Versatile Mage: Evolving from the One-eyed Wolf

Chapter 312 314, Gate to the Underworld

Seeing this horrible scene, the ghosts fled in all directions. For them, being sucked into the pyramid was tantamount to death, and what awaited them was the fate of being torn apart. However, no matter how they struggled, the attraction of the black hole continued to increase until even the thick desert surface was lifted.

The gray cloud of resentment was gradually sucked into the abyss of the pyramid. The trapped ghosts were like a group of fish swept away by the rapids, and no matter how they struggled, they could not escape. In the process, the shrill screams kept echoing in my ears, as if the whole world was shaking.

Finally, after a violent vibration, everything returned to silence, leaving only darkness and the unknown...


"Tear!" After an unknown amount of time, Mo Fan tore open the belly of the Dust Mummy, and the whole person poked his head out of the belly of the undead, greedily breathing the fresh dead air from the outside world.

Mo Fan hurriedly looked around and found that this was an extremely deep cubic chamber!

The four sides were all extremely solid walls, cut very smoothly, and the gaps between the whole blocks were so narrow that not even a hair could fit in.

These rocks fit together to form this cubic tomb, which is about one kilometer long and difficult to estimate in height.

The secret room is extremely vast, even much larger than the pyramid itself. However, Mo Fan knew that the space inside the pyramid is definitely hundreds of times larger than it looks from the outside.

There is a saying that the space inside has been compressed and enlarged; another saying is that the inside of the pyramid is originally another plane, the gate to the underworld!

Mo Fan walked out of the mummy's belly carefully, with slow steps, for fear of making any noise. He observed his surroundings vigilantly, as if countless unknown dangers were hidden in the darkness. His heartbeat was particularly clear in this silent secret room, and every beat was accompanied by tension and anxiety.

The air was filled with a stale and decaying smell. Mo Fan frowned and tried to adapt to the oppressive atmosphere. After some trouble, he finally confirmed that there was no danger nearby, and called the others out of the belly of the Dust Mummy.

"Damn, it's so stinky, I didn't expect to suffer this kind of torture!" Zhao Manyan climbed out of it, cursing and using water magic to wash the stench off his body.

Others also came over. Although they successfully entered the pyramid, this ride left them with psychological trauma. The belly of the Dust Mummy was even dirtier than a living pig's intestines. It was no exaggeration to say that it was a pile of shit.

After a cleansing, everyone finally came back to life.

"Where are we now?" Mu Bai sniffed his clothes and asked, feeling that the smell would not go away.

"According to records, this was once a secret essence factory inside the Pyramid of Khufu. Do you see those tomb executioners? Their mission is to kill any vengeful spirits that stray into this place, and then extract their dead spirit essence. These essences will flow along the carefully designed tomb channels inside the mausoleum, and finally converge into a special steam pool. There, the flames of the hellhounds will continue to roast these essences, transforming them into the purest dead spirit essence. The essence will then be transported to the pharaoh's coffin for the pharaohs sleeping in it to practice, and after hundreds of years, their power will continue to grow." Shreve explained.

At this time, the vengeful spirits that were swept in were still hovering in the air above their heads. Suddenly, a dozen tomb executioners jumped up flexibly, using the ghost hooks that evolved on their palms to quickly and accurately drag a large vengeful spirit down from mid-air.

Once they landed on the ground, these tomb executioners immediately transformed into cruel executioners. Every swing of the axes in their hands left deep marks on the ghosts. In a moment, the big ghost was completely dismembered. Finally, the only remaining wisp of dead soul essence fell slowly into the pond in the center of the secret room like a green drop of water.

"These pharaohs really know how to enjoy themselves. Even after death, there are a group of slaves burning boilers for them to heat the house!" Mo Fan frowned and said with disgust.

"Don't pay attention to them. They are just a group of low-energy machines that repeat themselves. There are at least a hundred factories like this in the Pyramid of Khufu. If we waste time killing these things, we can't kill them all in a hundred years." Lingling said.

"It's more comfortable than living people. It's really evil oppression!" Zhao Manyan said.

"What should we do now?" Mo Fan asked.

"Wait a while. When this batch of dead soul essence is boiled out, a group of Hades warriors will come to take away the residue. We will follow those Hades warriors out, and then we can slowly look for the gate to the underworld." Shreve said.

Lingling also figured out how to open the gate to the underworld during the one-month preparation time. From ancient documents, she learned that the end of the world is at the end of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, and if you turn your back on the sun at the end, there will be a dark shore, which brings immortality.

The Sea of ​​Bitterness refers to a Void Island on the Red Sea. The water in the nearby sea is formed by the tears of billions of creatures. There is a monster on the Void Island, it is called Haila, and it is the gatekeeper of the dark world.

The real gate to the underworld is on the Void Island. Mo Fan and his team are going to open the gate to the underworld on the Void Island, but no one can see the Void Island in the Red Sea. Only by sending the dark light of the Pyramid of Khufu to the end of the Red Sea, the Void Island will appear under the light of the dead.

There are two doors to the underworld. The Khufu Pyramid is the back door, and the Void Island in the Red Sea is the main door. But the key to the main door is in Khufu's hands.

There is no point in opening the door to the underworld in the Khufu Pyramid. The Shayuan Undead Empire cannot enter the pyramid. If the Shayuan Undead want to really enter the Egyptian underworld and fight with them, it is the right way to open the door to the underworld on the Void Island.

The key to the Void Island is the day and night pointer in the Khufu Pyramid. When the pointer points to the evening, the mysterious starlight will turn into the underworld light and shine on the earth.

As long as the day and night pointer is turned to the direction of the Red Sea and the underworld light is hit there, the Void Island will appear, and everyone's mission will be completed.

The Void Island is not only the gate to the underworld, but also the gate to the dark plane. The underworld is an independent branch of the dark plane, but there are rumors that the underworld is connected to the dark plane...

"Click! Click! Click!"

The heavy metal sound came from the extremely solid stone wall. Four arched doors opened on the four sides, and the dark warriors wearing blue-black bone armor walked out one by one. They were fully armed, without revealing any skin. Some of the heavy bone armor boots stepped on the ground, making a neat sound.

Mo Fan immediately released his new equipment, the Dark Curtain, which covered everyone, hiding all traces, and the sound disappeared together.

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