Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 115 Can you take your hand out? Challenge week is coming! (2 updates)

When Mu Nujiao heard the sound of footsteps, she suddenly turned around and saw Song Jie walking towards her with a smile on her face.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Song Jie smiled slightly.

"Not long."

Mu Nujiao said, not daring to look into Song Jie's eyes.

"Let's go for a walk. It's cool tonight."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he followed Mu Nujiao and walked side by side towards the path.

"did you miss me?"


Mu Nujiao didn't expect Song Jie to ask this question, and she was immediately at a loss.

Song Jie likes the way girls look at a loss, so cute!

He suggested: "The moon is good tonight. Let's go to the lake to enjoy the moon."

Mu Nujiao nodded lightly and followed Song Jie's footsteps.

There are street lights on both sides of the school road, but there are very few students coming and going.

Because they have to go to bed at night, they can only stay at school at night.

There are no recreational facilities in the school, so most of them can only practice hard in their dormitories.

Only young lovers would secretly go out at night to have sex, such as kissing, touching...

Song Jie and Mu Nujiao came to the lake. The surface of the lake was sparkling, and a breeze blew by from time to time, bringing a bit of coolness.

"Let's go sit over there." Song Jie pointed in a direction and led Mu Nujiao over.

They came to the bench and sat down, admiring the moonlight tonight.

Song Jie turned his head, and the soft moonlight was shining on Mu Nujiao's pretty face, which suddenly became more beautiful.

"Is there something on my face?" Mu Nujiao asked a little unnaturally when she saw Song Jie looking at her like this.

"There seems to be something there, let me help you take a look."

Song Jie moved closer, their faces were so close that it was as if they could hear their breathing clearly.


Mu Nujiao was slightly startled, and couldn't help but touch her little face that was stained with saliva...

"Ouch, I couldn't help but secretly kiss him again." Song Jie said embarrassedly.

At this time, Mu Nujiao's cheeks were stained with a layer of crimson at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her little heart was pounding, her ears were hot, and she pursed her lips not knowing what to say.

She is only eighteen years old, how can she withstand Song Jie's teasing...

"It's nothing, I'll leave first." Mu Nujiao said nothing and was about to stand up and leave when Song Jie grabbed her hand.

Song Jie smiled, "Jiaojiao is so shy."

He pulled Mu Nujiao into his arms, "You don't want to stay with me so much?"

Mu Nujiao was like a "frightened" little rabbit at this moment, whispering: "No."

Song Jie continued: "If you feel that you are at a loss, I will give you a kiss."

Hearing this, Mu Nujiao was amused by Song Jie's shameless remarks.

You kissed me and you took advantage of me.

Want me to kiss you back? It’s not you who takes advantage!

Song Jie said: "The moon is so beautiful tonight, are you willing to let me enjoy the moon alone?"

"Then you can't kiss me suddenly..." Mu Nujiao hasn't gotten used to it yet, so she hasn't been able to accept it for a while.

She liked Song Jie, but things were progressing too fast now.


Song Jie immediately agreed that he would definitely not be able to kiss her, otherwise no one would run away.

"How long until your beast fighting competition is held?" Song Jie asked, holding Mu Nujiao in his arms.

Mu Nujiao replied: "There is still more than a month."

"That's soon." Song Jie nodded. For people like them who are practicing hard, more than a month is just a blink of an eye.

The two of them gradually became quiet and looked up at the moonlight above.

However, as soon as the blush on Mu Nujiao's face receded, it quickly returned.


"Song Jie...can you take your hand out..."

"Yeah, I thought what I was touching was my own. I said my skin shouldn't be so slippery." Song Jie said with a smile.

Mu Nujiao's face was so red that she was almost dripping with tears. How could she believe Song Jie's lies...

Early the next morning.

Song Jie received two messages.

One was a message sent to him by Mo Fan. This guy joined the summoning system and asked him about the training of the summoning system.

One was a message sent to him by Old Man Deng, asking him if he wanted to join their Light Academy!

The deans of their departments (the deans of the College of Light) all manage students on the Qing Campus and the main campus, so Old Man Deng invited him.

[Song Jie: Professor Deng, you are making this very difficult for me. After all, the Summoning Department has been so good to me before. I can't be ungrateful, right? 】

Song Jie currently has three summoned beasts, and he previously obtained a quota for contract summoning.

If he were not in the summoning system, he would be under greater pressure. At least the resources of the summoning system could make him feel a lot more relaxed.

[Professor Deng: Song Jie, do you think this will work? You can double-study in both colleges and come to the School of Lighting when you have time. 】

The reason why Old Man Deng wants to win over Song Jie is to set an example for the light system students!

Song Jie's light system is a mutated light system, which is enough for them to use their light system for a lifetime!

[Song Jie: How tiring it would be to double major in two colleges. 】

[Professor Deng: You can’t think like that. If you do dual cultivation in two colleges, I will apply to Dean Xiao to let you get double cultivation resources. What do you think? 】

Double training resources?

Seeing this, Song Jie couldn't help but smile.

[Old man Deng: Generally speaking, the academy only allows students to choose one academy for training, but you can make an exception, because you have a mutation talent, so the light system and summoned beasts will naturally be taken care of. 】

[Song Jie: Then go and tell Dean Xiao. If he agrees, I agree too. 】

When Old Man Deng saw Song Jie agreeing, he immediately confirmed that he could handle it!

After Song Jie came back, he went directly to class. He had not attended class yet when he entered the main campus.

After a while, he came to the lecture theater, where many people were already sitting.

Maybe it was because there were so few summoned beastmen, but not even half of the classroom that originally held more than 300 people was full.

Song Jie found a seat and sat down, then listened to the class quietly.

Two hours later, when the teacher left, he mentioned the challenge week and then left.

Challenge week! ?

Song Jie thought for a while, and it seemed that the main campus had a challenge week.

As the name suggests, challenge week means that the summoning systems will challenge each other every week, and then the ranking of the summoning systems will be determined.

The higher the summoning system ranking, the more resources people will have, so many people have to climb higher if they want to obtain more training resources.

Song Jie has just arrived at the main campus, so he is not ranked yet.

He looked at the student next to him and asked, "Senior, may I ask, when is the next challenge week?"

"The next challenge week is in two days." The student replied and left.

"Two more days?" Song Jie thought it would be tomorrow, but it seemed like he had to wait a little longer.

This is the ranking resource of the main campus, and it is definitely more abundant than the green campus.

Therefore, Song Jie could not miss this opportunity.

He is determined to be number one in the summoning department!

If Dean Xiao allows him to practice dual cultivation, the No. 1 student in the Light Academy will not be able to escape...

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