moment, and said: "Then you continue to investigate, I hope it is not the nine-tailed sky fox, otherwise... the consequences will be disastrous."

Every time the nine-tailed celestial fox appeared, it caused a catastrophe, especially when Daji was born, which brought disaster to the country and the people.

No mage wants to face this legendary goblin.

"Are you investigating with me?"

"Let's separate. I'll continue to look for the place where the big demon was born. You can check yours. If you have any clues, let the other party know quickly."

Rui Lengyu deliberately glanced at him, "My senior brother will be here tomorrow, and investigate with me."

"Uh..." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "It's better to let him deal with the vixen, and I'll accompany you to find the big demon."

Rui Lengyu knew he was joking, so she smiled and ignored it.

After talking for a while, Rui Lengyu was going to rest, and Ye Shaoyang accompanied her to a nearby hotel to get a room, and then went home by himself.

Guagua wandered somewhere, Ye Shaoyang activated the soul seal, called him back, told him about the birth of the big monster, and asked him to investigate nearby, after all, he is a ghost, and his perception of all evil spirits is much more sensitive than humans .

Just as Guagua was sent away, Lao Guo suddenly called.

"Little brother, have you heard the news of the birth of the great demon?"

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, "How did you know that too?"

"Recently, a few guys came to my place to buy magical artifacts, both Taoist and Buddhist."

Sure enough... Rui Lengyu was right.

So many mages gathered in one place for one thing. This kind of thing is really rare in modern times. After all, it is a modern society. In the city, mages hide their identities and have no sense of existence.

"It seems that a big battle is inevitable, Ling Yuxuan, this time is your best chance to become famous." Ye Shaoyang smiled lightly and shook his head lightly.


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