"Thank you...Iida-san...

Within your capabilities, think about what you can do.

The prerequisite is that we cannot use personality and avoid fighting with the enemy......"(Green Valley)


"shut up! Stinky nerd!!!"

Seeing Izuku Midoriya's tendency to talk at length, Katsuki Bakugo punched Izuku Midoriya on the head decisively.

"Don't forget it! I! And you! But they are all sleeping together, the enemy's key capture target!!!

Do you still want to avoid fighting? Do you still want not to use personality?!!

If you want to die so cowardly, I won't accompany you!"

Seeing Bakugou Katsuki suddenly become furious, Kirishima beside him quickly tried to smooth things over. After all, this is still the enemy's territory.

"Well~at worst, just get the hero's authorization afterwards, just like Nangong did.

Ignoring these things now, the safety of the trapped classmates is more important, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Bakugo Katsuki took back his raised, flaming palm, cursed secretly, and regained his composure.

Seeing this, Iida Tenya also lost all confidence as a restraint. It was so difficult!!

‘Why...Once you make a decision, you can't stop it or stop it.

Midoriya, I respect you for this, but...I can't give in anymore!’......

At this time, a gathering point for heroes and policemen, a large number of heavily armed policemen, and many heroes preparing to raid the enemy's stronghold, gathered here to discuss countermeasures.

In addition to a large number of police officers, there were also top-ranked elites such as Andeva, All Might, Grantrino, Tidal Bull King, Tiger, Jungle Kamui, Killer Whale, Mountain Giant, and Exishot. pro hero

"This incident is likely to be an opportunity for the collapse of hero society.

We must do our best to resolve this matter!"

The Tsukauchi Police Department, wearing body armor, looked at the heroes and warned them.

"My companion, the ragdoll cat, was also taken away.

Even if it is for personal reasons, we cannot let them go!"

Cha Hurou in the crowd clenched his fists and swore

"Because the transmitter is buried directly into the kidnapped person's body, we save the time of investigating the location.

However, two people were arrested and were held in different locations.

We have no choice but to divide our forces for rescue.

The coordinates we are responsible for are close to the city center, so we can only invest the main combat power here in order to rescue the hostages as soon as possible.

At the same time, try to catch all the enemies in one fell swoop!

Today is decided by speed! Don't give the enemy a chance to resist!

At the meeting just now, I asked Principal Egenjin to deceive the enemy through live broadcast and pretend that we encountered difficulties in the search.

After hearing Principal Nezu’s speech, they would never have guessed that we would launch a surprise attack today! heroes! It's time to fight back!!!"

Under the instructions of the Tsukauchi Police Department, many heroes and a large number of heavily armed police officers gathered towards the shabby small bar....

At the same time, inside the Naowu Factory, Xiangmu Diao and others came here through the portal.

"teacher!"(Dead handle wooden hanging)

"grown ups!"After (the rest) arrived at the scene, they saw AllForOne sitting in front of the big screen and watching the heroes' movements, and they all saluted.

"No need to be polite.

Are the bombs and bombs all planted?"

"No problem, everything is ready.

Not just bombs, but poison gas.

According to Nangong, this poisonous gas will hinder the flow of energy in the body. The more you inhale, the more difficult it will be to use it.

Only those who can fully transform into elements can be completely immune.

That's why we kept 'Thunder'"

"oh? Nangong even took out that one...

In other words, if you want to restore your personality, you can only stay away from that stronghold.

Okay, you go to the perimeter of the factory and prepare to intercept the heroes coming.

Note, it's best to stay away. The aftermath of my battle is not small.

Black mist, please pay attention, ready to support at any time"


After receiving the instructions from the Supreme Boss, these people mobilized one after another, except...

"However, there is no brain here..."(black mist)

"There are a lot of brains, and the area that needs to be transported is very large, and there are many coordinate points.

For you now, it is still too strenuous.

We can't waste our combat power in vain, so I will do it myself here."

The leader's instructions had to be obeyed. After bowing and saluting again, Black Mist hung the five people with dead handles and moved them to somewhere around the factory.......

At this time, in the small bar

‘Following the instructions, Lei' first elementalized the inside of his body, then activated the poisonous gas diffusion device, waiting for the hero's arrival.

After waiting for almost ten minutes... dong dong dong...

"Hello! Your takeout has arrived!"

‘Lei' did not speak out, but decisively detonated the bomb. boom!!!!!


The shock wave, high temperature, shrapnel, and gravel caused by the bomb directly knocked everyone away! It even killed many people in the first place!

This bomb also completely blew up this four-story building. Collapse!

After the smoke cleared, the surviving policemen and heroes looked at the center of the explosion.......

"That is!!!"(All Might)

What caught everyone's eyes was a light blue hemispherical transparent shield with dense thunder and lightning flashing on it!

And in the shield, there were 'thunder' and eight million unconscious people.

"ah...That was the captain of the former official strongest agent team, the 'Thunder' of Feng Lin Huoshan!

Now, it's really troublesome..."


"not good!!!"

After the dust dispersed, 'Thunder' immediately threw the eight million hundred to All Might!

And just as All Might caught the eight million hundred, a lightning strike was directed towards it. He stabbed over! Snap!

Just when the lightning was about to hit Eight Million Hundred, the jungle god used trees to block this fatal attack.

'Thunder' increased its output, and the high temperature of the thunder and lightning instantly ignited the powerful wood in the dense forest!


All Might, take this student away quickly! I can't resist it much longer!!!"(Dense Forest)

Not only is the high temperature caused by thunder and lightning, but due to the high voltage, the wooden body of Jungle Kamui filled with water has much better electrical conductivity than the human body. It is very painful at this time.

No need to remind Jungle Kamui, at the moment the wood catches fire , All Might picked up Eight Million and flew back.

When he saw All Might taking away Eight Million, 'Thunder' immediately stopped attacking the wood. After being elementalized, his body was basically weightless. Instantly flashed above everyone, and then there was a large-scale electric shock!

"not good!!!"

Anticipating the idea of 'thunder', the jungle god had to withstand the pain, let the trees grow as hard as possible, try to protect as many people as possible, and introduce thunder and lightning into the ground.

Because the matter was urgent, he did not notice it, and now he uses his unique physical strength , at least three times more than usual!

And the consumption rate is still increasing!



"Tsukauchi!!!"(All Might)

After a wave of electric shocks, all the police present were basically wiped out!!!

Only seven people are still alive! Among the police officers, only the Tsukauchi Police Department survived, and they were already on the verge of death. Dead state!

"Mr. Grantrino! Take away the eight million girls in the tomb.

The next battle will be difficult to handle."(Yagi)


Well, my old arms and legs can’t withstand this level of electric shock...."

He fell from the sky to All Might and took over eight million and the seriously injured Tsukauchi.

And just when Grantrino was about to take off, another lightning strike struck, and All Might quickly flew to stop it.

All Might was worthy of being an expert who had tempered his body to the level of a superman. Even with tens of millions of volts of continuous electric shock, nothing happened.

After blocking the attack, All Might looked up at the 'Thunder' in the sky.

Originally, someone wanted to question him, but before anyone could speak, 'Lei' spoke on his own.

It's just that that tone doesn't sound human at all....

"Principle 1: Targets that the enemy cannot move are key strategic materials and are not allowed to be taken away."


At this moment, the firearms still held by the corpses of all the police officers floated one after another, and then all the guns were pointed at the heroes present, forming a troublesome encirclement.

However, no shots were fired for the time being.

"Instruction 1: Hold down professional heroes except All Might and kill them according to the situation."

"What did you say?! Holding back heroes other than All Might?!!!"

If nothing else, this obvious differential treatment made Hongyansi feel a little angry.

However, Lei, who was already thinking mechanically, ignored Hongyansi and looked at the eight-million-hundred-year-old man. And All Might in front of Tsukauchi

"For those who have authority, Shigemuyu will seize the order. If Yagi Toshinori encounters him, he will be released.

At the same time, hold back everyone else and those who resist fiercely can be killed as appropriate."

At the same time, Lei's body completely turned into thunder and lightning, and then teleported to an altitude of 100 meters. A large number of thunder and lightning stabbed into the sky.

As time passed, a huge thunder net slowly formed in the originally cloudless sky, and soon It covers the entire Kamino area!......

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