
The unprecedented collision caused the ground beneath both sides to sink by more than fifty meters! Because of the 'crater' created by the battle, the radius instantly expanded to more than five kilometers!!!

At the same time, everyone in the Shenye District felt the strong shock, and they all ran for their lives in panic!!!

The two people who had distanced themselves by this were panting heavily, but because of their recovery-like personalities, AllForOne recovered more quickly.

In addition, although he cannot blatantly use thunder elementalization, he can absorb the electricity floating in the air to replenish his own energy.

It just so happened that the cloud that I had put so much effort into before was now put to great use.

Now this cloud has independently absorbed the surrounding water vapor and swallowed the surrounding clouds to strengthen itself!!!

What's more, because the outer periphery has touched the sea surface, the thundercloud's expansion speed has further accelerated!

During these few minutes of fighting, although this thundercloud was not as good as the natural disaster caused by Nangong Yue, it still covered most of Kanagawa!!!

After almost recovering, AllForOne stood up fifty meters opposite Yagi Toshinori, and slowly walked towards All Might, who was half-kneeling on the ground, still breathing. tread...tread...tread...

"What's wrong?

You seem to be very emotional ~ All Might.

By the way, remember, I said the same thing before.

Hahahahaha...." tread...tread...tread...

"The previous heir of OneForall, Nana Shimura, told me!......"

At the same time, AllForOne observes the situation in the city through various remote sensing personalities.

At this time, due to the earthquakes and lightning strikes in the sky caused by the fighting, people ran around in panic, instinctively pursuing safety.

However, the heroes who usually appeared immediately to help them escape were not in place today.

Because, heroes and police officers! They were all held back by a large number of brainless people and members of the 'Honkai' organization!!!

Without the help of heroes, the members of the organization who were not stopped followed the instructions and began to cause wanton chaos!

After waiting for the hero to arrive for a long time, Kamino District once again turned into a hell on earth like Bosu!!!

Ordinary people fled everywhere; the evil people's malice was unleashed; the neutral underground forces that were originally waiting and watching officially turned to the 'Honkai' organization, and then the entire army was dispatched!

That's right! This operation is not only a breakthrough battle for AllForOne, but also a premeditated separatist operation!!!

Return to the front battlefield...

"You really look like her, All Might.

She is a person with very lofty ideals, but unfortunately, she does not have enough strength.

No...It should be said that her strength is completely unable to keep up!!!"(AFO)

"You are not allowed to say the master's name with that dirty mouth!!!"


As the creator of oneforall, I feel ashamed~

To be honest, the way she died was really horrible.~"


Unable to stand AllForOne's provocation, All Might, who had not yet fully recovered, rushed towards the target thirty meters away again!!!

Just when All Might was about to touch AllForOne, he saw a black and red flash on the opponent's body. of lightning, then... boom!!!!!

All Might, who was in mid-air, was hit hard again and flew straight towards a media helicopter in the sky!!!

When he heard the sound of propellers coming closer and closer behind him, All Might quickly stepped out of the way while regaining consciousness.

Seeing the helicopter in the sky, AllForOne also had an idea. He directly brainwashed and controlled the three people on the helicopter as his own special broadcast device, and then...

"This is a nightmare scenario!

In an instant, more than half of the Kamino District was destroyed!

All Might is currently fighting the suspected enemy leader! incredible! There is only one enemy!!!

Destroy the city, fight the 'symbol of peace', and gain the upper hand!!!

Also, what are those huge thunder eyes in the thunderclouds in the sky?!!!"

At this time, exposed to the national audience, All Might was engaged in a fierce aerial physical battle with AllForOne.

Although the figure could not be seen clearly, the diffuse shock waves generated by frequent collisions continued to destroy the already dilapidated surroundings. Destroyed!!!! Once again, All Might was shot to the ground.

The force quickly rose into the sky.

Soon, it reached the midpoint of the connection between the high-altitude thundercloud and the ground. At the same time, the whole body was flashing with blue-white electric sparks, connecting with the giant high-altitude thunderstorm cloud!

"I'm a little worried, All Might....

You have put in so much effort and diligence that the people's trust in you has gradually eroded....

But, is it really okay for me to take this decisive blow?"

Thunder and lightning vibrated the air, thereby amplifying the sound, and then through the rebroadcast, people across the country heard AllForOne's speech!!!

"But...All Might...

Just as you hate me, I also hate you!!!

Look...I killed your master, but you also took away what I had worked so hard to accumulate!!!

So, I hope you can die as ugly as possible! What a miserable death!!!!!"

With the oath of All For One, the electric light on his body has changed from the original blue and white to purple and white!

At the same time, from the sky, from time to time, there will be traces of black lightning hitting the ground!!!

Black lightning The location where it was hit seemed to have been completely wiped out, leaving only a scorched hole!

"(Energy absorption, physical strengthening, gun bone, metalization, thunder element...)

You must catch it!

(power storage, shock reversal, shock wave...)

This is related to the lives of all civilians in Kamno District!!!"

Just above the Kamino District, a giant spiral with a radius of more than ten kilometers rotated rapidly. In less than five seconds, the brightness in the center reached its peak!

"Target locking, automatic tracking, energy clustering, multiplication...

Finally...Lightning strike!!!!!!!"(AFO)


"not good!!!!"(All Might)

"Black fog! Take people to retreat!!!"(Dead handle wooden hanging)

"not bad...penetrate..."(Nangong Yue)


A black lightning beam as thick as the central tower of 'My Island' pierced directly into the neon main island plate of Kamino District from the thunder clouds above!!!

Just after the light beam pierced the edge of the island's plate, two seconds later, a shock wave no less than a nuclear explosion swept through the entire Kamino area and then spread outward!

At the same time, due to the destruction of the main island plate, a major earthquake exceeding magnitude eight was triggered!!!

And for AllForOne himself, this is a great thing!

"Hahahahaha!!!!!! very good! Under such a huge energy impact, the bottleneck was finally broken!!!

Energy absorption! Thunder element!! Super regenerative!!!"

While everyone is running for their lives, AllForOne's own body is going through the advanced process of Nangong Yue.

His body is cycling through high-frequency destruction and repair. Every time it is repaired, his body becomes stronger. The energy circuit in the body is also very tough!

Because it is stuck at the city-breaking level all year round, AllForOne's accumulation is far stronger than Nangong Yue's body.

Because of this, with sufficient preparation, AllForOne's breakthrough is very strong. Good luck!

Just after the shock wave dissipated, AllForOne, who had just completed his breakthrough, was now surrounded by a large amount of lightning because his clothes had been burned by lightning.


(If it weren’t for Nangong Yue, I would probably be ready to go to war with the whole world.

)...It's safe to hang them. It's a pity that so many people are brainless....Forget it, Nangong Boy has a backup of his personality and a lot of raw materials anyway.

Silk thread assimilation, dyeing, creation..."

Using air as a material, he made enough silk threads to weave himself into a brand new black suit, and then created a new pair of black leather shoes to put on his feet.

After changing his clothes, he sent out several shock waves to clear away the smoke and dust surrounding him.

Then, due to the energy concentration and some protection from AllForOne, the broadcast helicopter was still able to work normally, and the current tragic situation was completely displayed to the people across the country!!!!!

In the national TV pictures, it was a sinkhole with a diameter of more than three kilometers! And in the center of this huge pit is a bottomless hole with a diameter of more than 500 meters!!!

" watch watch watch...Audiences...All...Have you seen them all? this...This kind of of damage...bad..."

"this...that is...AllForOne (teacher)...strength...���(Midoriya Izuku, Shigabaraki)

Seeing this, the two heirs who were rescued by Kurogiri and Nangong Yue were dumbfounded at this moment.

However, their moods are completely different!

"no...How can this be?"

"Mother...this is not true...Is it right?"

"Hahaha...a ha ha ha!!!! this...This is the power of that adult!!!"

"Mother...Where is All Might?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~ Is it really good to play so big?"......

Just when audiences in other parts of the country lamented such destructive power,... boom!!!!!

At the edge of the giant crater, a shock wave shot straight into the sky, scattering a large amount of rubble.

With such a movement, the camera on the helicopter also dutifully focused on the past.


Yes, this was All Might who was buried under a large amount of rubble. However, the ragged All Might was not as strong as before.

All Might now looks obviously several times thinner than the muscular man that everyone usually sees.

If he looked like a bodybuilding champion with huge muscles before, All Might now looked like a muscular man with a stronger than standard figure.

Seeing All Might appear, after the breakthrough was completed, AllForOne, which was absorbing electricity to replenish energy, slowly fell down and stopped at the same height as All Might over the giant pit.......

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