Because Nangong Yue provoked Tulu Kawako, she was in a bad mood and tried her best to control her personality, and the number of clay demons increased greatly.

Although most of them rushed towards Nangong Yue above the forest, the number of demon puppets faced by the students also increased.

To be honest, if the students hadn't developed a considerable level of strength under Nangong Yue's training, these demon dolls of Tu Liuchuanzi would have been enough to bury them in this forest. in the forest... boom!!!

After Izuku Midoriya crushed a demon doll again, he panted slightly and while guarding his surroundings, he inevitably complained:

"what happened? The number of golems suddenly increased, and they were basically used for aerial combat?!"

Click click click...sizzling...Boom...

"cut! Think about it, besides me, Hong, and Chang An, who else in our class can fly?!"(Bakugo)

"It seems that Nangong pissed off the North American shorthair cat....only..."(Ming) over the forest...

Looking at a large number of demon dolls rushing towards him, Nangong Yue looked in the direction of Tu Liuchuanzi speechlessly, his pupils focused, and sure enough, the child had a nasty evil smile on his face, staring at him....

"Why...The spiritual power is above, the air is in the middle, and the soil is below."

Controlling the scope of 'priority', Nangong Yue then used substantial mental power to stir the air, forming a spherical 'wind wall' with a radius of ten meters.

The demon puppets rushing towards Nangong Yue had just touched The entire 'Wall of Wind' turned into ashes in an instant, just like knocking over a burned incense stick.

After destroying more than fifty demon dolls in succession,

"Hey Hey hey...What kind of monster is this?! It makes no sense at all!!!"

While Doryukawako was complaining and sighing for a few seconds, another dozen demon dolls turned into ashes....

Through the instrument worn on his head, he observed Nangong Yue's leisurely manner of following the students below. It looked like he didn't put in much effort at all!!!

Within half a minute, after losing more than 20 demon dolls again, Tu Liuchuanzi, who was almost exhausted, looked at Nangong Yue's condition and found that he still hadn't changed at all....

This also made Tu Liuchuanzi completely give up his plan to target Nangong Yue.

She couldn't last long under the overwhelming control of clay demons just now, but Nangong Yue obviously could last for a long time!!!

"OK! I'm afraid of you, okay? We'll see!!!"

Having said harsh words to Nangong Yue, Tsuchikawa Liuzi decisively ignored Nangong Yue who was watching the battle above, and turned to concentrate on dealing with the students in the forest.

And Nangong Yue here, watching these few minutes, the students' respective Tohru Hagakure, who was able to use his stealth approach to the front and use the 'passage prohibition' unscrupulously, teleported to the camp with confidence.

After arriving at the camp, he took out his phone and looked at the time.

"It's only ten o'clock...Came here too early...

Forget it, let’s have a barbecue on this open space and see what ingredients are available in the kitchen..."......

At twelve o'clock at noon, Aizawa Shota, Fuzaki Nobuno, and Koota who was dragged over arrived at the camp.

Then, I saw the enviable...A speechless scene.

Under a parasol, Nangong Yue was wearing sunglasses and lying on a lounge chair that was slightly higher than the backrest. There was a short round table on the left with a glass of iced juice on the table.

Nangong Yue put his left hand on the armrest, taking a sip of juice from time to time, making a fist with his right hand to support his head, and looking directly in the direction of his classmates.

This leisurely look is nothing, but the point is that there is a barbecue grill two meters to the right of Nangong Yue, and a dining table next to it is filled with various sliced ingredients!

Three meters to the right of Nangong Yue, there is an industrial high-power electric fan, used as an exhaust fan.

This complete equipment is nothing, but the problem is that all the ingredients are floated to the grill by themselves, and then delivered to Nangong Yue’s mouth!!!

What’s even more perverse is, what the hell is that finished product time?!

How can a piece of meat half a centimeter thick be grilled in less than ten seconds?!!!

Sensing the three people standing aside, Nangong Yue opened the space door, took out three chairs from the room and placed them beside the dining table, and continued to watch the progress of the students.

"What are you still looking at? Come and eat.

We have prepared ingredients for ten people here, which is enough for us!"

Bite down a piece of barbecue that floated to your mouth again,

"correct! I have adjusted the intensity of the heat on the ingredients. They will cook very quickly. When eating, be careful not to burn them~"

After the instructions, Nangong Yue ignored them.

After being silent for nearly ten seconds, he finally agreed. Unable to resist the temptation of delicious food, the kid Gu Tai ran to the dining table first, swallowed once, picked up an empty plate and a tong, picked up a plate of raw meat, ran to the barbecue grill, and started eating while grilling....

At this moment, Shota Aizawa and Nobuno Fuzaki are still standing in place....

"that...Xiang Zejun...Is it difficult to use mental power as telekinesis like he did?"(Send Qi)

"...It's not particularly difficult, right?...But it’s very laborious!

Only in battle can I use my mental power to control restraint bandages. I have never tried it in normal times....

Why...I probably have a premonition of how sad my life will be in the future...."

After sighing, Shota Aizawa walked to the dining table. After all, he couldn't be hungry......

Half an hour later, the dining table was empty. Looking at the three people slumped on the chairs, they seemed very satisfied.

Of course, most of this large table of barbecue went into Nangong Yue's belly.

Since Nangong Yue's physical strength has advanced, the body's demand for energy has become greater, or in other words, the speed of digesting food has become faster.

Although Nangong Yue only needs enough energy to survive safely, but this does not mean that he will no longer enjoy his appetite.

After the meal, several people were silent for a few minutes. Nangong Yue, who thought that he could not be so bored anymore, turned his head and glanced at Nobuno Fuzaki with his peripheral vision....

"By the way, who is this kid? You are engaged in heroic activities, but you still have to take him with you?

Also, looking at him like this, he seems to have a strong resistance to 'heroes'...."

Yutai and Nobuno Fuzaki, who were happily digesting food, were stunned for a moment. After remaining silent for a while, Nobuno Fuzaki finally spoke,

"This child is the child of my relatives...However, his parents died in the line of duty two years ago...."(Send off)


"So that’s it..."

With a sigh, Nangong Yue stood up and walked towards Izuku Gutai, squatting down and looking directly into his fierce eyes.

"What's your name, little one?"

Facing Nangong Yue's question, the naughty boy Yutai was silent for a few seconds.

But seeing that this big brother in front of him was incompatible with the group of students who aspired to become heroes, and even invited him to a barbecue, he turned his eyes to the side. Turn around and open your mouth to answer...

"游tai...My name is Izuku Yutai..."

Hearing this name, Nangong Yue immediately remembered the story of the man who had just taken over the"Henghuai" organization and had explosive muscles.

Just two years ago, Bakugo, who was injured and on the run, killed a professional hero couple who blocked his way while escaping. The couple seemed to be named Izuku....

"Out of water...ah...

Are they the professional hero couple who were killed by an enemy with enhanced personality two years ago?...

You are extremely repulsive to heroes because your parents lost their lives trying to stop the enemy, which resulted in the established fact that you were abandoned by your parents.’...Is it?"

Yutai looked directly at Nangong Yue without saying a word, but judging from his eyes, it was obvious that he acquiesced in Nangong Yue's judgment.

"hehe...I guess you are disgusted with the 'personality' itself, right?

Do you think that such a thing as 'personality' should not appear in this world at all?"

Hearing this, Yu Tai's eyes widened. The big brother in front of him actually completely analyzed his thoughts!

"Hey Hey hey...You shouldn't be able to read Yutai's mind, right?"(Song Qi)

Facing Nobuno Seng Qi's question, Nangong Yue looked at him with contempt.

"You also know my information through Xiongying.

To be honest, I have seen a lot of kids like him in China.

Of course, it is basically children with no personality or weak personality who would have such thoughts in an environment like China.

However, unlike other countries, those passive and aggressive children basically put all their body and mind into the training of various skills such as physical skills, swordsmanship, and marksmanship."

Replying to Nobuno Fuzaki, Nangong Yue lowered his head again and looked at the complicated-looking boy Gutai....

"I won’t comment on your thoughts first. Let me tell you a story. Anyway, there is still plenty of time.~"......

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