"Drink!!!!"(All Might)

"a ha ha ha!!!"(Dead Arm Wood Crane)


A long scratch appeared again on the already dilapidated open space. And because of the fierce battle in the previous five minutes, the Dead Arm Wood Cracker was also very good at dealing with this kind of attack..

He flashed forward diagonally, and after confirming to avoid the shock wave, he flashed back again and approached All Might.

"it's useless! Where can an attack of this speed be used? come! Hurt each other! Don't get out of the way!

Isn't your strongest thing your fist?!

You don't hit me directly, but you still want to hurt me?!

Don't underestimate people! All Might!!!!! who do you think You Are?! Who do you think I am again?!!!"

Avoiding Death Grip Mu Diao's surprise attack again, All Might turned around and yelled, and at the same time he rushed forward and punched out,

"Enemy! You are so arrogant!



This shock wave, because of All Might's anger, is much stronger than before, but,

"Hero~ you finally made a mistake!"

Although the power is somewhat beyond the expectations of the dead handle wood crane, under the accelerated thinking, even if the magnification is not high, it is easy to react.

Similarly, teleport diagonally forward to avoid the attack, and then teleport back a second time, pulling Close range.

However, this time, All Might exerted too much force, which caused the freezing time to be extended by an insignificant amount, but...

"Finally, I was caught!!!"

While All Might was in a state of stiffness, Shigan Muhang's right hand violently grasped his right side, All Might's right arm!

"Give me! Collapse!!!"


A sharp pain made the angry All Might calm down. In less than 0.2 seconds, All Might, who recovered from the stiff state, whipped his leg with great force and swept away the greedy dead wood hanging.!

And the dead Mudang who was hit was not willing to let All Might go, so he grabbed hard with his right hand! Under the influence of"Hengkai", a large piece of muscle was bloodyly torn off!

With the help of this heavy blow, the two sides were able to distance themselves again. It was okay that All Might's whip leg had slightly injured his internal organs, but it did not hinder the rest of the battle.

It's really not optimistic. The right arm, which is tightly held by the dead handle, has lost nearly half of its muscles! It's almost affecting the bones, and then the arm is completely broken! That leg, because the entire front side of the calf was in contact with the dead body, not to mention the fabric of the pants, had"collapsed" and the skin had completely fallen off.

Fortunately, because of the short time of contact, it did not. It affects the muscles, but with All Might's willpower, it does not affect his use.

"Trouble is, the left hand can only produce 50% of the force, and the right hand is basically useless. It is impossible to hit it with the head. That is asking for death!

In other words, only the legs and left hand can be used...?......"

As for Shibeng Mudiao, his self-confidence has been rapidly expanding due to his continuous achievements. Even though his physical strength has been greatly consumed, he still vomited blood and taunted, regardless of his unstable breath:

"Hello! Hello!!! hero! What a hero!!!

What's wrong? If you are disabled, you won't be able to fight?! ah?! answer me!

A symbol of peace!!!"

At this time, the mental fluctuations of the dead handle wood crane were very violent. The"collapse" energy that was originally just wrapped around the body began to spread uncontrollably to the surroundings. The ground within five meters around him began to... of subsidence


Has personality evolved?!

Or were you hiding your clumsiness before?!

This is really troublesome. Hasn’t the support arrived yet?"......

Long time no see, the perspective turns to Nangong Yue.

"Oh, Brother Diao, you can do it~

You can push Uncle Yagi to this point.

But there was nothing that could be done about it. All Might was not in his prime, so he couldn't kill the dead wood crane with one blow.

Therefore, the personality of this guy, especially when developed to such an extent, can defeat all melee combat!

However, we can't let All Might really become disabled."

(Shitangmu, we are about to take action. You did very well. You passed the first stage of the trial.

I have completely recorded this memory image and will give it to the uncle afterwards.

Also , All Might cannot really be abolished. Next, you still need this highest combat power to maintain a stalemate with your teacher.

This is also the content of my cooperation with you.)

(Tch! I understand!

So, Hero. How long will it take for the support to arrive? )

(You have controlled the time very well, there is less than one minute left.

So, don’t do anything anymore, and quickly recover your strength now, we have to treat All Might.

Next, This is the real highlight!

Please be prepared!)



All Might was defeated by me, so those reinforcements are nothing!)

(Don’t bloat, you are just restraining melee combat, your Honkai Impact , although it is extremely powerful, it is currently unable to be shattered instantly, which is the biggest drawback of your ability.

For example, if you encounter a more powerful sniper, the bullet will definitely be destroyed by you. The shield shatters the bullet before it hits your body.

As for the other weird characteristics, I don't want to talk about it. You can control it yourself.)


At least it makes me happy!!! )

In less than five seconds, Nangong Yue completed the mental communication with the dead handle wooden crane who was under accelerated thinking, fell directly to the ground, teleported, and moved behind All Might.

"I said, uncle, you are really underestimating the enemy. Originally, when you were in relatively good condition, you only had to give the guy opposite you a hard blow, but now it doesn't matter.

Also, you are also an experienced hero. Even if the war six years ago was your heartache, are you so provoked?

That moment of fatal stiffness, if the opponent was willing to trade injury for life, you would have been dead long ago!!!

Now, tsk tsk tsk~ It’s really incredible, you don’t want your hands anymore?"

After hearing Nangong Yue's preaching, All Might was in severe pain and completely calmed down.���Shi also knew that he had been embarrassed, but the enemy was facing him, so he decisively asked Nangong Yue for help:

"that...Young Nangong, please treat me"

"Hey~ No problem~

One by one, at least it saves us some trouble!

Definition, the human body is on top and space is on the bottom."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Yue opened a space door beside him, and then before the dead handle wood crane rushed up and touched him, he pulled All Might in and quickly closed the space door.

He didn't want to be trapped by the space door. The cutting dead wood crane also hurriedly braked.

At this time, because the speed of the battle was too fast, the black mist in the crowd flashed to the dead wood hanging and asked:

"Um, Damn it, how long until the heroic reinforcements arrive?"

"Nangong Yue had informed me mentally before. Calculating the time, there was still half a minute.

Therefore, as the"door", you must be prepared at all times.

Brainless has been recovered by the teacher. You must always pay attention. Once you are subdued, I may not be able to free my hands to save you. By then, we will not be able to leave! do you understand?!"



Although my weakness has not been exposed yet, they still think that I am completely infirm, but I will be careful."

"Um. Get ready for battle."

Half a minute passed very quickly. In Nangong Yue's different space, he used the current extreme level of"life force on top, human body on the bottom" to regenerate All Might's missing muscles first.

In All Might's The moment Te's muscles replenished, Nangong Yue stopped the"priority" function. The reason was simple. All Might couldn't hold on, so he quickly threw a bottle of high-efficiency nutrient solution prepared in advance to All Might.

Then, he opened the space door, and walked out with All Might under the worried eyes of many classmates, and then closed the door.

Nangong Yue clicked out. Just as the two stepped out of the space door, Xiongying's. All combat teachers also arrived under the leadership of the principal

"Sorry, everyone, we are late!

I summoned everyone who could act immediately and rushed over."

"Hero Department, Year A, Tenya Iida, is back to report!!!"


There was a gunshot, and the dead handle wooden hanging, which was always vigilant, spread its own collapse wave at an extremely fast speed!

Twenty meters away from him, the bullets fired at him began to collapse, and in the blink of an eye, In the meantime, the spot less than five centimeters from the right temple of the dead man was completely turned into flying ash.

Then, the weak shock wave caused by the bullet messed up the hair of the dead man. Really enraged!

The huge mental power permeated the surroundings directly, driving the"Hengkai" personality, continuously shattering the ground around him. Soon, the ten-meter radius around where the dead wood crane stood turned into sand!

At the same time, a head of light blue broken hair, just like when Aizawa Shota activated his personality, stood up and floated directly, and the pupils exposed through the hand specimen were also shining with red light!


It's really thrilling. Sure enough, even if my personality is developed to this extent, I am still not good at dealing with long-range attacks~

Especially this kind of extremely fast one!

Hello!!! Bastard fish!!!

All rush forward to explore the path for me!!!

Don't look at me like that! Think it through for me! Facing heroes, you can survive, but resisting me, you will only die!!!

Got it, hurry up and rush! Don't make me angry, everyone who is slow will die!!!"......

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