After coming back to his senses, Gao Cheng Saya looked at Nangong Yue who turned around slowly. Although she felt unhappy, looking at the scene in front of her, she determined that the black-haired boy in front of her was an existence involved in the rumored world.

But thinking about this guy's careless appearance all day long, he unceremoniously sat down on the sofa to the right of Nangong Yue.

Seeing that the sofa she was sitting on clearly didn't look like a normal object, and thinking of the note that suddenly appeared in class, Saya Takagi felt a sense of longing in her heart.

After all, little girls her age have no resistance to these fantasy things. Even a materialistic top student like Takagi Saya is not immune to the vulgarity.

"Can't you tell, our school's famous salted fish genius is still a hidden big shot~

Tell me honestly what's going on, why should you ask the Gaocheng family for such a big deal?"

After all, the two have known each other for two years. Saya Gaocheng did not regard herself as an outsider and said unceremoniously.

"Haha~ You are so courageous. This is why our friendship is good. If it were another mage, it would be embarrassing to see ordinary people talking to me and make you doubt your life.

Well~ There is one more fried noodle bread, let’s eat~"

Listening to this familiar tone, Nangong Yue didn’t care and sent another bread in the storage space to Saya Gaocheng.

"Wow! Aliga...many. Is this space magic in the comics?

Not bad. Is it any wonder that you hardly bring anything with you every day? Do you keep all your things in your carry-on space?

How convenient!

Also, are the two sofas we are sitting on also the product of your magic?

Isn't it also a space type of magic?

Did the bread just now and the note before move teleport?

Is it possible that you can manipulate space as you wish?

No...If it's magic, is there anything else?......"

Nangong Yue couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw Gao Chengshaye opening up his chatterbox.

In less than two seconds, Nangong Yue reacted and just watched Gaocheng Saya asking questions one by one without replying. The important thing is that he couldn't get a word in....

After another half minute, the excited Fenmao finally cooled down.

"Ahem! Ahem! I am not curious!

Um. That's right! That's it

﹤( ̄へ ̄)"

Nangong Yue watched helplessly as the pink-haired twin ponytails demonstrated the"standard mode of tsundere" in front of her. She didn't try to undermine him, and chose a few questions that could be answered and replied,

"ah...Ah~ As you expected, I am a warlock. It doesn't matter whether you think of me as a magician, an onmyoji, or a Taoist priest.

I don't differentiate between these things.

The sofa and the storage space are both products of the same technique, which is also my current major, called space modeling.

The function is just as the name suggests. With great achievements, you can ravage space arbitrarily, but it is difficult to move instantaneously with this technique.

Um...Using storage space to access items does not count.

There is another technique that can achieve instant movement. The name of the technique is shapeshifting. It is a technique that exchanges two spaces with each other.

Of course, you can only change two spaces at a time. To change multiple spaces, you can only cast spells in plural."

Nangong Yue took out a bottle of water, took a sip, threw it back into space, and continued:

"As for manipulating space at will, don't even think about it. It's still very early. I'm still just getting started, and there are still many complicated operations that I haven't learned, or can't learn.

My current level of space magic has almost reached my current limit.

In short, I can only enrich my own methods now. If I want to increase my limit, I won’t have to think about it in a short time.

After all, human body energy is limited, and many high-intensity operations are extremely difficult for humans. I am not going to touch them now to avoid damaging the foundation."

"That's it...That's great. So what does Nangong-kun want from me or the Gaocheng family?"

After listening to Nangong Yue's explanation, Gaocheng Saya was thoughtful and then got to the point.

"Um...I am looking for you this time for one purpose, inheritance.

Ever since I made some achievements in my magic practice a year ago, I have been looking for talents in this school and even this city.

I don't know whether it's luck or something, but I found two geniuses in this school with qualifications far beyond ordinary people. The qualifications of one of them surprised even me!

Originally, I was able to reach this level at my age, and I thought my qualifications must be very extraordinary. It would be an understatement to say that I am one in a million. However, I did not expect to find a monster who is similar to me, or even stronger than me, in a blink of an eye."

Before he finished speaking, Takagi Saya interrupted the topic with an arrogant look on his face. It was obvious that he had misunderstood something.

"In other words, that monster is me.~

( ̄︶ ̄)"

After saying that, he slightly raised his head proudly.

"that...Feel sorry...That evildoer is not you. Don’t make mistakes in advance. You are another one.

Don't be sad, be happy~ Your qualifications are much better than ordinary people~

So, I still think highly of you.~"


Are there any geniuses in this school who are better than this young lady?

Ah~ You bastard doesn't count.

I do not believe! Who is that guy?!"

Hearing that he was not the one with the best qualifications obviously stimulated Fenmao's self-esteem, and he suddenly became furious.

"Ah~ You should know the one who is stronger than you. Your little arms and legs can’t compete with her."


The eldest lady has question marks all over her head

"Gao Cheng-san~ You must know him, if you just look for him in such a hurry...

I guess you could die instantly.

Just a reminder, Kendo Club."

Looking at the pink-haired lolita who hadn't reacted yet, Nangong Yue reminded



After receiving the clear instructions, Takagi Saya reacted instantly and became emotional at the same time.

"Ah~ It's her.

I already visited the Busujima family yesterday. I was lucky. The head of the Busujima family happened to come back yesterday and also consulted Busujima family.���Based on the opinions of Master and Busujima-senpai, Uncle Busujima has agreed to let me teach Busujima-senpai."

"ah!!! After making trouble for a long time, I am actually the second one!

Nangong Yue, you bastard!!!"

Knowing that she was not a precedent, Gaocheng Saya was furious again. Seeing this, Nangong Yue decided to give her some time to calm down.

Half a minute later, seeing Gaocheng Saya's emotions calm down, Nangong Yue also formally extended the invitation.

"So Gao Cheng, if I want to guide you on the path of spiritual practice, can you make the decision yourself?

If that doesn't work, we can go to your home together to ask your parents for their opinions.

Don't worry about your afternoon homework, just use apparation and it'll be quick."

Seeing that Nangong Yue has entered the topic, Gao Cheng Saya began to think deeply, and her expression kept changing. Then she seemed to have figured out something. The rebellious pink-haired loli agreed decisively.

"snort! I can naturally make the decision on this kind of thing, and there is no need to ask my parents!

Anyway, they don’t care about me on weekdays."

Listening to Gaocheng Saya's answer, Nangong Yue secretly thought, 'Sure enough,' but he still respected Saya's decision. After all, this child has a strong self-esteem and should not refute at this time.

However, he still decided to meet her parents alone later, and Good explanation

"Okay, then welcome to join Mr. Nangong’s mage training camp. Let’s gather here after school this afternoon~" After the invitation task was completed, Nangong Yue immediately returned to his original form and gave the instructions informally.

"ah! ah!!! I know, if I can’t beat you, I will definitely make you look good!!!"

After Gao Cheng Saya, who had made the decision without permission, was depressed for a while, hearing this familiar and annoying tone, he instantly resurrected with full blood, said a cruel word, and then turned around and left.


Watching the pink-haired lolita disappear from the naked eye, Nangong Yue removed the sofa where Gao Cheng Saya was sitting and continued to inspect the city's virus laboratory with clairvoyance to avoid mistakes and prepare in advance.

Five minutes later, Nangong Yue, who was sure that there was no problem, stood up and removed the last sofa. After twisting the space and smashing the bread packaging bag and desiccant, the clairvoyant determined the coordinates and put on an invisible shield for himself, and then again and again Use the form of apparation and go to Gaocheng's house......

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