Song Jie didn't even need to explain, Li Man just figured it out. It wasn't easy.

"Sister Liman, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, there has been turmoil in Dongting Lake recently, so I came over to take a look."

This was not an important matter, and Li Man did not hide it.

"So that's it." Song Jie nodded as if understanding.

Li Man asked again: "When I walked here just now, I saw a lot of monsters that were killed. Was it the two leaders who did it?"

"Yes, I have been following them quietly. Some were killed and some were poisoned by the big centipede." Song Jie explained.

Li Man nodded slightly. On the way here, she did see the giant lizard-head monster that was poisoned to death.

"Let's rest here for the night. I'll notify the people in the military department later. They should be here tomorrow," Liman said.

She felt that the matter of Dongting Lake could be put aside for now, or that she should deal with the corpse of the poisonous centipede first.

Song Jie didn't care, found a place, sat down cross-legged and started practicing.

He has almost eliminated the demons here, so they don't have to worry about safety.

According to the plot, Mo Fan should have met Li Man, but for some reasons, Li Man met Song Jie.

And Mo Fan was walking in a hurry in the dark night, and he really wanted to curse! !

Who the hell killed the monsters in this area? As a result, he went around for a long time without seeing a giant lizard-headed monster.

Song Jie, who was practicing, suddenly sneezed, thinking it was because of the cooler weather.

Just when Mo Fan was about to go back, he suddenly saw a figure walking with difficulty in the dark night.

Mo Fan shook his head and said: "During this period, there are really people who are not afraid of death who come to give me death."

He saw a lot of people, but basically he never went back after he came.

During the time that Mo Fan lived here, he knew how terrifying it was.

Not to mention the giant lizard-skull monster, there are still two commander-level ones here. If you encounter them, your life will basically be over.

Mo Fan sighed, "Since you met me, I will save your life."

He quickly ran towards the black shadow. When he got closer, he suddenly realized that this was an acquaintance!


Mo Fan exclaimed.

Zhang Xiaohou was poisoned by the swamp at this time and turned to look at Mo Fan: "Brother Fan!"

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Xiaohou said: "I heard that something weird happened here in Dongting Lake, so I thought it might be you, so I came to find you."

"You kid!" Mo Fan helped Zhang Xiaohou up and walked towards his residence.

Return to the cave.

Mo Fan took out a fruit and let Zhang Xiaohou eat it.

Zhang Xiaohou, who was poisoned, grabbed the fruit and wolfed it down.

After a while, he felt that the poison in his body was gradually fading away.

"Brother Fan, I know you need the essence very much, so I bought two essences on the way here. You should use them quickly." Zhang Xiaohou took out two essences and handed them to Mo Fan.

"You take it back first. I'll ask you for it if I need it."

Mo Fan said.

Before, there were indeed many monsters in Dongting Lake, but I don’t know why!

Tonight, I didn’t meet any of them! !

Although the essence in Zhang Xiaohou's hand is ant meat, when there is no other way, he may really need it.

"By the way, when I arrived at Dongting Lake, Brother Jie also sent me a message. He said that he would also come to Dongting Lake, but he asked me to find it alone first, and then meet him at Dongting Lake." Zhang Xiaohou said.

"Brother Jie is coming too?" Mo Fan suddenly saw hope. He knew Song Jie's strength.

If Song Jie helps, they will probably be able to deal with that leader! !

He has a way, but he doesn't have the manpower. If Song Jie comes, his plan will definitely succeed!

"Did Brother Jie tell you how to contact me?" Mo Fan asked urgently.

"Brother Jie said it depends on fate."


Mo Fan suddenly fell silent.

It's noon.

People from the Dongting Lake Military Headquarters quickly found Song Jie and Li Man.

They were also quite surprised when they saw the corpse of the Swamp Poison Thousand Centipede.

After Liman explained the situation to them, the people who came also started to contact professionals to come over.

She walked up to Song Jie and said, "The military department will send people over to break it down. I will tell you after they evaluate it, or you can go back with them.

Or you can follow me during this period, and it will be almost time for us to go back, and you can get the money just in time. "

Li Man actually said this because she wanted to find a helper, and she felt that Song Jie was a good candidate.

Song Jie thought it was a good idea to follow her suggestion, and he wouldn't leave so soon anyway.


Li Man nodded slightly and continued: "I may go to investigate the Dongting Lake situation next, so just follow me."

Song Jie nodded.

As for the Thousand Centipede matter, they have given full authority to the military department.

Li Man led Song Jie towards the valley again, and she saw the corpses of the giant lizard-head monster scattered all over the ground.

"Are they too cruel in this battle?" Liman looked at the monsters being poisoned to death one after another, feeling lingering fear in his heart.

Song Jie followed behind, not expressing any opinions because he did everything.

He worked hard all day and night at Dongting Lake and killed countless monsters.

But compared with the bloodthirsty ants in Jinshan before, it was still far behind.

Although there are many lizard-skull monsters here, they can't compare with the bloodthirsty ants.

As evening approached, Liman still failed to find the suspicious person, so he had no choice but to find a place to rest for the night.

But now!

An exclamation sounded from behind them.

"Brother Jie! Is it you, Brother Jie!"

Song Jie's voice sounded particularly familiar. Who else could it be if it wasn't Mo Fan?

He turned around and saw Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou running towards him.

"Mo Fan!" Song Jie's identity as Best Actor came online, and he suddenly showed a surprised look.

Zhang Xiaohou smiled and said: "Brother Jie, Brother Fan and I have been looking for you in this area for a whole day, but we didn't find you!"

Li Man's eyes fell on Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou.

Especially Mo Fan, his current outfit looks a bit abnormal!

Like a primitive man!

"Song Jie, who are these two people?" Li Man asked.

"These two are my brothers. His name is Zhang Xiaohou, and he is also from your military department. This is Mo Fan." Song Jie introduced.

"Hello, sir!" Zhang Xiaohou had a lot of experience in the military camp, and it could be seen from Li Man's temperament that the officer was older than him.

Liman nodded.

"It's getting dark soon. Do you have a place to stay? Then go to my place first." Mo Fan said.

After a while, the four of them returned to the cave. It was already dark outside.

Mo Fan asked: "Brother Jie, is there nothing going on with my dad and Xinxia?"

"It's okay. I've already gone to Xinxia's place and explained the situation to her clearly," Song Jie replied.

"That's good." Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his disappearance would make them worried.

He then entered the topic and said: "By the way, Brother Jie, I have a plan. I don't know if you are interested in it."

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