half past five in the morning...

Standing next to Shota Aizawa, facing the classmates who have not yet woken up.

To be honest, Nangong Yue felt helpless for these children who had not yet grown up.

You know, it won’t be long before the real war begins....Although it’s all because of him, Nangong Yue....

Just when Nangong Yue was letting his thoughts wander, Aizawa Shota spoke listlessly,

"Good morning, fellow students...

Today the intensive camp officially begins. The purpose of this camp is to strengthen everyone's abilities and obtain a 'temporary license'.

This is necessary preparation to fight against increasingly powerful enemies.


Shouta Aizawa gave Katsuki Bakugou the test softball player.

"Take a look at this..."

"this is...During the physical test..."(Bakugo)

"Last time, the record when I first entered school was 907.3 meters. Let's see how much you have improved."

After receiving the order, Bakugou Katsuki did not speak, but walked to the clearing silently, faced the forest, and began to accumulate power....


Give me...go to hell!!!!!"


Shota Aizawa looked at the detection instrument in his hand and showed it to his classmates....

"1029.7 meters"


"strangeness...than expected..."(Kirishima) took back the instrument, and Shota Aizawa spoke seriously to the students who were in disbelief,

"It has been three months since school started. Although you have experienced many things, you are indeed growing.

However, what you improve is mainly mental and technical, plus physical growth.

Although some of you have achieved huge breakthroughs under Nangong’s guidance.

But for most people, 'personality' itself, as you can see, doesn't grow very much.

So starting from today, we must focus on training your personality’!"

Saying this, Shota Aizawa couldn't help but put on a wicked smile on his face!

"Hum hum hum hum!!!

It will be so hard that you will want to die! You must not die!!!"

Looking at Shota Aizawa who was getting happy, Nangong Yue, who had not slept all night, yawned and looked at the classmates opposite him with sleepy eyes.


It is said that it is to exercise your personality, but in fact, it is all simple and rough physical work.

That's right, here, you are not asked to develop personalized application methods, but to increase the upper limit of your personality.

In short, I want you to make breakthroughs in terms of quantity, quality, and speed.

For example, Liri, you need to lift heavier objects and overcome the feeling of vomiting;

Changdian, you need to increase the speed of your shadow release;

Shangming, increase your power reserve and maximum output power;

Ye Yin , improve your stealth coverage; that's pretty much it."

After saying that, Nangong Yue looked at Aizawa Shota, who was still in a state of pleasure.

"Teacher Xiangze, I leave the training arrangements for them to you.

I didn't sleep all night last night, I was exhausted...

In short, follow yours first, and then follow mine after a while.

I will go and sleep now...Aha~~~~~~~"

After assigning the task to Aizawa Shota, Nangong Yue decisively turned around, opened the space door and walked in.

"Oni-chan! Oh ha yo~~~"(bad reason)

"Badori-chan is up now...I'll make you breakfast first, wait a minute..."

The space door closes...


Hey...Okay, let’s get started!!!"

In this way, the students began the first day of hell practice.

Next, the painting style of Class A is like this...

On Bakugou Katsuki's side, he repeatedly put his hands into hot water to expand the sweat glands in his palms, and then faced the sky to detonate them to the maximum extent;

Todoroki was immersed in a large bucket, and the water temperature was displayed on the surface of the bucket. screen.

What he has to do is to repeatedly use ice and fire to keep the water temperature constant;

Sero Norita is in a worse situation. He is kneeling on a hill with his elbows facing the sky and firing tape desperately; and Kirishima Rui Erlang and Oshiro Saruo were in a team. Kirishima hardened his whole body, and Oshiro kept attacking the hardened Kirishima with his tail;

Kaminari Electric directly connected the power to a large-capacity battery because it was 'charged'. , Shanming Electric’s hands touched the positive and negative electrodes respectively, which directly caused a short circuit....

It was through this method that his body could withstand stronger electricity;

Qingshan Yaya, just like Nangong Yue's request after the sports festival, insisted on firing lasers for one minute for one group.

He must complete ten sets today. As long as one of them takes less than a minute, the number of times will be refreshed....

In other words, even if you fail for the tenth time, when you start again, you have to start counting from the first time....

This is also to let his body get used to it. After all,"abdominal pain will occur after firing for a long time." This weakness is too fatal; while Chang Anta Yin locked himself in a dark cave and tried hard to control the rampaging black shadow;

Li Hinomi Ochako was also miserable. She was locked in a balloon and kept spinning in a weightless state to exercise her semicircular canals.

Iida Tenya was the simplest, just running as hard as she could.

Wabuki Meiyu was also similar, that is, in Exercise the muscles of the whole body, including the tongue; the strength of the sand vine is the same as that of the Eight Million Hundred, which is to use your personality while eating sweets.

It's just that Sunato's strength is always lifting dumbbells, and Eight Million Hundreds is always making things;

Erlang Hibiki, using the earphone plugs on the earlobes of both ears, keeps stabbing at the rock wall;

Ashido Sanna, beside Erō Hibiki, They also use their personalities against the rock wall to increase the durability of the skin by releasing acid intermittently;

Mineta Minoru, Sero Norta and Aoyama Elegance are similar, they just keep 'picking grapes';

Shoji Mekura uses replicating wrists. With their senses, they can perceive the direction of Ye Yintou; only Ye Yintou, under the arrangement of the teacher, is very boring, just���After becoming invisible, he just walked around the Shoji Mekou; and at this time, Izuku Midoriya...Being beaten by a terrifying brother dressed in cross-dressing...

Just after Class A started training for a while, Class B also came to this training ground under the leadership of its class teacher, the Blood Emperor.

Talking about this Blood King, the guy who was instantly killed by the dead handle tree in USJ. Although his strength has not dropped much, his durability is really much worse now than before.

After all, he lost an entire lung! Even if it is re-transplanted, the newly transplanted lung lobes must be re-exercised.

Calculating the time, it has been less than three months from USJ to now.

The time required to cultivate the new lung lobes is only two months at best.

In two months, no matter how hard you think, it is impossible to train the new muscles that control the lung lobes to their original level.

In short, Class B’s training ground is also here.

However, this has nothing to do with Nangong Yue, at least it didn't matter a few days ago.

Fortunately, Nangong Yue can sleep peacefully in a different space.

After all, this breakthrough consumed too much mental energy, making him feel rarely tired.

After making breakfast for Bad Li and watching her eat it all, Nangong Yue teleported to the bedroom and fell asleep....

At night, after everyone fell asleep, Nangong Yue, who had slept all day, came to the open space of the camp from another space.

First, through the 'past view' of the origin 'read', I carefully observed the laziness of the students, and after confirming a few objects that needed to be focused on rectification, I turned my attention to the members of the 'Honkai' organization who were present tonight.

The next moment, Nangong Yue appeared on a cliff

"Read~adult~people!!!"(cross me)

"Lord Nangong!!!"(All members)

As soon as Nangong Yue arrived, Du Wo Fu Shen sprang out from the shadow under his feet, and then hugged one of his arms.

Seeing Du Wo Fu Shen being so active, Nangong Yue felt very happy. , but at the same time I still feel tired.

It feels good to be chased by a girl, but if the opponent's offensive is too fierce, it will be too much for a long time....

Nangong Yue's free hand hit Du me on the head with a knife...

"ah!!"(cross me)

"At this time, call Nan...

Why...Forget it, it’s up to you."

After saying hello, Watanabe stepped aside so as not to hinder Nangong Yue from inspecting the team.

First, look at Watanabe's body. It is a very standard sailor uniform for female high school students, except that there are two bags hanging on both sides of the waist. There are twenty small vacuum blood collection devices arranged in each bag.

Secondly, both hands and forearms covered by loose long sleeves are wearing hidden swords. It is not a sword, but two long needles, one black and one white. The black one is poisonous and the non-poisonous white needle is used to draw blood.

In short, it is standard assassin equipment that meets my ability; look at the next one. , also a standard high school uniform, but for a boy, bad review.

This male high school student is wearing a gas mask (?), carrying a full-capacity gas tank, connected to the gas mask (?); then, It was a man who was wearing formal clothes, with only his mouth exposed, and kept saying"work"...


’The moon fish; then, there is a strong man wearing a black robe and a mask, his body is trembling slightly; then there is a lizard man, whose attire style is exactly the same as that of Stein; and, there is a A strong man (?) with extremely thick lips, holding a large magnet over one meter long; the last one, Dubi, wearing a black windbreaker with split parts.

However, except for Duo, everyone else was unconsciously avoiding Nangong Yue's sight.

From their mental fluctuations, Nangong read the word 'fear'......

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