Rooftop helipad...

‘Although I received an enhanced personality from that adult, it has also been enhanced by the amplifying device.

But my melee level is far behind All Might!

Therefore, can I still rely on my own original personality?...’

While Mertel was thinking, he manipulated a large amount of metal and entangled himself to form a tall metal tower!

At the same time, he controlled the tentacles made of a large amount of metal and aimed at All Might to stab him! boom! boom! boom!!!

After hastily crushing a large number of metal tentacles and retreating to distance himself, All Might spotted the metal man's position and sprinted over!

"Haven’t you given up yet? enemy!!!"

Of course Myrtle didn't allow the monster All Might to get so close to him, so he once again controlled a large number of metal tentacles and stabbed All Might!

"Texas! Smash!!!"


Although All Might's punch shattered all the metal blocks, the subsequent shock wave did rush towards the exposed metal man.

Faced with such an attack, in order not to obstruct the view as much as possible, The metal man once again controlled a large number of metal tentacles and crossed them in front of him to resist the impact.

Although All Might succeeded in breaking a large number of metal blocks, he was still forced to stop his advance due to the backlash..

And the many metal tentacles that were crossed in front of Myrtle and were not completely shattered were being whipped towards All Might while gradually being repaired!

"Knew it! All Might, facing a monster like you, I can no longer worry about the safety of the building!"

In addition to the metal whip in front of the metal man, facing All Might, a large number of metal whips also extended from behind All Might, forming an encirclement and whipping at All Might in the center. Get down!

At the same time, this large-scale attack enveloped everyone on the apron!

"Huh hahaha!!!

Let them all die!!!"

"Shit!!! We can't let this wave of attacks go down!!!"

All Might turned around and shouted to his classmates not far away,

"Come to me quickly!!! (What a mess!!!)"

Then he stared at the many metal whips several meters thick directly above him, just when people like him were completely surrounded!

"Detroit! Smash!!!"

An uppercut! A large-scale shock wave was blasted upwards that could shatter the sky! In an instant, all the metal above was shattered!

However, although All Might broke through the first wave of attacks, a large number of metal fragments The crumbs, coupled with the large number of metal plates peeled off from the side walls of the central tower during this attack, provided Metal Man with sufficient resources!!

From the intelligence of the Honkai Organization, he already knew All Might. His unique signature attack method, this wave of attacks that targeted everyone was just delaying time!

While controlling these long whips to hit everyone, Mertel began to fly over the side of the apron, quickly. A large amount of metal was gathered together to form a gradually increasing metal cube!

At the same time, the metal tower that protected itself was also rising rapidly!

And the shock wave that All Might blasted directly above was enough to destroy the cube. It was destroyed, but it didn't hit at all, it just passed by!

At the moment when All Might's vision widened, everyone who was still awake witnessed this shocking scene!

"Huh hahahaha!!!!

It is indeed Professor David’s proud work! I can feel that my personality has changed a lot!!!

Very good! That's great!!!"

At this moment! What everyone is facing is a metal tower with a height of nearly a hundred meters! Basically, the metal man can no longer be seen!

What's worse is that above everyone's heads, there is a piece of metal with a side length of more than fifty meters. Huge metal cube!

"Is this David's?!!!"(Yagi)

"The device dad invented?! when?!!!"(Melissa)

Looking at everyone's expressions, the metal man in the middle and upper section of the tower was very satisfied and spread his hands to announce!

"Next...In order to sell this machine at a good price...Let's beat up All Might first! Together with the heroic students!!!

What a perfect display of merchandise!!!

So...Don't die~


After saying this, the huge cube quickly rose into the air, stopped a hundred meters away from the tarmac, and then hit everyone below!!!

At the same time, in order to prevent the students from escaping, there were a large number of metal whips, Strike at everyone!

And that number is simply not something that the students can destroy!

Therefore, the students can only be forced to move quickly towards the center of the impact!

"Hey Hey hey!!! What a big problem!"(Kirishima)

"cut! Mind yourself!"(Bakugo)

"Protect the unconscious person!"(Hang Jiao Dong)

"What should I do! Completely restrained!!!"(Shang Ming)

"Melissa! Go to All Might!



Just as the students were being beaten up by the metal whip, there was a huge roar behind them!

Looking back, they found that all the metal whips behind them had been cleared!!!

"classmates! Come to me!!!"(Yagi Toshinori)


After receiving the instruction, the students rushed behind All Might.

It is worth mentioning that while smashing the metal blocks, All Might did not forget to protect those who were still unconscious!

Just as everyone was When they gathered behind him and the large number of long whips in front of them formed a powerful offensive again,

"Carolina! Smash!!!"


All Might crossed his hands, and then slashed forward instantly! Two invisible cross-shaped slashes smashed all the metal whips in a large area in front of him to pieces!!!

It's being processed! After clearing all the distractions, All Might looked up at the huge metal cube that was less than twenty meters away from them, and kicked his feet violently! A huge pit with a radius of nearly ten meters appeared on the ground in the blink of an eye. Appeared below the cube! Punch out!

"Detroit! Smash!!!"

Boom!!!! (Crack!!!)

This time, the direction of All Might's punch was facing the metal man above!

And, in order to ensure that the cube was shattered, All Might attacked this time. , but it exceeds the physical limit!

After this attack, his all-round attributes will drop by one level within five minutes!


Myrtle had no idea that such a behemoth could be crushed head-on!

But in the face of so many metal blocks rushing towards him, he could only control a large amount of metal to form a protective shield, regardless of the fact that his line of sight was blocked!

And After smashing the metal cube in mid-air, All Might quickly looked towards the tall metal tower. The metal man's obvious defensive actions allowed him to immediately determine the location of Myrtle.

After adjusting his posture in mid-air, he fisted his fists. He and his feet hit the air at the same time, and his body rushed toward Myrtle's position like a rocket!

"Now! You can't run away!!!

Texas!!! Smash!!!!!"



A punch hit the layers of metal shields that the metal man had hastily constructed. Then, a strong shock wave penetrated the tall and majestic metal tower!!!

And the metal man was also hit by this shock wave. Brought high into the sky!

"Damn it! Don't even think about it!!!"

With the loss of the 'source' of the metal man, the tall metal tower collapsed instantly. However, before the tower completely lost control, the metal man grasped the last bit of control and caused the tall metal tower to quickly fall towards the students!

This Although this time is nothing to All Might, to the students, it is actually no different from the previous cube, it is a fatal attack!

"Still don’t give up!!!"

All Might, who had just destroyed the tower, judged that his classmates were in danger and quickly returned to them!

"Classmates, I can no longer hit the blow that shattered the cube just now.

Therefore, I, All Might, ask for your help.

How about it? heroes?"

All Might turned his back to his classmates, his muscles trembling all over his body. He turned around with a smile and asked some questions that were not consistent with his identity as 'All Might'.

The five people who received the message for help from All Might were stunned.

"Hahaha!!! Of course no problem!!!"(Kirishima, Kaminari)

"Um!!!"(Hang Jiao Dong)

"give it to me! All Might!!!"(Bakugo Katsuki)

Midoriya Izuku looked at the gauntlet provided by Melissa on his right hand, looked up at All Might, and nodded fiercely! Then!...

"Full coverage! hundred percent!!!"

With the unanimous approval of the students, All Might retreated behind them first, and the five of them looked at each other and smiled.

Todoroki Jiaodong and Bakugo Katsuki pointed their palms at the fallen tower; Kaminari Electric picked up a A metal ball; Kirishima, like Izuku Midoriya and All Might, prepared to take off, and then...

"Meteor shower!!!!"

"Howitzer! Nuclear explosion!!!"


After the three 'mages' finished attacking, the melee team set off!

‘shave!!!!! '(Midoriya, Kirishima, All Might)

"The whole body is hardened! Thrust!!!"(Kirishima)

"Detroit! Smash!!!"(Midoriya, All Might)

In this way, the attacks of the three 'mages' offset a large amount of the kinetic energy of the tower.

Then the shock waves of All Might and Izuku Midoriya pushed the whole body to harden, acting as the tip of the spear. Kirishima Eijiro pierced the somewhat loose metal tower in an instant!!

Then, the shock wave blasted by Midoriya and All Might completely shattered the already loose tower!!......

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