
It was night again. In the bedroom, Nangong Yue, whose arms were tightly hugged by a sleeping little loli, entered the spiritual space again.

Starting tonight, he will use ten thousand times the speed of thought to speed up the progress.

For the safety of the two lolita, Nangong Yue is still prepared to let them learn Tianyi.

However,"Tian Yi" needs a different space as a transit, and after Nangong Yue leaves, there is no different space in this world for them to use.

Therefore, after dawn, Nangong Yue would spend ten hours creating a small different space for the two of them.

The reason why it only takes five hours to complete one is mainly because Nangong Yue is not ready to create an overly advanced alien space for them.

You know, Nangong Yue's current alien space is independent of the world. The toughness of the space wall can basically rival that of the world wall!!!

What's more, Nangong Yue has never stopped nourishing the alien space, and his alien space has been gradually strengthening.

This time, Nangong Yue plans to rely on the world wall of this world to create two different spaces that are five meters high and 20 meters long and wide.

It can be said that you only need to find the correct coordinates, then use"space modeling" to directly open it, and then use the reinforcement technique in"Tian Shift" to transform it.

Therefore, the next step is to supervise the two of them to learn the 'Heaven Shift', and then help them bind different spaces.

After that, it’s still a headache to compress the casting time....There is a long way to go~

Compared to the main body who lives in a different space every day and uses ten thousand times the speed of thinking to speed up the hard liver surgery, the clones all over the world are also very busy, especially the five in the Eurasian continent and Neon Island. A clone.

Huaxia's No. 0 and No. 10 are okay. Although there are many Huaxia people, there are two people who can be divided to collect their personalities.

But the clone No. 3 in Asan Kingdom felt uncomfortable. More than a billion people were all entrusted to him alone. This was really......

The only good news is that it is very convenient to collect personalities in Asan Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom.

Because China cannot use individuality, the use of individuality has long been a part of national life, and there is no need to force them to cast spells with great fanfare; while the Asan Kingdom does not need Nangong Yue to start a war.

Because of the emergence of individuality and the long-term impact of the caste system, the so-called liberation war has never stopped!

Therefore, the No. 3 clone is a lot easier. It is enough to send out a large number of"double" produced inferior clones.

Of course, the clone in space three also needs to work. After all, the main body has already given the order and the time to leave the world is almost here.

After receiving the order, these eleven avatars were speechless, because for these space avatars, if they continue to activate a thousand times of thinking acceleration, and after ten days of maintenance, they will naturally collapse, and there is no need for the main body to actively recover....

Let’s talk about AllForOne...

AllForOne was in a very complicated mood at this time. Since completing his breakthrough the day before yesterday, this guy recalled the feeling Nangong Yue gave him when he first met Nangong Yue.

Now think about it carefully, it seems that at that time, Nangong Yue had already touched the edge of a higher level. Maybe it was the sixth level of combat power?

At that time, he was still stuck at the broken city level, and he had not yet fully returned to his former peak.

However, AllForOne and All Might succeeded in attracting the attention of the world's will, especially the stupid young man AllForOne.

First it shattered the space once in China, and then again in Neon...And it became more serious every time. It was difficult for the world's will not to pay attention to it, and even All Might was targeted.

Compared to the two of them, Nangong Yue, who had not caused any harm to the world, naturally paid less attention to it.

Of course, Nangong Yue can still feel the lock of the world. This can be regarded as a symbolic respect for the existence that has reached the limit of the world....

And those two 'World Destroyers' are under a lot of pressure.

Fortunately for AllForOne, Nangong Yue mentioned the will of the world to him, and he also deduced that it must be because of the war that shattered space, making him the key defense target of the world itself.

Therefore, he was ready to settle down for a while and try to stay away from the berserker All Might.

After all, he didn't want to be exiled from this world without any explanation.

Once, Nangong Yue took him to see the outside world. After losing Nangong Yue's protection, he didn't even last five seconds before being rescued by Nangong Yue.

Therefore, now he is still unable to survive in the void, and at the same time he is more in awe of Nangong Yue. He is a real boss who can escape from the world....

As for All Might, the real stupid young man, he was suffering from the inexplicable pressure on his body these days, which made him very anxious.

Mainly in training, whenever he accumulates strength to a certain level, before throwing a punch, there will always be an inexplicable feeling telling him that once the punch is thrown out with full force, something bad will happen.

Then, this guy still trusts his own intuition, so he can't enjoy himself every time he practices.

The only good news is that after his streamlined true figure was exposed, he seems to have more fans...

Soon, fifteen days passed.

Just today, the clone No. 3 in Asan Kingdom officially disintegrated, and a large amount of spell information was added to Nangong Yue's memory bank, waking him up from the deduction.

Nangong Yue was noncommittal about the grievances of the clone in Space 3 who died of overwork. After quickly browsing the information on the techniques, he continued to start his own work.

Speaking of the two lolita characters, Badri and Toru Hagakure, Badri successfully compressed the casting time of Apparition to less than 0.1 seconds.

Moreover, on the tenth day, after Badli broke through the bottleneck of"0.1 seconds", the progress of the practice of disembodiment further accelerated.

Now, Bad Li has compressed the teleportation casting time to 0.06 seconds!

As for Tohru Hagakure, it was stuck at 0.11 seconds perfectly.

Because of this, Tohru Hagakure is being teased every day by the same villain who also masters"Think Acceleration", and she has no way to do it because of her slow casting speed....

After fifteen days, with the increase in"energy release", the two of them were able to use the six postures more skillfully.

However, due to energy reserve issues, Badori can last for five minutes, while Toru Hagakure can last for three minutes.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Bad Li's body was still too young and Nangong Yue deliberately imposed a seal on her, slowing down her energy refining speed and blocking the upper limit of her energy reserve, Bad Li wouldn't have had a problem holding on for twenty minutes!

This is also the reason why geniuses with excessive qualifications are often short-lived.

They often redeem their qualifications prematurely when they are very young, regardless of their physical limitations.

Although he gained strength in advance, the foundation of his body was damaged, resulting in the loss of a large amount of vitality.

As for Bad Li, he has not been forced into a desperate situation, so there is no need to act too hastily. Step-by-step growth is enough.

In terms of learning spells, due to the lack of information reserves in Bad Li, there is basically no difference in the learning speed between the two.

After fifteen days, I learned a total of twenty-six spells, usually two spells a day.

Only 'Malicious Perception' and 'Heart Wall' were more important, so it took two full nights of practice to learn and train.

The current fighting strength of these two lolita is that Toru Hagakure is at the level of an opponent at best, while Naori is barely at the level of a broken army due to"physiological regression".

Facing Bad Li, as long as she has enough energy, the ordinary army cannot fight at all. It only takes Bad Li flashing in the army a few times and the army will be basically scrapped.

However, despite their lack of combat power, those strong men could do nothing against them.

In any case, the combination of accelerated thinking and apparation is too foul.

Even if they have targeted personalities, such as 'space blockade', if the blockade has already been completed, both of them are masters of space perception. How can they still walk in stupidly?

If you wait for them to enter the blocked area and then block them later, I'm sorry, use 'Malicious Perception' and 'Thinking Acceleration' to understand. By the time the blockade is completed, they will have already run away.

Even when faced with mental personalities, the 'wall of heart' is enough to make them immune to most illusions.

Once one person's 'wall of heart' is broken, or is really in danger, the tracking technique planted by Nangong Yue will be triggered, and the specific situation and the real-time coordinates of the two people will be sent to All Might.

Toshinori Yagi, a taijutsu master at the early stage of destroying the country, let’s find out.

Not to mention, since he learned how to use mental power, in addition to speeding up his thinking, this uncle only learned mental coercion, which is similar to the use of 'Overlord Color Dominance'.

In fact, compared to All Might, AllForOne is more reliable because of its richer methods.

AllForOne is very similar to Nangong Yue. They are both troublesome as enemies, but very reassuring as companions, a typical double standard.

Even if he originally adopted Shimura Tenka, it wasn't entirely to disgust All Might. In fact, part of it was because he saw the similarities between Shimura Tenka and himself.

Later, AllForOne really tried its best to cultivate Shiganmudiao, almost to the point of doting on him.

And Shibengmudiao himself is not stupid. He naturally understands why AllForOne adopted him, and he also feels AllForOne's dedication. Naturally, he has no grudges in his heart and truly accepts AllForOne as a teacher.

But there is no way, who makes Ye Yintou and Baoli still legal citizens on the surface? We definitely can't let AllForOne take action. In that case, wouldn't Nangong Yue's identity be exposed first? Although Nangong Yue no longer cares.

So I can only leave it to All Might, who is a professional hero.......

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