Because Midoriya was a bit unlucky, he didn't discover the drawbacks of his personality.

Seeing that Watari was close at hand, Izuku Midoriya immediately increased the output of oneforall after landing.


Texas! Smash!!!" boom!!!!

"Hee hee hee~~~It's completely useless~"

Facing the powerful shock wave coming from the head, Watari was turned into a shadow in the blink of an eye, and then without dodging, the shock wave passed over his body.

And the three-dimensional black shadow could not shake at all. No!

After the shock wave passed by, Wataga transformed into a human body again, and at the same time controlled an unprecedented number of shadow whips, completely surrounding Midoriya Izuku who was in a frozen state! The shadow whips as thick as his arms stabbed at Midoriya. Around Izuku, it seems that they are planning to entangle Izuku Midoriya and Melissa.

Just when a large number of shadow whips are about to completely entangle Izuku Midoriya and Melissa, the materialized shadow whip has already touched Izuku Midoriya! His body was even wrapped around me!

At this moment, a large amount of ice appeared behind me!


Wataga, who had sensed the situation behind him through the shadow early, quickly turned his body into a shadow and poured into the shadow of the wall while avoiding the ice thorns!

It was also because of Watanago that he turned into a shadow and entangled himself in Green Valley. The shadow whip on Jiu's body also turned into reality and passed through the bodies of Midoriya Izuku and Melissa, but it did not cause any damage.

The next moment, Watari was thrown by the shadow fifteen meters behind Midoriya Izuku. emerges from the shadow, and then transforms from the shadow back into the human body

"Midoriya (deku-kun!)!"(Students)

Yes, just when Green Valley was about to be trapped, after confirming that Green Valley had arrived at the top of the wind power generation system, the students immediately passed through the slender and frozen icicles and reached the top in time.

Todoroki Todoroki, who was making ice on a large scale again, was panting. The right half of his body was completely frozen and was being thawed by the flames.

After getting out of trouble, Midoriya Izuku immediately picked up the unconscious Melissa and returned to his classmates. Between them, I turned around and faced Watanabe in the server room....

In fact, Nangong Yue paid great attention to the 'shadow' technique in the battle of crossing the body, and successfully improved part of it, but he did not have the opportunity to modify it for the crossing.

Now, the 'shadow' is in Nangong Yue's hand. While part of the body is shadowed, if the shadow of the entity is destroyed, then the injured part will only be partially shadowed.

The arm is shadowed, and the injured one is that arm. Compared with random injuries all over the body, it is much better!

"Well~ To solve this shortcoming, for Toga, the only way is to increase the toughness of the physical shadow as much as possible.

However, as a shadow is an intangible object, although the upper limit of its toughness is unlimited, the lower limit is very low!

If you want to increase your toughness, you can only compress it as much as possible, but this requires a lot of mental strength....And transfer my spiritual power...

Alas~ This child’s spiritual cultivation has just begun....

Let’s talk about it when we go back this time..."

Return to the top battlefield...

"Xiaojiu! What happened to Melissa?"(Liri)

"Sorry, we were attacked by the girl opposite. Melissa was instantly pricked with a fine needle coated with anesthetic, and then she passed out."

Facing the unknown enemy, Bakugo Katsuki was not as irritable as usual, but asked Izuku Midoriya very seriously.

"Stink for a long time! What's that guy's personality?"

Izuku Midoriya was stunned, and then reflexively told the information he had collected.

"According to her, her name is"Du Wo Bei Shen" and she is a member of the enemy alliance."

"Alliance of enemies?!"

"Um. It must have been a recent addition.

Then, her ability, in short, is to control shadows, turn into shadows to avoid damage, and move between shadows instantly!

Also, judging from what happened after she faced Todoroki's ice and turned into a shadow, she couldn't attack when she turned into a shadow!

As for the reason, after she turned into a shadow to avoid the ice, the shadow whip that was originally wrapped around my body suddenly became virtual and passed through my body!"

After hearing the information about Izuku Midoriya, everyone's faces turned ugly.

"Although she cannot attack when she turns into a shadow, if she remains in the shadow state, there is nothing we can do against her...."(Iida)

"Moreover, it is very dark here, it is completely her home field."(Shang Ming)

"snort! Let me try to see the difference between this guy's shadow and Chang An!"(Bakugo)

While everyone was still in the discussion stage, Katsuki Bakugou got the information and decisively passed the blast and rushed towards Watagata who was not far away!

Just when Katsuki Bakugou was close to him, he was in the distance. When I was less than two meters across,


Bakugo Katsuki held a virtual hand with one hand, pointed his palm at Wataga's body, compressed the scope of the explosion, and detonated it to the maximum extent.

In short, it was between armor-piercing bombs and ordinary big explosions, similar to medium and long-range bombs. Light Cannon!

But facing Bakugou Katsuki's body, he calmly turned into a three-dimensional shadow and suddenly appeared from the shadow behind the crowd, less than two meters away from Mineta at the back of the crowd!

When Go Katsuki thought that the shadow had been eliminated, Watagata, who stood behind the crowd and watched for a few seconds, spoke.

"Not bad~ We all know the weakness of shadow~" He still said with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.


To be honest, when it comes to Watagata, although I already know Watagata's personality through Midoriya, when I experience it personally, the feeling is completely different!

Compared to his classmates who were immediately cautious and retreated, Mineta was really captured by Watari's appearance....


Compared to Mineta Minoru, the equally frivolous Kaminari Denki was equally amazed by Watari's cuteness, but he still stimulated himself with electric shocks to bring himself back to his senses, and quickly pulled Mineta Minoru away.

The classmates who saw Yuei once again pulled him into what he thought was At a safe distance, I continued to confront myself. I covered my mouth with my hands and chuckled a few times.


You all know indeed that 'light' is the natural enemy of 'shadow'.

But don’t forget, while the strong light destroys the shadow in front of you, it also strengthens the shadow behind you!

But to be honest, I have been playing with you on what I am not good at.~"


The students all understood what Watari said before, but the last sentence was basically half-understood.

However, only Bakugou Katsuki felt it the most profoundly!

The moment he turned around and saw the crowd and crossed me, Bakugo Katsuki's whole body was covered in chills!

Because he knew that at the moment he detonated it, his body was completely unable to move for a few tenths of a second!

But Watanabe was able to escape from his shadow, and then take advantage of the moment when he couldn't move and his classmates couldn't support him to kill him with one blow!

Seeing that the classmates around him were half-informed, Bakugo Katsuki immediately exploded!

"idiot!!! What that bastard is best at is assassination!!!

Almost...Just a little bit closer!!!

I almost died!!!"

Everyone looked back at Bakugou Katsuki, who was trembling all over. They stared at the way I was being covered. It was obvious that there was no amount of exercise, but Bakugou Katsuki was already sweating profusely. It was obviously all cold sweat!

"Oh~ The person involved is different~

Not bad, you can still clearly feel my murderous intention~

It’s obviously only a little bit...

What this blaster boy said is right~ I was originally an assassin~

Later, I got the ability of 'Shadow' from that adult. It was a personality tailor-made for me.~~~" heard 'originally’、‘get’、‘That adult', Midoriya Izuku reacted immediately!

"AllForOne!!! etc!!! What happened to Fenglin Huoshan that you mentioned before?!"


Furinkazan?! Isn't that one of Neon's strongest agent teams?! what happened?!"

As an insider, Eight Million Hundred asked immediately!

After hearing Eight Million's words, Midoriya Izuku looked at Watari. It didn't look like he wanted to fight at all. He was just playing.

But in order to prevent Watari , I made a sudden attack, so I just kept an eye on Du, and then in eight million words, I announced the rest of the information.

"She just said that he was the enemy's alliance, the 'yin' of Feng Lin Huo Shan.

It’s just that I don’t know much about Fenglin Huoshan...."(Green Valley)

"wrong! Feng Linshan's 'yin' is obviously a man!!!"(Eight million)


"That is to say..."(Todoroki Jiao Dong)

After listening clearly to the conversation between Xiongying and his classmates, he was still like a child, showing off to me,

"That's right~ Do you still remember Bosu's riot?

That adult, with that riot, successfully lured out Neon's strongest agent team!

And the task that Fenghuoshan received was to kill our leader, Shigangmudiao!

However, because Andeva had made the plan to die together, the leader who had learned the information about the move in advance allowed Black Mist to take him and retreat first.

This also caused the four Feng Linhuo people who were approaching to escape.

However, just when these four people were planning to report on the thunder outside the city,’、‘When the two captains of Yin' were being attacked, the adult took the subdued 'Lei' and 'Yin' and appeared in front of them!

Now, Fenglin Huoshan has been incorporated by us!

As a die-hard neon member, Yin’、‘Lei' and the bad-tempered 'Huo' were dealt with by that adult respectively!

The strongest 'Thunder' was completely brainwashed and turned into a tool who only obeyed the orders of the leader and that adult!

‘Yin committed suicide by taking poison, and Huo was completely erased because he contradicted that adult, leaving only his personality!

And I am the one who got the 'shadow', the new Yin of Feng Linhuoshan’!"......

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