
"This is!!!

Andeva, you need to pay attention later.

If you set too many fires in the sky, the thunder net in the sky will no longer be his own thunder.

If he controls the real thunder..."(All Might)


Because the only ones who can touch Thunder are All Might, Grantrino, and Exishot, but the only one who can fight him is All Might.

However, All Might must protect the seriously injured Tsukauchi and the unconscious Eight Million Hundred.

Just in time, giving him enough time to plan his ultimate move and the best home court.

Just when the thunder net in the sky had been quickly deployed,

"Toshinori Yagi, please leave as soon as possible.

Instruction 2: The target Toshinori Yagi insisted on staying behind and started lightning strikes in random areas.

Timing starts when command 2 is read out, frequency is once a minute."

With the help of the vibration of thunder and lightning, this time, everyone in the Kamino District could hear the sound of 'thunder' clearly!!!

Hearing the 'thunder' in the sky, All Might once again took a large number of civilians as hostages. Recalling the events of 'My Island' not long ago, I suddenly lost my mind!

"Just killing you is enough!"


In the blink of an eye, All Might broke through the surrounding network of firearms and moved ten meters diagonally below the 'Thunder'!

"Detroit!!! Smash!!!!!"


The shock wave that was enough to change the sky directly hit 'Thunder' and completely shattered his body!!!

Just as All Might smashed 'Thunder' into pieces, he looked at a large number of arcs in front of him. , he regained his composure, and at the same time, he also knew that something bad had happened! Before All Might started to fall, 'Lei''s body had regrouped.

A large thundercloud has formed two kilometers above the thunder!

It seems that it won't take long for this thundercloud to cover the entire Shenye area!

‘After Lei's body regrouped, he ignored All Might's attack and was still suspended at the original coordinates, staring indifferently at the people below, motionless and silent.

"What?!!! After the body is shattered, can it still be restored?

The abilities in the game comics actually exist?!!!"

This new-generation hero, Jungle Kamui, saw such an exaggerated elementalization for the first time, and his outlook was really refreshed.

Although Ekisiut didn't speak, it could still be seen from his widened eyes. He was shocked.

Seven seconds had passed since All Might landed on the ground.

All Might also figured it out.

"Everyone, this is the only one here, the other enemies are gathered in another place.

I have to get there quickly, otherwise the heroes over there will be in danger!

Everyone, I leave Tsukauchi and the eight million girls to you.

You must be careful! Although this person is weaker than AllForOne, he is at the same level as him!!!"


After explaining, All Might moved towards the next coordinate. If he were slower, one more hero over there might die!!!

After all, AllForOne is probably there!

And, even if Without AllForOne, just a dead stick would be enough for those heroes to have a headache!

After All Might left, the remaining heroes were in a bit of trouble.

"This is not easy to handle. On our side, those who can resist him cannot touch him; those who can encounter him cannot resist him....

Thunder and lightning are inherently restrained by the physical body, and with the addition of this thunder element...This is really..."

The little old man Grantrino analyzed helplessly. How could he not know how terrifying the original monster was?

After all, he was one of the only survivors in the last operation to suppress AllForOne.

Mainly due to the speed that is close to the speed of light, and the ability to 'element' this kind of foul.

However, it was severely damaged by AllForOne's 'energy absorption', and in the end even the elementalization was unsustainable and had no choice but to retreat.

Originally, 'Lei' felt quite reliable as a teammate, but now that he became an enemy, he truly felt the frustration of not being able to make a move!

Just when several heroes on the ground were in trouble, the reading of 'Thunder' began again...

"Confirmation of Toshinori Yagi’s departure...

Instruction 3: Try your best to kill the professional heroes present."



As soon as 'Lei' finished speaking, a flash of lightning flashed from the clouds.

"Stay away from the trees!!!"

Facing the lightning strike, Jungle Shenwei decisively inserted his hand into the ground, and then quickly raised it up!


Sure enough, this lightning struck the tree that acted as a lightning rod.

"call~~~Fortunately, the cutting speed is fast, otherwise I would be dead!"

That's right, just before the lightning struck the tree, the power of the jungle cut off the wooden right arm, and then grew a new one.

"The crisis is not over yet!!!"(Grantrino)

Suddenly, at the moment when the jungle power was relaxed because of its success in attracting thunder, the electric sparks that had not dispersed on the trees in front of him flashed behind him and condensed into 'thunder'!

Then, 'Lei' hugged the dense forest Kamui tightly!

"Lightning rods should be eliminated first.

Discharge, 200 million volts."

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so little Lightning is not controlled by 'Thunder'!



"Divine power!!!!!"

In less than five seconds, the entire wooden body of Jungle Shenwei was burned away by the tens of thousands of degrees of heat from the thunder and lightning!

Only ashes on the ground proved that there was once a life here!!!

Just after 'Thunder' solved this problem After picking up a piece of wood, it transformed into reverse lightning again and flashed into the sky.

The blue-white humanoid silhouette of lightning glanced at the remaining people below at a height of 100 meters. The whole person exploded directly and merged into the thunderclouds thousands of meters above. Five seconds later, a pair of huge blue-white eyes appeared in the sky, looking at the mortals on the ground like gods!

Facing this scene, everyone fell into unprecedented panic.!

Because the citizens can't imagine that there are monsters of this level among the enemies! What's more terrible is that they all heard the instructions in a mechanical tone!

The character is not the leader!!

So how strong should their leader be!

When the only four heroes were stunned due to the sudden sacrifice, another flash of lightning flashed across the clouds....

"Get out of the way!!!"(Grantrino)

Grantrino quickly picked up Eight Million Hundred and dodged into the room of the house next to him. Immediately afterwards, a bolt of lightning struck down!!!


Ai Jisiute transformed into a body. Because of the thin paper thread, he narrowly avoided the lightning.

However, the lightning still severely burned his abdomen, but fortunately, for him, it did not affect the battle.

Next, the four heroes dragged the Tsukauchi Police Department into the house next to them, but they didn’t know how to���how long it has been.

The 'Thunder' in the clouds certainly knows the movements of these heroes.

You know, with thunder and lightning, his perception ability is very detailed.

Even, with the assistance of today's thunder, he can completely monitor the entire Kamino area, and even the entire Kanagawa!!!

The four heroes hid in the building, and 'Thunder' continued to cause lightning, targeting the same four-story building.


This lightning was controlled by 'thunder' and did not hit the conductor, thus fully exerting the power of lightning!

Therefore, this 'Thunder Spear' instantly penetrated the ceilings of several floors and pointed directly at the two wounded who were unconscious on the ground!!!

At the critical moment, Grantrino and Exciut, who are good at speed, pulled the two wounded people away.

"hateful! This person is clearly targeting the wounded!!!"(Ekisiut)


Again, the two speed guys pulled the two wounded to avoid the 'thunder gun' that pierced the building.’

"This can't go on like this.

Andeva! You go get a lot of steel and smelt it into a lightning rod.

Then I'll install it."

Pulling Eight Million Hundred again to dodge a lightning strike, Grantrino finalized the countermeasure.

After hearing this, Andeva was silent for a few seconds, and then did as he did.


Although he dodged the lightning strike this time , but this lightning strike ignited the flammable materials in the house.

There was no choice but to change the place.

Fortunately, Andeva was very efficient and made a three-piece in less than ten seconds. A lightning rod more than 1 meter long was also found, and they also found a lot of rubber gloves, the kind used for dishwashing.

These gloves were of great help. Although their own gloves had 'insulating' properties, they were not as good as before. It's far from enough to protect against lightning.

It's very likely that the gloves will be scrapped if they carry the lightning rod.

Therefore, put on as many layers of insulating gloves as you can.

The next few people will rely on the lightning rod. He was running around while being struck by lightning.

In particular, a lightning rod couldn't withstand a few controlled lightning strikes, so Andeva could only recast it repeatedly.

After striking these people nearly twenty times, Lei Yun. The 'Thunder' in the video is also calculating and thinking...

This was also his habit before he was brainwashed, pursuing the completion of tasks at the minimum cost.......

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