
In Hero Information Science, standing on the podium is still Shota Aizawa, the homeroom teacher of Class A.

It is worth mentioning that Tenya Iida was in a bad state today, probably because of his brother's accident.

However, during the sports festival yesterday, there was no clone of Nangong Yue in Neon Country.

After the clones were separated, they also let the clones do the fighting, while Nangong Yue himself accompanied Ye Yintou in the health room.

However, it's none of Nangong Yue's business.

As for the 'Hero Killer' codenamed Stein, he is a guy who is barely qualified in physical skills and sword skills. He has a rubbish personality and is far worse than a dead man!

However, that kind of extreme thought is suitable for use as a chess piece.

As for the specific operation, he, Nangong Yue, was not prepared to intervene. Last night, he had already asked the clone to communicate with the death handle wooden crane, and left all the authority to him.

However, it is best not to make this guy angry. Once this guy dies and loses such an ideological banner, the progress of the so-called enemy alliance in recruiting elites may be delayed.��

Mentioning the cheap organization name of 'Enemy Alliance', Nangong Yue had laughed at it more than once.

When he originally named the organization, he also considered other names, but in the end he decided to use 'enemy', the purest name.

However, Shibang Mudiao couldn't stand Nangong Yue's constant ridicule, so he finally promised to change the name of the organization to"Hengkai" after his personality when the organization developed to a certain scale. back to present...

Shota Aizawa walked to the podium and went straight to the topic without any nonsense....

Looking at his current state, Nangong Yue was sure that this guy was definitely going to take out his sleeping bag and sleep.

Sure enough, in Nangong Yue's perception, not far outside the classroom door, Teacher Midnight was waiting there.

"Today's 'Hero Information Science' content is quite special. Consider the code name, which is the name of the hero."


Looking at the excited classmates, Shota Aizawa decisively activated his personality and used his mental power to act as a deterrent and calm down these naughty children.

After making sure everyone has calmed down for the time being,

"In fact, this is also related to the 'Professional Hero Recruitment Application' mentioned to you before.

This application will not take effect until you have accumulated a certain amount of experience and are officially recognized after two to three years.

In other words, the 'recruitment application' sent to you first-year students this time is closer to my personal interest in your prospects.

Once they lose interest before graduation, it is common for them to unilaterally cancel their application.

This application is equivalent to pressure.

Then, this is the application result calculated by the school."

Then, Shota Aizawa projected the statistical results.

The results were roughly as follows: Nangong Yue has five thousand points, Todoroki Todoroki has more than four thousand points, Bakugo Katsuki, who did not enter the finals, has more than three thousand points, Chang An behind him, one More than a thousand.

At fifth place, Izuku Midoriya was deducted a lot of points because he was injured in every battle, but considering his combat effectiveness, he still received more than 500 points.

It’s about two hundred......

"Although you have experienced the baptism of USJ, the school still hopes that you will experience the activities of professional heroes first-hand.

Well~ Even though it’s only temporary, if someone takes it randomly..."

At this moment, the classroom door opened with a swish.

"I will let him see what hell is!!!"

Midnight, who was dressed in an indescribable way, walked on stage and stood at the edge of the podium.

Seeing Midnight arriving,

"Then, the taste of naming is left to Midnight to decide. I am not good at this."

Sure enough, Shota Aizawa hid in his sleeping bag and fell asleep against the wall....

Soon, Aoyama Elegance, Wabuki Meiyu, and Ashido Sanna, who had been prepared for it, were publicly executed one after another.

Among them, Aoyama Elegance's was revised by Midnight; (Icannotstoptwingling!)

Ashido Mina's was rejected; (Alien Queen) only Froguki Meiyu's 'Green Move-Elf FROPPY' was well received.

After the students announced one by one, it was Nangong Yue’s turn....

"Better use this one..."

With that said, Nangong Yue walked to the podium and showed the whiteboard


"Hey hey~ Isn’t it too arrogant? I suggest you change it."(midnight)

"...Speaking of arrogance, 'All Might' is the most arrogant code name I have ever heard~

It would be fine if it was 'Allmight', but the problem is that most people secretly interpret it as 'almighty'!!!

He calls himself the 'Almighty God', it's really amazing~"


Hey~ So, what does your hero name mean?"(midnight)

"It's meaningful...

When talking about 'godlike ones', we must talk about Michael, the right-hand man of God in the Bible, the archangel!

And He has an ability, or power, which is to"conclude" a thing, and then the sword in his hand can easily cut off the 'guilty one'.

This power is also named the 'Sword of Judgment'.

In other words, angel magic, light punishment!

Think about the use of our personality 'priority', does it feel familiar?

That's right, Michael defined the priority of the sword in his hand above that of the 'condemned'!

It was also because of this similarity that I decided to use the hero name 'Godlike'!

(hehe...Becoming a true god is my goal! )"

"However, you didn't say '? ? Hero'ah..."(midnight)

"Any questions.....(deterrence)"


Forget it~ Anyway, with your strength, those guys who provoke you will definitely not end well. alright! Next!"

Midnight acquiesced in a cold sweat, and then in order to get rid of the embarrassment, he summoned the next person.......

After class, Nangong Yue found Shota Aizawa because he was not going to participate in that damn internship.

However, in order to avoid trouble, it is better to notify school personnel in advance.

Hearing that Nangong Yue asked for leave, Shota Aizawa was originally very angry.

But thinking about it, it seems that he can't control this monster, so he has no choice but to let Nangong Yue wander around.

After school, Nangong Yue returned to the different space.

Next, in order to facilitate the little Loli's magic practice, Nangong Yue decided to live in a mansion in a different space during this period. open the door,

"I'm back~"

"Welcome back! Oni-chan!"

In a short period of time, the little Lolita, who was attached to Nangong Yue because of the sudden sense of security, suddenly threw herself into Nangong Yue's arms.

Smelling the milky scent of the little bad Li, she smoothed her hair,

"Okay, in the next few days, I will basically be idle every day.

I can spend a few days with you.

Well~ by the way, I will teach you how to refine energy and learn to use mental power.

After all, it’s about taking control of your personality.

Only if you can fully master your own abilities can I safely allow you to contact people from the outside world.

If you accidentally kill someone, I will be in trouble.

You know, even if I have learned the 'renovation' technique, I will never be able to restore the people who have been eliminated by you for too long."

After a day, I had a rough idea of the sudden extra information in my mind. I nodded in Nangong Yue's arms, and then looked up at Nangong Yue firmly.

"I will definitely work hard! hey-hey! I'm a genius!

Apart from anything else, Badori learned about energy refining.

Then Badori discovered that I already had some energy in my body. According to Onii-chan's information, it should be the energy needed to drive my personality. Come on."

Seeing the expression on Bad Li's face, 'Praise me! Praise me!', Nangong Yue picked her up with a smile and walked towards the room. He kissed Bad Li's slightly red face and carefully After feeling it, he smiled and said:

"Acridine~ The refining was indeed successful, so it saved a lot of effort.

So in the next few days, your main task is to control these energies carefully.

At the same time, learn those simple tricks, the two complement each other.

Bad Li, Onii-chan is optimistic about you~"

Nangong Yue is really happy, not only because he has adopted a lovely sister, but also because Bad Li's qualifications are really excellent, even better than Busudao Yaozi!

In other words, as long as you follow the information provided by Nangong Yue and practice step by step, you can smoothly advance to the level of destroying the country!

No matter how slow the progress of practice is, at least before you break through to the level of destroying the country, You won’t encounter any bottlenecks that are too difficult!

"Then, Kouri-chan, just watch TV by yourself, and I'll prepare dinner for you.

Well~ If you are interested, you can come and take a look.

To be honest, we are also looking forward to when we can eat bad Li-chan’s dishes~"

Hearing this, little bad Li-chan, who was originally walking towards the sofa in the living room, flashed in front of Nangong Yue at an astonishing speed!

Clenching her hands into fists Put it in front of your chest, raise your head, and look at Nangong Yue expectantly......


Got it, come with me~"......

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