Watari could have directly attacked the human body itself from under the clothes!

As long as the body parts are wrapped in clothes, they are all places where I can attack directly!

And seeing Eight Million Hundred suddenly collapse in front of their eyes, Liri and Erlang were completely panicked!

"Eight hundred!!! (Eight million!!!)" (Students)

‘hateful!!! '(Iida)

Iida Tenya knew that he could not live up to the sacrifice of eight million people. The engine continued to accelerate and disappeared from the sight of his classmates in the blink of an eye.

Indeed, as long as the movement is fast enough, the current crossing is still not easy to succeed.

Furthermore, after getting the 'Shadow', Watagata has been practicing this technique. Even the assassination technique that he was originally good at has inevitably become rusty due to the reduction in practice time.

Of course, the few movements that have formed muscle memory are not included.

"Shang Ming! alert!!!

Bakugou! Pay attention to the movement of the shadow!"

Hong Jiao Dong loudly warned his classmates, and at the same time set fire in front of him.

The original shadow in front of him disappeared, and instead, an obvious black shadow appeared behind Hong Jiao Dong.

Seeing this, Shang Ming Electric understood instantly , imitating Hong Jiao Dong, standing on the other side, back to back with Hong Jiao Dong, surrounding the classmates, and then imitating Hong Jiao Dong, obliterating the shadow in front of him, leaving his back completely to his classmates. Got it

"Don't order me! That half of your face!


"Eh? ? ?"


Just when Bakugou Katsuki reminded Mineta Minoru, Watagata once again used a slender anesthetic needle to penetrate Mineta Minoru's ankle through Mineta Minoru's trouser leg, and retreated with one blow.

Next, Mineta Minoru, like Eight Million Hundred, immediately fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!!!!!"

The only person who acted so irritably was Bakugou Katsuki. After Mineta Minoru fell to the ground, the students all stared at the shadows under their feet!

At this moment, the sound of Watanabe's body being lifted up unexpectedly came from came from above them!

"Innocent little heroes...Have you read The Art of War? The essence of"Yin" in Fenglin Huoshan lies in the word"difficult to know" ~

As a"Yin", the first thing I need is not a strong frontal combat power. The most important thing is not to be guessed, so that I can use strange The technique is to play with the enemy in the palm of your hand~"

The students looked up and found that Watanabe's body was like a dark shadow, floating ten meters diagonally above them!

The whole body was pitch black, except for his mouth and eyes. White, on the outline of Toga's dark head, is a strange smiling face composed of three white crescents.

Faced with such a strange body, the students, especially Erlang and Liri, who are not strong enough, Cold all over my body!......

In the control room, Heiwu looked at the icicles piercing the ceiling on the screen, and suggested to the uninterested dead wooden crane,

"hang...We can't see the battle on the rooftop, so let's just leave."

Siegeng Muziao was silent for a few seconds, stood up, and turned slightly to the black mist.

"Forget it, since everything is already in hand, there is no point in staying any longer.

Isn't Nangong Yue in the server room? He has strong perception. Go find him."

After receiving the order, Hei Wu opened the portal without talking nonsense, and then several people present walked into the small alien space inside Hei Wu's body. The next moment they appeared on the 138th floor, ten meters away from Nangong Yue.

Right at the death handle. Less than two minutes after the wooden crane was evacuated, Iida Tenya carried Melissa on his back, kicked the gate to pieces, and rushed in.

Melissa saw no one in the room and didn't think much about it. After all, the safety of the people on the island was more important. Quickly operate the computer and restore the security system to normal as soon as possible.

I don't know if Melissa's computer skills are really that high or if she is particularly familiar with the security system instructions of 'My Island'. In less than half a minute, the security of the entire island has been restored. The system is all back to normal!

And the security system is restored, which means that the beast All Might is back on the roof!...

"Ferry my lord...here...Do you still need me?..."

The metal man behind the high wall looked up and asked.

Watari continued to stare at the heroic students below and replied easily,

"You go up first, I'll drag them here.

By the way, build more bunkers before leaving. With more shadows, I can feel more relaxed...."

After receiving Wataga's instructions, Myrtle was speechless and simply helped others to the end, creating a large number of walls on the rooftop apron, which basically looked like another floor.

At this point, the originally empty apron has once again become the home ground for the body-passing!

After doing this, in order to relieve his fatigue, Mertel quickly put on the personality amplification device, and then a metal round platform with a diameter of two meters appeared under his feet, slowly lifting him to the helicopter above.

Looking back at the distressing rising speed of the metal man, I was ready to take action.

And below, Todoroki Todoroki and Bakugo Katsuki also saw the moment when Watagata turned around, and simultaneously attacked Watariga in the shadow state.

However, under the scorching fire and Bakugou Katsuki's flash blast, I didn't dodge this time, but just resisted.


In the eyes of the students, the hit shadow just changed from completely black to slightly translucent!

Obviously, like the dark shadow, there is actually a considerable degree of resistance to strong light.!

However, Todoroki Todoroki and Bakugou Katsuki did not believe in evil, and they continued to bombard me.

The good news is that the two men continued to bombard me, and my shadow became increasingly faint in the air. After seeing Terl's situation, he turned back to look at the two people who were desperately attacking him.

"Hee hee hee~ After all, he has a personality that everyone likes, so how could he have such a fatal flaw?

Indeed, if my shadow completely dissipates, I will be seriously injured....

However, as long as the shadow does not completely dissipate, I will be unscathed!"

In order to avoid being really wiped out by the strong light, Watagata's shadow exploded into a large number of fragments, pouring into the shadows behind the surrounding walls.

The next moment, Erlang Xiangxiang suddenly fell down!

Obviously, Watagata succeeded again, and at the same time, The voice of crossing me came from the shadows in all directions,

"That adult said that on the battlefield, the enemy's wounded are our important strategic resources~

Just a reminder, the dose of anesthesia needles used these few times is enough to make them comatose for more than ten hours. Don't worry about it. Wake up early~"

Hiding behind the wall, I was panting and took out a short needle again and licked the blood on it.

Of course, this needle has no anesthetic. Every time I take action, In fact, two needles are used, one for anesthesia and one for taking blood.

"Blood collection progress +1..."

That's right, although Watagata said he wanted to play with heroic reserves like Yuei, he actually still had serious business to do.

After all, Wataga's original personality is to 'transform'. As long as she takes the blood of people like Yuei, she can change into these people at will in the future!

What made her even more motivated was that Nangong Yue told her that if she further develops her 'transformation', she can use that person's personality when she transforms into someone in the future!

When the time comes, I will have a chance to evolve into an extraordinary level of terrifying existence!

At this time, the Yuei students, under the attack of Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, and Kirishima Eijiro, destroyed many surrounding walls, creating a relatively empty space again.

Then, everyone stared at the shadows under their feet. This was also Duga's actions one after another, making them subconsciously think that Duga would no longer use physical shadows to attack them, but was preparing to start assassination!

Sudden! Uraraka Ochako fell down without any warning!


Izuku Midoriya, who was closest to Uraraka Ochako, quickly supported her.

"I'm sure there's nothing strange about Liri's shadow...So, how did that girl take action?..."(Todoroki Todoroki)

Hearing Todoroki Todoroki's groaning, Bakugo Katsuki was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly caught something!



Facing the shocked classmates, Bakugou Katsuki explained with a gloomy face:

"That's right, the moment Liri fell to the ground, I saw some bulges in her clothes behind her back. I originally thought it was caused by the wind.

But now that we are surrounded by high walls, where does the wind come from here?!"

As he spoke, Bakugou Katsuki decisively pulled off the dress on his upper body and threw it to the ground, revealing his solid muscles.

"Is this the personality of the official leader of the strongest agent team?...It's really scary..."

With this sigh, Midoriya Izuku quickly mobilized his personality and wrapped the green arc around his body.

Seeing what Midoriya and Bakugo were doing, the remaining students also took different precautions.

Kirishima kept his whole body hardened, Todoroki Todoroki was wrapped in flames, and Kaminari Denki's whole body was wrapped in electric current. They were able to prevent Watauga from directly attacking their bodies with the help of the shadow under his clothes.

Although the situation was not optimistic for the remaining five people, they did not give up.

"Such a strong personality must consume a lot of money!

She also said that she is not the original 'yin', and she definitely does not have enough physical strength to operate her personality!"

Midoriya Izuku was on guard while explaining to the four classmates around him. Watanabe, who saw the movements of the five people in his eyes, was also a little tangled.

She had successfully obtained Erlang, Reihi, Eight million and Mineta's blood was gone, and it was not easy for the remaining stronger ones to do the assassination before because they were sure that they would not be hurt. Several people can't do this anymore, because once the shadow changes and the materialized shadow is shattered, she may even die directly!......

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