After the fighting here subsided, Shoji Mezo and Midoriya Izuku walked over to Tsunea.

"Chang An, are you okay?"


Sorry, Shoji, and Midoriya.

My cultivation was not up to par, my reason was broken by anger, I liberated the shadows, and it was too late to come back to my senses again.

Just at night, the depth of the darkness, combined with my anger, increased the shadow's fury until it swelled to the point where I could no longer contain it. hateful...I'm still not cruel enough to myself!"

Because he accidentally injured Shoji Mezo, if Shoji Mezo's replica arm hadn't been able to regenerate, Chang An would have disabled his classmate!

However, now is not the time to hold a review meeting.

"correct! Have you all received Nangong’s message?

There are six key targets of the enemy, and now the four of me, Chang An, Kajiang, and Todoroki have gathered together.

If Nangong can be left alone, there will only be eight million classmates left.

We must quickly join her. After all, the eight million classmates are not good at fighting now. She belongs to the type of positional warfare.

This���When she lost the initiative, there was no time for her to set up a position...."(Green Valley)

"Leave the task of finding someone to me."

Shoji Mezo decisively took over the sensing task, and everyone present was relieved about Shoko Mezo's personality.

After a simple division of labor, a few people took a class B student who was stunned and started to look for the classmates who were still in the forest....A few minutes later, he reunited with Liri and Wachui.

At this time, on the tree behind the four people in Midoriya, Hiroshi, who had returned again, looked at the six people below, thinking about countermeasures.

"what should I do? The bird-headed man walking at the end was always surrounded by the huge black shadow and could not be compressed. Moreover, the black shadow also surrounded the others with its claws.

If you want to take action against the people in front, you must deal with Chang An...

Forget it, I got one person anyway....

I'm just an inconspicuous magician~ How can I defeat these heroic reserves?"

As he said that, he looked at the two marbles in his hand. If you look carefully, you can see that eight million is inside one of them!

"Really...The target almost died!

Sure enough, transforming people without thinking and only instinct is unreliable...."

After complaining in a low voice, Guang forced Guang to follow Midoriya and the others again, obviously not willing to just capture a key target.

A few minutes later...

"Why...That big guy with eyes and ears on his hands is so annoying...

There was no choice but to retreat."

Having made a choice, Hiroko decisively gave up on the Green Valley side and rushed towards the meeting point. After staying away from the Green Valley six-man team, he notified his companions through the headset

"Eight million hundred were captured successfully. As for Midoriya, Chang An, Bakugo, and Todoroki, these four people have already gathered together.

Moreover, they also have 'copying wrists' as perceptual warnings. I can't take action and I can't defeat them.

As for Lord Nangong...never mind.

In short, the action team was launched and the recovery target was successful!

As planned, head to the recycling location within five minutes!"

At this time, in the open space of the training ground...

"I said Spinner! It's all your fault!!! Uh-huh!!!"

Yinshi Jianci, who was tightly entangled by Cha Hurou's stretched out and softened arms, complained,

"Whose fault is it?...That’s me who did bad things!"(Tiger)

"That's it! Enemy Spinner!"(Nobuno Fusaki)

After disarming Spina, Nobuno Fusaki just pushed Spina to the ground.

And the irritable lizard man couldn't help but start to say harsh words, such as Stein, which could be heard by several people present. Everyone was confused.

At the enemy's meeting point, Dubi and Tuwais had just arrived, and Du Wa was already waiting there.

"Was the blood collection successful? How many people?"(Tabi)

Du I smiled and said nothing. I just opened the bag on my waist. I saw that there were empty blood collection devices, and each one was filled with half a tube of blood.

Moreover, on each blood collection device, They are all labeled with white stickers with writing on them.

However, in the bag on the left, two storage compartments are empty....

"Amazing! Lord Yin!!!"(Tuwais)

Just as a few people were having a brief conversation, Hiroya arrived.

"Just a few of you? What about the rest?"

Seeing that there were only four people present, including himself, I couldn't help but ask.

After all, according to the position where he sent the letter before, he should be the one who arrived late.

"Mr. Yue has informed me that Bakugi was defeated by that Midoriya and fell into coma, and has been sent back to the base.

Moon Fish was instantly killed by Chang An. Yue's meaning was, 'It's okay not to want that kind of trash'.

The student who put the poison also had the same intention and was not prepared to save him.

As for Spinner and Sister Mag, they were now controlled by Tiger and Mandalay Cat."(cross me)

"Well~ just leave them to Kuromit. Um? Are you coming?..."(Dabi)

At this moment, a dark spiral portal opened in front of the four of them.

The four people who confirmed that there was no problem walked into the portal one after another and disappeared here.

At this time, in the open space of the training ground...

"Excuse me, please give me a moment."

While the two professional heroes were controlling the two enemies, Black Mist's iconic portal appeared in front of several people.

At the same time, a figure dressed similarly to Spina walked out of it


Lord Stein!!!!!"

After seeing the person clearly, Spinner, as a follower, immediately fell into a fanatical state of mind!

And the professional heroes who were pressing (haunting) the two enemies felt extremely dignified.

"Stein?! How will you be here?! Aren't you in jail?!!!"

Cha Hurou looked at Stein and asked loudly. Judging from the cold sweat on his head, this heroic killer put a lot of pressure on him.

"Indeed, until this afternoon, I was still hanging around in Bosu's cell.

However, I have to thank the guy who is dead.

I have to say that he was even more frightened. In less than a minute, I was the only one left safe and sound in the entire prison.

Everything else, whether it was people or buildings, was reduced to ashes."(Stein)

"What?!!!"(Songqi, Chahu)

After briefly explaining the information that would be exposed sooner or later, Stein looked at Spinner who looked enthusiastic and took out two blood collection devices the size of his thumb.

"It's okay, my comrade."

As he said that, he licked the needle of the blood collection device.

‘not good!!! ''Oops!!! '

Sure enough, Nobuno Fuzaki and Chahurou suddenly found that their bodies could not move!

To avoid causing trouble, Stein quickly rescued the two of them and pulled them into the portal without saying a word.

Originally, Stein wanted to kill the two heroes, but Shibengmudiao repeatedly emphasized that saving people is saving people, and don't do unnecessary things.

And for the sake of helping him escape from prison, just listen to him this time.

Less than half a minute after Kenki Hikiki and Spinner were rescued, Shota Aizawa arrived here.

Looking at the two people who were frozen in place and posing, without knowing it, he instantly became less nervous.

"What are you two doing, Tiger and Mandalay Cat?"

"Sri Lanka...Stein is here!"(Tiger)


This information with such a huge leap has really confused Aizawa, but it is not complete yet....

"He took out two thumb-sized blood collection devices and licked the two needles. Our blood was clotted and we could not move." (Send Nobunaga Saki)


I was let go by that so-and-so, but in the end, there was a problem with my backhand because of her?...

In short, the enemies have all retreated, right?" (Phase Rule)

"Um. They must have retreated....etc!!!

Eraserhead! You quickly go to the forest to check on the students! We'll rush over as soon as we recover!"(Fuzaki)

Being reminded by Fuzaki's words, Shota Aizawa also understood the priority of the matter and immediately rushed into the forest....

Just after the two professional heroes regained their mobility and rushed into the forest, Nangong Yue teleported to this open space alone.

Nangong Yue looked up at the sky, with those strange eyes, he didn't know what he saw....

"The future is already in chaos~

It’s still a little bit worse...It still takes a while...At least they must be allowed to grow up before leaving...."

After pondering for a while, Nangong Yue returned to his own alien space....

Afterwards, Teacher Bradkin called the police, and ambulances and fire engines arrived fifteen minutes after the enemy retreated.

Thirteen of the forty students fainted due to the enemy's poisonous gas; nine were injured; only fourteen were uninjured.

In addition, two people are missing; among the professional heroes, one suffered a serious head injury and one left a large amount of blood and disappeared.

On the other hand, only two of the invading enemies were arrested as active criminals.

Other enemies, leave them behind and disappear without a trace......

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