
By the way, can you control those objects that you have imposed a state of weightlessness?"

"Sorry, monitor, I can't..."(Liri)


Hey~ Come on~ There is one more person who needs to practice spiritual power....Also, Erlang, your combat equipment needs to be modified. Just installing loudspeakers on your legs is not enough.

Especially the forearms of both hands cannot be missing.

When you were in USJ, I don't know if you made a mistake and didn't have both hands equipped, or if the combat uniform was designed that way.

Also, you can also install a loudspeaker on your neck like Mr. Mike did. This way, it will be much more convenient for you to use the headphone jack.

Also, practice the strength and penetrating power of the pair of earrings. They can be used as assassination weapons."

"...I will change it..."

Suddenly I heard Nangong Yue mentioning myself. I was stunned for a few seconds before I came back to my senses. Then I thought about the battle situation in USJ. The loudspeaker was on both legs. It was really stupid!

Now it seems that I may need to complain to my combat uniform provider....

"So, for the remaining students, according to my observations over the past few days, there are no problems with your personality development and the direction is clear.

Therefore, you have only one mission, to practice physical skills.

During this period, All Might, Aizawa-sensei, and I will supervise you.

Also, after school this afternoon, the few people who need to practice spiritual power, Touchan, Reihi, Eight Million, and Kaminari (spiritual messenger) over there, will go with us to find Mr. Aizawa.

It just so happens that I want to teach him the detailed use of mental power, so I will also give you some basics of mental power.

Now, the physical arts team comes out! Rest of free activities"


The time for class (cultivation) passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time to finish school in the afternoon.

Looking back at the physical training group selected during the afternoon break, Nangong Yue sent away those who were not physically strong enough with a copy of their physical training notes.

The remaining Kirishima Eijiro, Midoriya Izuku, and Shoji Mezo were all forced to use"shaving". Although it was considered a success, one of them suffered severe muscle strain in their calves.

But looking at the excited eyes of these three people, Nangong Yue wondered whether they had awakened something strange. Well, it was possible.

Back to the present, Nangong Yue was about to take the"spiritual team" and go directly to Aizawa Shota, but as soon as he opened the door,

"Acridine~ The way we opened it must be wrong~"

Bang!!! (Close the door)

Squeak~ (Open the door)


Everyone, where are you grocery shopping?

Sorry, there is no rice here. Go somewhere else.~"


After hearing Nangong Yue’s teasing, the iron man from Class B, Tie Zhe Che Tie, jumped out directly from the crowd,

"Bastard of Class A! We are here to declare war on you!!!"

"Yep, we must be here to investigate the enemy's situation. After all, we survived the enemy's attack."

Looking at the darkness at the door, Bakugou Katsuki made a disdainful judgment.

Nangong Yue stared at this"outstanding bird", looked at him blankly for a few times, and then turned back,

"Well, Kirishima, your brother?"

"Tsk, how could I have such a violent brother?

What to do? Don't look at me like that!

Although I am passionate, I am not so reckless!"

"What did you say?!!!"(Tetsuo was furious, but he was being held up and couldn't get over)

Seeing that the crowd showed no intention to disperse, Bakugou Katsuki, who was about to leave, became impatient.

"There is no point in doing this kind of useless work! Get out of the way! The bitches!!!"

Bakugo Katsuki's provocation fell, and a thin purple-haired figure squeezed out of the crowd, looking at everyone in Class A with his dead fish eyes similar to Shota Aizawa's,

"I thought about coming over to see what Class A is all about, but are they all so arrogant?"

Ignoring the increasingly ugly expressions on Class A's classmates, this guy continued:

"Many of us were assigned to general subjects because we failed the exam.

However, the school also gave us a chance. Based on our performance at the sports festival, we will be considered to be reclassified into the hero department.

In turn, naturally it is also true!

Our general department is here to declare war this time!"

Hearing this good-tempered bastard speak like this, Nangong Yue, as the squad leader of Class A, probably understood this guy's methods and responded:

"Declaring war on behalf of general subjects?


Let’s understand, kid, Heroine’s sports festival is not based on classes!

There is no concept of"team" at all!

It can be said that it is a complete personal melee!

At this time, is it useful for you to declare war in such a united manner?

When the time comes to stab your classmates in the back, none of you will show mercy!

So, make no mistake, what really needs attention is not a certain class, but some powerful individuals!

By the way, this worrying child is able to trick so many people here, thanks to you~"

After saying that, Nangong Yue walked straight forward, and suddenly stopped beside the shocked worried child. ,

"You just used your personality on me~

What an excellent personality~ But you have never considered practicing physical skills~

Also, during the entrance exam, you can completely control a large number of people to help you fight monsters.

And Xiongying's teacher is not a fool. The scores of those who are controlled by you will eventually be counted on your head.

Whether it's points for destroying imaginary enemies or rescue points for hidden options, you can easily earn a lot!

If this is the case, it is very likely that I will not be the first in the entrance exam~

Well~ although we don’t care about this."

At this time, Xin Cao Renshi, who was backlashed by his mental power, turned his head stiffly and slowly, with an expression of disbelief.

"for...Why, my personality...Useless? ? ?"


Oh My God!!!

As a personality holder of the divine system, don’t you know how to use spiritual power?!

To be honest, sometimes I envy you spiritual people.

Because, as long as you use your personality to perceive your mental power, and then develop it properly, you can even use your mental power to simulate almost any spiritual personality!

So, my child~ It’s a pity that you have been idle for many years~~

In other words, you have gone far~~~"

I patted this guy on the shoulder, then turned back,

"You four, come here!

If there is anything left, you can come if you want, we won’t force you.

However, remember to inform your family. Shota Aizawa will notify your family a second time when the time comes.

(Definition, the air is on top, and the human body is on the bottom.)

Huh~ (Blow while using mental power to push the air)"

A breeze blew by, but the non-Class A students who were originally gathered together were blown directly to both sides, clearing the road. After coming out, Nangong Yue took the lead directly to Aizawa Shota's office


At night, after sending away the main students and the crowd of spectators, Nangong Yue arrived at the place where he first arrived on the planet.

The people who guided Aizawa Shota before were basically following the process, just like Saya and the others, directly feeding them information and letting them play with it on their own.

The most he can do is watch from the sidelines, lest they play too big and destroy his brain, which would be difficult for him, Nangong Yue.

Although Nangong Yue can repair damaged brains, these children are not like him, Nangong Yue, whose souls can be completely independent of the body. Even if they are repaired by then, God knows how much memory will still exist.

What's even more frightening is that if something goes wrong with these characters who are obvious to be the main characters, not to mention attracting the attention of the world's consciousness, if they attract some time travellers, then Nangong Yue will be in trouble.

If it's just the kind that has nothing but a fused soul, then you can let Nangong Yue rub it in circles, but he's afraid of those with systems!

God knows what kind of incredible existence those damn systems will lead to. Maybe those old immortals will just be hiding in them!

At the same time, as soon as those systems detect him, they may directly control the host and use methods much higher than Nangong Yue's current level to swallow him directly. Then Nangong Yue has no place to reason.

Speaking of which, as for the mental technique, Nangong Yue only gave"Thinking Acceleration" and"Memory Imprinting" to Aizawa Shota, of course, it is the"personality" version.

After all, this guy will definitely be his enemy in the future.

In Nangong Yue's view, if the enemy is stronger, he will have more fun, but if it is strong enough, it will be trouble!

But yes, Nangong Yue is this kind of contradictory individual who hates trouble but likes to make trouble for himself.

Walking barefoot on the beach, stepping on the waves and blowing the sea breeze, Nangong Yue began to count his recent gains after a long absence.

(The speed of collecting personalities is now one per minute, and only less than 300,000 have been collected so far. The progress is worrying.

However, I don’t want to directly operate the spirit body ~ that would be meaningless to exercise....

Let’s take it slow. Anyway, what we lack most is time.

But, haha...I don't want to stay in this world for tens or hundreds of years...

However, after suppressing it to the peak of the fourth level, as expected, the world consciousness no longer cares.

Moreover, after Uncle Shikaragi broke through to the fifth level, he was there to help us withstand the attention of world consciousness first, followed by Uncle Yagi, and then with the"help" of Uncle Tudou, we also successfully advanced to the fifth level. level...

Acridine~ It's reasonable and reasonable, and it is possible to be judged as a strong person born in the world. When the time comes, we will be given more green lights, eh...How wonderful this future is~)

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