"Full coverage! Forty percent!!!

Detroit!!! Smash!!!!!"

A lower uppercut punch diagonally upward in the direction of Hong Jiao Dong, with a powerful shock wave. He quickly broke through the fire pillar aimed at him and rushed straight towards Hong Jiao Dong in the sky!

And Hong Jiao Dong in the sky above Freeze, seeing the lines on Izuku Midoriya's body glowing again, in conjunction with Izuku Midoriya's obvious forward movements, plus what Izuku Midoriya did against Katsuki Bakugou in All Might's class , and also knew the way Izuku Midoriya would move next, and dodged the shock wave early before it hit him.

"Spectators in the stands above! Pay attention to protect yourself!!!"(Mike)

After Izuku Midoriya's shock wave passed by Todoroki Todoroki, he quickly rushed to the upper stand behind Todoroki Todoroki.

However, before arriving at the stand, the shock wave had been weakened to the level of strong wind, so it was only It blew some of the audience's hats away, and the audience was not in danger....

"Green Valley! It seems that you are simply unable to carry out such an intense and sustained battle right now!

But don’t worry! I don’t want to slowly drag down your physical strength until it is completely exhausted, and then use this to win!

You look a lot like All Might! It’s so similar!!!

And you know, my goal is to surpass All Might!

The upright kind!!!

This is not an ideal imposed on me by my bastard father!

But I rely on my own will to decide things!!!

Therefore, I must break through your obstacle by facing the enemy head-on!!!

So, take the plunge!!!!"

While speaking, Todoroki Todoroki was also slowly rising into the air, and then stopped twenty meters above the ring.

Then, Todoroki Todoroki aimed his hands at Izuku Midoriya diagonally below. The next moment, Todoroki Todoroki was on his body. The left half of the ice armor began to turn red! However, it did not melt under his continuous ice creation!

The right half began to feel cold and cold!...

"This move is a large-scale killing move I developed based on the move used by Gabriel, the Archangel in the Bible, to destroy civilization!

Green Valley!!!

No need to think about avoiding it! You absolutely can't escape this dense rain of arrows!!!

So, bear it head-on!!!

Meteor shower!!!!!!"

Then, densely packed huge ice spikes almost completely covered the arena below with extremely fast shooting frequency. In other words, all of Midoriya Izuku's escape routes were completely blocked!!!

And every ice spike , are covered with extremely terrifying flames!

The extremely high flame temperature quickly vaporizes the surface of the ice arrows! This also causes the air around the ice arrows to rapidly expand!

The characteristics of penetration, impact, and high temperature!

Facing the large-scale attack of Todoroki Izuku, Izuku Midoriya can only blast the shock wave to face the enemy head-on!

However, at this time, Todoroki Izuku is far away from him! But it was a full 20 meters long!

Even if the shock wave of Midoriya Izuku was blasted at 45% of Oneforall's full coverage, it was completely unable to hit Todoroki Todoroki, who had enough reaction time, and he easily dodged it!!

Moreover, while dodging the shock wave, the blast of ice arrows did not stop, but the shooting speed was further increased! Therefore

, the arrow rain that Midoriya Izuku had to face became even denser!

Izuku had no choice but to blast out shock waves with his fists one after another!

At this time, Izuku felt bitter in his heart because Todoroki Todoroki did not use gentle attacks that did not hurt. , slowly draining his physical strength!!

If the output continues at this level, he will completely lose his ability to fight in less than two minutes! , we must fight quickly and bet on this last blow!

"Todoroki classmate! You are so strong!!!

However, I can't give up!!!" boom!!!

"The fact that you keep keeping distance from me shows that your melee ability is definitely not as good as mine!

For this reason, you even don’t hesitate to explode your abilities for a long time and let yourself continue to fly into the air!!!" boom!!!!!

"Todoroki classmate! Since you always try your best to avoid close combat, I can't let you get what you want!!!" boom!!!!!!!

"Full coverage!!!

Sixty percent!!!"

Crack!!! (The ground is cracking and sinking! And the sound of bones cracking!)


Midoriya Izuku once again burst out with greater power, decisively jumped into the sky, and quickly approached the Todoroki Todoroki above!

"Haha~ I can't let you get close. This kind of power, when it reaches this height, is probably its limit."

Todoroki Todoroki, who didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, calculated what he thought was a safe distance. After taking off to the predetermined position, he actually stopped like this?!!!

Then, he aimed at Izuku Midoriya below, Keep shooting though!...

"Todoroki-kun...you! Careless!!!

Moon step!!! uh-huh!"

Crack! (Further bone fracture!)


Just when he was ten meters away from Todoroki Izuku, who was about to stall and fall, his legs burst out with terrifying power and stepped on the air!

Then, he accelerated again Rush towards Hongjiao Dong not far above!



Seeing Izuku Midoriya accelerating twice in the air, Todoroki Todoroki's originally calm expression suddenly turned ferocious!!!


Don't you want to surpass All Might?!!

So! Just give it to me! Take this punch well!!!


Smash!!!!!" boom!!!!!!!!!!


Stop it for me!!!!"

Crack, click, click!"

Faced with a shock wave that was far greater than before, although it was far less than that of the horse-riding battle, Nangong Yue charged up and bombarded the shock wave of extraordinary magnitude directly above the venue.

But! This is not His body can withstand it!!

And he doesn’t want to lose to Bakugou Katsuki!

There is no reason to lose to that violent explosion bastard!

So, before Midoriya Izuku's shock wave is about to shatter the last ice layer, the left half of his body is set on fire!

"Green Valley!

You are not All Might!!!

I! Boom!!! How can it be!!

Defeated by someone of your caliber!!!


Then, he stretched his extremely hot left hand towards the ice that was about to break in front!!!...Da Yin Xi Sheng... boom!!!!!

Because of the terrifying high temperature, all the ice near the blast, including the ice armor on his body, instantly vaporized!!!

It was also through this that a terrifying shock wave was generated that completely suppressed Izuku Midoriya!

After two seconds of stalemate, Izuku Midoriya's last blow broke through. The remaining weak impact passed over Izuku Midoriya's body that had reached the limit, causing his body that was still rising rapidly to stop. Mid-air!

Then, he lost all ability to resist, and because of his serious injury, his body's self-protection mechanism was triggered, and Izuku Midoriya, who lost consciousness, and Todoroki Todoroki, who lost his ice armor, fell to the ground below.

Looking at Midoriya Izuku's state, Todoroki Todoroki, who was above him, easily extended an icicle with his right hand, and then froze Midoriya Izuku.

While trapping Izuku Midoriya, relieve his injuries.

Then, he raised his right hand and placed Izuku Midoriya on top of him. Then when he was ten meters away from the ground, he aimed his left hand at the ground and blasted out a terrifyingly powerful flame pillar. At the same time, the speed of the two men's descent dropped sharply.

In the end, the two landed safely.

After putting Izuku Midoriya down and defrosting him, Todoroki Todoroki was breathing heavily.

The referee's bench, after confirming that Izuku Midoriya has lost the ability to move

"Izuku Midoriya is incapacitated!

Boom, Jiao Dong, win!!!"

In the stands, the Pro Hero Zone...

"This Izuku Midoriya is really unlucky.~"

"That is, I just recovered from my injury and came on the field, but in the blink of an eye, I was back in the hospital bed again."

"However, this guy is really strong!!!

That level of physical explosion is even stronger than most of our professional heroes!!!"

"However, once the outbreak time has passed, you will lose your combat ability and even your ability to move!"

"Um...is a problem.

But it doesn't matter. As long as his physical strength is improved through training, he will be able to fight for a long time with his current strength!"

"Moreover, when his physical strength increases, his explosion will be even more terrifying!!! simply..."

"Just like All Might!!!"

"That makes sense!!!"

"However, Andeva's son is really strong!!!

The complementarity of ice and fire! Genius flying idea!

The same powerful shock wave!!!"......

The stands of Class A,

"Midoriya's performance is very good, and so is Todoroki~

So, Chang An, let's go and give you a ride."

With that said, Nangong Yue opened a space door leading to the arena, and then walked in first.

Chang An Tayin also signaled to the surrounding students, and followed him in......

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