
"who are you?!!!!!

What did you do to Melissa?!!!"

Afraid that Watanagi would directly kill Melissa, Izuku Midoriya just put on a posture ready to attack at any time, but did not dare to act rashly!

And after hearing Midoriya Izuku's question, Watanabe had his hands behind his back. , tilted his head and thought for a while, and decided to reveal part of the information. Anyway, we may have to deal with them often in the future.

"who am i...

Let me introduce myself~ I am Du me, Du me is the body!

You may be familiar with it. You are a member of the Alliance of Enemies.

You are the ninth generation of OneForall. Mr. Diao has mentioned you before."

Watari put his hands behind his back with a smile on his face and tilted his head slightly to the right. After the introduction, the female high school student sailor uniform that Wataga was wearing looked extremely cute.

However, looking at Wataga's cute appearance, Midoriya Izuku didn't feel the slightest thrill of facing a cute opposite sex. Biting chill!

‘oneforall...Known again!!! '

Suddenly, Midoriya Izuku noticed Watari's words,

"Damn it, is he here too?!!!"

Hearing this, I was stunned for a moment, and then my smile became even brighter.

"Him...you guess~~~"

No matter what Watari said, that obvious look of confusion could not escape Izuku Midoriya's eyes!

"What do you want?! What happened to Melissa?!!!"

Hearing Midoriya's question, Watari tapped his right cheek with his right index finger, raised his head slightly, and looked to the upper right. After rolling his eyes twice, he put his right hand behind his back again and looked at Midoriya Izuku with a smile.

"Hee hee hee~ That child was knocked unconscious by my anesthesia needle~

But the dose was not large and he could only sleep for less than ten minutes.

Actually...The protagonists tonight are not us. We have no reason to take action, right?

Originally I didn't need to do anything at all, but..."

Watagata took a few steps forward again, bowed slightly, raised his head and looked at Midoriya Izuku, who was two meters away.

"only...You must also know our real leader behind the scenes.

I just suddenly wanted to see who the inheritor of your old enemy was....

Now it seems that you are still far away..."

After saying that, I turned around and walked slowly

‘good chance!"

Seeing that Watari's back was turned to him, Izuku Midoriya quickly ducked to Melissa's side!

Because I don’t know how strong the shadow rope is, I decided to fully cover it and adjust the strength by 50%!

Sure enough, Midoriya Izuku broke the shadow rope that Wataga created at will, and then quickly ran to the control room with her on his back!

‘Although when you get to the control room, you are likely to encounter a dead wood hanging, and even other members of the enemy alliance....But there is no way...’

And cross me here,

"Not bad...Act decisively...

Well~ although this opportunity is too obvious.

But...Although the boss can easily deal with him, how can the boss deal with the minions?"

The next moment, Watari turned into a shadow and poured into the shadow of the wall next to him!

Out of play, Watari did not appear in the shadow of Midoriya and stabbed him unconscious directly. Instead, he shot from ten meters in front of him. Emerged from the shadow of Mi Chu, and then returned to the human state.

"Broccoli~See you again~" (Duwo)


Seeing this, Midoriya already understood Watagata's personality, and immediately stood still, guarding the surroundings while keeping a close eye on Watagata's body not far away!

"What a strong personality...Control the shadow, turn your body into a shadow, and move freely among different shadows!

Big trouble..."

While Midoriya Izuku was struggling, Watagata spoke, his tone was so helpless,

"This floor is also my home court after all....

Don’t you think that no matter how you run, it’s useless?

Furthermore, can we not allow you, a little soldier, even though he is a bit special, to get so close to our leader?

Let me introduce you again...

Cross my body, the 'yin' of wind, forest and volcano!

Let me see, the quality of oneforall 9th generation!!!"

As soon as I finished speaking, my shadow changed and connected to the shadow of the wall....

Then, all the shadows around seemed to break through the dimensional wall, changing from a plane to a three-dimensional one, forming dense black whips, surrounding Izuku Midoriya, and then whipped him down hard!......

Return to the storage room...


Is this little girl just having fun like this?!

Forget it, I got the stuff too..."

Thinking of this, Mertel clicked on the headset and ordered:

"Got the stuff and retreated!"

After saying that, the metal man took the lead and rushed to the apron on the roof of the building. The remaining subordinates in the control room, after receiving the order, also bowed to the dead wooden crane, and then hurriedly ran out to join the boss. control room...

All of Myrtle's men have evacuated, and the control room was instantly empty, but no one controls the computer anymore....

After a few seconds of silence, Shigengmudiao asked Feng, who was playing the game:

"Can it operate?"

The sudden question stunned 'Feng', and also made his online opponent 'Lin' seize the opportunity and use an ascension package to kill the character controlled by 'Feng' in seconds....

'Feng' looked unhappy and looked at the big screen...

"All right..."

Then, 'Feng' reached the original hacker's position and brought up the picture on this level.

On the big screen, it happened to be the scene where Wataru shaped the shadows on the wall into a large number of shadow whips and whipped them towards Izuku Midoriya....

The storage room is not far away...

"not good!!!"

Before the shadow whip was struck, Izuku Midoriya picked up Melissa and jumped up. With the help of the ceiling and walls, he kicked several times to get away from the shadow whip!


A large number of shadow whips hit the ground. On the ground, the marble floor was directly smashed! A gravel pit with a radius of one meter was formed!

When Izuku Midoriya landed, he was once again surrounded by a large number of shadow whips, and he did it again. The way to escape was to stay away from Midoriya Izuku.

In the same way, faced with Midoriya Izuku's actions, Watagaikata did not choose his best close attack, but continued to control the shadow attack.

He turned around and entered a corner, but he did not escape Wataka's perception, because as long as Midoriya Izuku stepped on the shadow, Watari could sense it, then make a judgment, and then use the shadow whip that he had prepared. As the two sides attacked and retreated, Izuku Midoriya's position was getting further and further away from the control room!

Izuku Midoriya ran with the unconscious Melissa for more than three minutes. , the more I ran, the more frightened I became,

"Could it be that all the shadows on this floor are under her control?!"

Faced with Midoriya Izuku's question, the next moment, the shadows all around spoke in unison,

"That’s right~ The shadows on this floor are all under my control~

After all, the area of this floor is not very big~

As far as I know, isn’t there someone in your class who can use ice and fire? ? He should be able to freeze the entire floor....

So there’s nothing surprising~"

Hearing this, Izuku Midoriya slapped his head hard.

‘I shouldn't have let her out of my sight!

Now even if I want to look for it, I can’t find it! wrong! Even if you can control the shadows on the entire floor, there is no way that you haven’t used up a lot of energy for so long!

Judging from her tone just now, it didn't look like she was using any force at all!

That is to say...’

Yes, although Watanabe Shenshi can indeed control the shadows on the entire floor, with her current physical strength, she can't hold on for long.

Therefore, after Izuku Midoriya left her sight, Watagawa turned into a shadow and followed him around.

Because the corridor is very dark and is basically filled with shadows, Watari can always determine the real-time positions of Midoriya and Izuku without looking at it.

Then arrange the weapons in advance and launch the attack when Midoriya and the others are in place.

However, before launching an attack, Wataga will exit the shadow state all over.

After all, under Nangong Yue's warning, she also knew the disadvantages of 'shadow'.

In the state of shadowing, use the shadow to materialize to attack. Once the materialized shadow is scattered, your shadowed body will inevitably be injured, and the injured part is still unknown!

Of course, Nangong Yue himself is very demanding and absolutely cannot accept the existence of such disadvantages, so he has been improving this technique....

‘In other words, has that girl been hiding in a shadow where I can't see her?...’

Just after Izuku Midoriya dodged another wave of attacks, he rushed to a 'crossroads' and suddenly felt something and turned around to look.

I saw that Watagata's body, which was completely in an ordinary human body, was not far away, waving to himself in mid-air....

"We meet again~ Midoriya-kun~"

In fact, Izuku Midoriya may have almost discovered the shortcomings of Wataka's personality, because before Midoriya turned around, half of Watari's body was still in shadow state!

Only I have specially trained the speed of transformation from reality to reality. Now, it only takes less than half a second for me to transform from a human body into a shadow, and then back again!

However, it only takes less than 0.2 seconds to transform into a pure shadow or return to a human body! Enough!

This is close to the limit reaction time of the human body!

However, under the full coverage of Izuku Midoriya, his thinking is accelerated to a certain extent. In other words, these 0.2 seconds are completely enough for Izuku Midoriya to see something. But

, Watagata is more lucky, Midoriya is less lucky. Midoriya didn’t see Watagata’s body being turned into a half-shape, and he still doesn’t understand the flaws in Watagata’s personality.......

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