To be honest, this metal man was also stupid. He did such a big move before his personality was enhanced. Only when his physical strength was exhausted did he remember that there was such a thing....

Therefore, we can only rise at such a slow speed in order to recover our physical strength as soon as possible. God knows what we may face next....

Come back to my side...

"Well, I have delayed you for so long, and the iron block is in place, so I will withdraw first~

After all, Mr. Diao is still waiting for me to return to the team~

Don't worry~ There won't be any more shadows attacking you~" said After that, I turned into a black shadow in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared instantly, returning to the helicopter and transforming into Professor David again.

At the same time, Myrtle also entered the cabin.

"Go now! The security system was restored, and the monster All Might was released!"

On the tarmac, Izuku Midoriya looked at the helicopter getting further and further away, and was extremely anxious.

However, with his current physical condition, he could not reach that height through the 'Moon Step'.

"Bakugou!!!"(Green Valley)

"Shut up!!! At that height, the helicopter has accelerated! What should I use to chase!

Even if I catch up, how can I save them?! Blast the hatch open?!!!

Moreover, those are the hostages in the hands of the enemy! What should I do if I get ripped off directly?!!!"(Bakugo)

"That's right...Midoriya, you need to calm down.

Professor David is a hostage in the hands of the enemy, and the enemy still wants something from him.

Therefore, the professor is not in danger.

Our current situation is that those who can catch up have no means to save people; those who have the means to save people cannot get close to them.

If the two of them join a group, they will be even less able to catch up.

If we want to rescue the professor, as far as we are concerned, we can only wait until the enemy settles down and then find the enemy stronghold.

Of course, now that the security system is back to normal, there is still All Might to rely on."

Midoriya Izuku managed to calm down after being yelled at by Bakugo Katsuki, and Todoroki Todoroki's persuasion, but he still had a sad look on his face.

‘if...If I could be stronger...must......’


"The more difficult it is, the more you have to smile! Green Valley boy!!!"

Shifting the camera, I saw All Might, treating the side wall of the tower that was basically perpendicular to the ground as flat ground, and rushed up!

In less than two seconds, he stepped on the edge of the apron and jumped into the sky!

Right there When the ascending speed slowed down a bit, All Might stepped on the air again, and the ascending speed increased again! He stepped on the air several times using the 'Moon Step', and soon he reached the sky above the helicopter!

"It's okay! If you want to ask why...

Because I'm here!!!

(What a powerful physical skill. Without the 'Moon Step', I would have been in real trouble today....)"

Keep an eye on the helicopter below and adjust your posture in the air.

"Please give me my good friend back! Enemy!!!"


After adjusting his posture, kicking the air with his legs diagonally upward, All Might rushed towards the helicopter diagonally below!

Then, with the metal man looking in disbelief, he punched out!

In the blink of an eye, All Might's entire body penetrated the helicopter, and at the same time he grabbed 'Professor David' and held it on his side with one hand.

‘Hee hee hee~ I succeeded~' (Water me)

Just after 'David' was carried out of the helicopter by All Might, 'David's' hand hit All Might's body due to inertia.

But at this moment, I had already planned to prick the small blood collection device in my hand into All Might's straightened thigh!

At this time, All Might was unable to notice this tiny pain at all due to his excessive secretion of adrenaline, which caused his own pain neurasthenia.

Just in time, when All Might snatched 'David' out, 'David' had his back to All Might!

Wataga also happened to take advantage of the opportunity to quickly lick the blood off the needle before it landed. Then his hand turned into a shadow and transferred the blood collection device to the hand of Shibeng Mudiao.

The next second, the helicopter exploded into a ball of flames and fell towards the tarmac.

At the same time, All Might also landed safely. Looking at 'David' who was unconscious but uninjured in his arms, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When All Might landed, Melissa, who had just arrived at the tarmac, rushed over to confirm her father's condition immediately.

At this time, All Might opened 'David's' collar and found two pinholes on the back of his neck!

"Um? Bitten by a snake?"(Yagi)

And Izuku Midoriya, who caught up, saw the wound and reacted immediately!

"All Might, that wasn't a snake bite! That was done by the enemy's alliance with me!!!"(Green Valley)

"Alliance of enemies?! Are they here too?! what happened!!!"

Facing All Might's serious question, Midoriya quickly told everything.......

"I really didn't expect that...Even Feng Linhuoshan was defeated.

Moreover, 'Yin''s personality can be said to be the most difficult to deal with in this team.

This is an important signal! This shows that AllForOne has begun to attack the country itself!!!

But the most important thing right now is to arrest the enemy!

Green Valley, Melissa! David is left to you!"

"yes!!!"(Midoriya, Melissa)


At this moment, a huge metal square prism knocked All Might away who had just turned around!

At the same time, a long metal rope was also directed towards the unconscious Big Wei' wrapped around him.

All Might reacted quickly, crossed his arms, blocked the blow, and after sliding back five meters, he stopped and faced the metal rope. The vigilant Midoriya Izuku quickly grabbed 'David' and Melissa, and regardless of the burden on his legs, he hastily used 'Shave' to retreat, dodging the metal man's surprise attack!

"cut! Did it fail?...

(Forget it, that David is fake anyway.)

Sam's useless thing clearly said that All Might's personality has declined, and his strength and explosive power are no longer what they were at their peak.

If it weren't for the enemy's alliance...No...The information provided by the person who has changed his name to 'Honkai' has completely failed this time!!!"


At this time, 138th floor, server room...

"Lei, have you solved the remaining cameras?"

Nangong Yue was lying on the recliner, watching the battle on the top floor through the many walls, and asked helplessly to the 'Thunder' who was wrapped with arcs of electricity.

"All cleared."(thunder)

"What about imaging data? About your meeting with me."(Nangong)

"The data was deleted, and the related hardware was burned to be on the safe side."(thunder)

"very good...Be on standby."(Nangong)


Then, the tall 'Lei' stood motionless next to Nangong Yue.

After confirming that the finishing touches were completed, Nangong Yue looked speechlessly at the dead man leaning against the wall with an indifferent expression.

"Have some snacks...Don’t you know that the security system will return to normal?

You're just looking for trouble for me, right?"(Nangong)

"We lack a secret place to watch the battle. The different space of the black mist is too crowded, so I can only come to you."(Diao)

Hearing that Si Bingmu Diao didn't talk about exposing himself, he directly talked about his purpose....Nangong Yue thought to himself, this child has strong wings....

I looked at the black fog with the same helpless expression (don’t ask me how I saw it), then looked at the dead handle wood crane, and then checked the reading progress....

"Wait for me for a minute and I will pull you into a different space.

I'm really too tolerant of you....

(Thinking speeds up, ten thousand times...)"

After a minute, Nangong Yue stood up, and the recliner fell directly into the open portal on the ground....

"come in..."

Then, Nangong Yue jumped down first.

Feng, Lin, Shan, and Heiwu looked at each other and jumped down one after another. However, Shibeng Muxiao jumped into the portal with a look of displeasure because he failed in his evil act....

For the few people who entered the different space, Nangong Yue prepared a recliner for everyone except 'Lei'. Nangong Yue took the lead in choosing the middle one and lay down on it first.

After sensing the situation of Ye Yinte and Bad Li in the distant mansion, and not intending to disturb their practice, they didn't ask them to come and watch the battle. They could still watch it anyway.

The"Hengkai" people looked at the battle, thought about it for a moment, and thought it was pretty good, so they selected one one after another and lay down on it.

After confirming that everyone was in place, Nangong Yue connected the space above the apron fifty meters above his head, opening a space hole with a diameter of only one centimeter.

Then, in front of the hole in the different space, Nangong Yue used energy to form a huge hemispherical curved screen, covering several people on the ground.

Next, the screen slowly rose, and the original hemispherical curved screen gradually turned into a spherical shape.

Finally, when the screen was completely closed into a sphere, the people on the recliners were just on the inner edge of the sphere.


Under the surprised expressions of several people, Nangong Yue projected the live scene on the rooftop apron at this moment in detail.

At this time, the perspective of Nangong Yue and others is equivalent to flying in mid-air and witnessing this battle with their own eyes!


It would be great if I could have this kind of treatment when I’m chasing fans!!!"(wind)

"Um! Um!!!"(Lin, Shan)

These two agents have been completely led astray by the 'wind' that has escaped.~

"......Lord Nangong, just a flat surface is enough, right?..."(black mist)

"It's necessary, so that we can more intuitively see All Might's level."(Dang)

The dead handle wooden hanging lying on the recliner to the left of Nangong Yue said as calmly as possible while concealing his excitement....

Well~ seeing Si Bingmu Diao like this, Nangong Yue is too embarrassed to expose him. After all, the leader still wants to save face....

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