Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 553 Has the light returned?

Everyone took a closer look, and sure enough, a figure was clearly visible under the broken surface of the ice.

"Quickly, quickly, dig it out and take a look, be careful, don't break people up." Negris said hastily.

However, at this time, Fei Ti suddenly said: "I think it's better to figure out what's going on first. I scanned it with my mind just now, and the ice is full of people."

All people? Everyone hurriedly swept into the ice with their minds, but the ice layer was too thick. Although it was broken into several large pieces, each piece had a diameter of more than ten kilometers. What kind of concept is this?

The highest mountain on the main plane is only more than 8,000 meters high, and a dozen kilometers equals more than 10,000 meters, which is higher than the highest mountain. If it is full of people, it can accommodate hundreds of millions of people from the main plane.

Moreover, the density of ice cubes is higher than that of soil, so the soul scan can't penetrate too far, and can only vaguely see that there are indeed many 'figures'.

"The great God of Libra, please give me the eyes to see through all the fog!" Anthony closed his eyes tightly, then opened them suddenly, and immediately shot two bright beams of light from his eyes, shooting into the ice like a searchlight.

The light penetrated in, and immediately reflected countless figures. They were scattered in different poses, and they were sealed inside by eternal ice.

Although everyone is a well-informed and inhuman guy, seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but thump in their hearts.

"What's the situation? Why are so many people frozen inside? Massacre? Who killed them?" Duroken asked in surprise.

No one knew what was going on, and everyone shook their heads in unison.

Ange suddenly raised his right hand, Teng, a large group of soul flames appeared above his head, like a beacon of soul.

The gentle soul fluctuations spread, and everyone's hearts couldn't help but calm down.

"Whispers of the soul? Chambada, when did this dead skeleton learn this? I thought he wouldn't be able to use the undead godhead, it's too embarrassing for the undead god." Negris calmed down, and couldn't bear it. Live to complain.

Di Yali stretched out her huge head, and asked in a low voice: "Why does the Dragon God have immortality? Are you the Dragon God or the Immortal God? Or the God of Light?"

"Yes, the situation is very complicated, and I will explain it to you later." Negris responded in a low voice, and then asked curiously: "If we are not the Dragon God, what are you going to do? Drive us away? Or fight us?" shelf?"

Di Yali shook her head like a rattle: "I don't want to die, I will be very obedient."

"Smart!" Negris praised, and then relieved: "Ange is indeed a dragon god, and I am also a dragon. I used to be a brass dragon. You can call me the God of Knowledge."

Di Yali blinked her eyes, then retracted her head without making a sound, her face was full of doubts, such a small dragon dared to say that it was the god of knowledge, how could it not believe it.

The whispering of the soul lasted for a while, and An Ge put away the undead godhead and said, "There is no soul."

Anthony, Duroken, Fetti and Negris all gasped involuntarily.

no soul? The implications of this situation are quite frightening.

The soul is the most difficult thing to destroy. When the energy of the soul is too much, they will turn into the breath of death, lurking in various corners, and will emerge when encountering a suitable environment, or become contaminated into soil, or incarnate into a wraith. Or directly become the fire of the soul, giving birth to various undead creatures.

To destroy the soul, it requires very professional and delicate operations, such as purification with holy light and burning with fire.

Even sunlight cannot completely annihilate soul energy, they will hide in the cracks in the soil and sand, and wait until night to emerge.

Unless it is exposed to the sun for days, the only place where there is no breath of death at all is the endless desert wasteland, but there are some caves and ditches where you can find a little breath of death.

Of course, too little breath can't even form a resentful spirit, and it doesn't make much sense, at most it makes people feel cold behind their backs.

But now, in the pitch-black void, there are countless frozen human bodies, but there is no soul at all. What does this represent?

Negris guessed: "It was frozen for too long, so all the soul energy dissipated?"

Duroken immediately shook his head and said: "No, the soul energy will contaminate these ice cubes and turn them into soil... well, the liquid of death breath will turn them into ice of death breath, which will not dissipate, at least It won't dissipate sooner than these ices."

"So, someone specifically dispelled or absorbed the soul energy?" Negris guessed again.

"No." Fei Ti shook his head: "The ice layer is too thick, even if someone can dispel the soul energy on the surface, the soul energy in the depths of the ice layer will not be dispelled. As for absorption, if there is no adult's immortality, it is difficult to dispel it." The soul energy is completely absorbed, and some will always remain."

Negris couldn't figure it out: "This is impossible, that is impossible, it is impossible for these people to still be alive?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and laughed unanimously. They were frozen inside for an unknown period of time, and they were still alive. Then these people's lives were harder than undead creatures.

At this moment, An Ge suddenly asked: "You guys, did you hear that?"

"Hear? Hear what?" Negris asked suspiciously, pricking up his ears, and the others also expanded their perceptions one after another, trying to hear, but they didn't hear anything.

"Someone, speak: light, there is light, is light back...?" Anger repeated.

Negris shuddered, and said in fear: "We didn't hear it, but you did? You have to go to hell."

"What the hell is there to be afraid of? You ask the great sage to come and see you every day. The scary thing is that people can still talk after being sealed for so long. That's really scary. My lord, can you find out who is talking?" Anthony Asked.

Ange pointed his finger, then took out a bottle of pure water, opened the lid, and Thom popped out with a thud, condensing into a pure water figurine.

Angle pointed to the ice cube and said, "Look, the speaker."

"Okay." Thom responded, and with a pounce, he got into the ice like diving, without splashing a drop of water, because he froze quickly.

"Hehe, why is this Tom so obedient recently? Didn't he dislike this kind of impure water before? Why didn't he dislike so many corpses in the ice?" Negris was surprised.

Anthony understood Thom very well, and said: "It doesn't dislike impure water, it dislikes being dirty and can't get back. Now adults can make pure water that will blow it up, so it naturally has no worries. The big deal is that if it gets dirty, ask an adult to purify it, just like a little angel."

"That's right, this dead angel used to rely on Ange to help her recover, and used her big moves every now and then to scorch herself. Now she can't change it. It was Ange who got used to her." Speaking of this, Negris felt Get hot on your back.

Turning his head to look, he saw the little angel glaring at it angrily, and a holy light shone from his finger, causing smoke to rise from its back.

"You son of a bitch!" Negris scolded angrily, and slipped out to hide in front of Ange. If the little angel still stings, it will sting on Ange.

The little angel put away the holy light and glared at it angrily.

Negris said angrily, "You don't care about this damn child."

Ange tilted his head, didn't speak, and threw a cleansing technique on Negris to make sense of it. The little angel controlled it very well, but it was roasted and smoked, and the scales were not broken.

"But this damn child, the control of the Holy Light is getting better and better, and the power can be suppressed so small." Negris muttered.

It is easy to increase the power of Holy Light Shining, just use all your strength, but it is not easy to lower the power. This involves the problem of control. If the pressure is too low and the control is not good, it will not be able to 'shine' and become another Holy light.

At this moment, Ange pulled Negris aside and said, "I found it."

On the ice block, a snow figurine rose up, then solidified and shattered.

At the position where it emerged, a large number of ice cubes shattered and slid out continuously, forming an ice hole very quickly, which continued to penetrate deeper.

Fragmented ice kept pouring out of the ice hole, and more and more, soon filling the ground, and finally, a human body slid out.

This is a woman, wearing a white dress, her whole body is stiff and her eyes are closed.

Anthony took a closer look and said, "There is no breathing, no heartbeat, no soul fluctuations, what is dead is just an empty shell, Tom, are you making a mistake?"

On the crushed ice, a figure of ice and snow stood up: "How dare you doubt me, the water god Tom? You are insulting me. We will fight each other when we have time. There is no mistake. I saw her speak with my own eyes."

After Tom finished speaking, he turned to Ange and said, "My lord, I'm not pure anymore, can you purify me?"

Angerzizizi was subjected to freckle removal to purify the impurities in Tom's body.

"Seeing it with my own eyes? Impossible, such an empty shell is not even considered an undead creature." Anthony leaned forward, sacrificed the holy light, illuminated the body once, and finally came to her face.

The female body's eyes opened suddenly, revealing a pair of frost-like pupils, and said weakly: "Light...Holy it Holy Light, is it the light that has returned?"

Thank you Domineering Werewolf for your reward.

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