Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 180 Lure the snake out of its hole【1】

White Town.

In the military camp, Lingling and Mo Fan were investigating the matter as military officials.

But so far they have not found a breakthrough.

It was almost noon, and both of them were hungry, so they decided to go have a meal.

But when passing by a military camp tent, a young man suddenly walked out.

"Ergou, you are really not plagued by the plague and you will not infect me. Why don't you believe it?" The young man said helplessly.

At the same time, he also knew that his companion was driving him out for his own good.

Lingling and Mo Fan immediately looked at each other, and then walked towards the boy who delivered the meal.

The young man didn't pay attention to the two of them. When he saw them, he quickly said: "Hello, sir!"

Mo Fan nodded, and Lingling beside him asked: "What did you just say?"

The young man looked at Lingling and hesitated for a moment, not sure whether he should say anything.

"Don't worry, repeat what you just said." Mo Fan said slowly.

"I said, those are not plagues at all, they are bites from rats." The young man said.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure, because I have had such symptoms before." The boy confirmed.

"what's your name?"

"Wang Xiaoyun."

"Then how did you solve this symptom in the first place?" Mo Fan then asked.

Wang Xiaoyun replied: "I used Yinghongcao to apply it on it and it was fine."

"Eagle Red Grass?" Lingling and Mo Fan looked at each other and felt that the other party was not telling lies.

"Do you know where the Eagle Red Grass is?"

"I know, Eagle Red Grass is found in Xiling!" Wang Xiaoyun said immediately.

"But now there are white magic eagles over there in the west ridge, which is very dangerous!"

"As long as we know the location of Eagle Red Grass, it will be easy!" Lingling immediately contacted Song Jie as soon as she finished speaking.

At this time, Song Jie had already arrived in Baizhen and just received the news from Lingling.

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, I didn't need to take action!"


The four of them met and were discussing how to obtain Eagle Red Grass.

"Wang Xiaoyun, you know where the Eagle Red Grass is, take Song Jie to pick it!" Lingling said.

"No problem!" Wang Xiaoyun nodded immediately.

Lingling and others believed in his words so much, so he had to prove that what he said was true!

And those who were infected with the plague were still being tortured, so he had to stand up no matter what!

At this moment, Tang Yue sent a message to Song Jie.

He clicked on the message.

[Tang Yue: Song Jie, they are begging me to summon the big guy now. I don’t know what to do now...]

Song Jie knew that Tang Yue was also very confused now.

[Tang Yue: They said they won’t hurt the big guy, so I want to ask for your opinion...]

[Song Jie: You are so obedient. I will reward you when I go back. 】

Tang Yue was in a lounge at the moment, and she couldn't help but blush slightly when she saw a piece of news.

[Tang Yue: I don’t have much time, so be serious. 】

[Song Jie: We've got it done here. I'll let Lingling and Mo Fan go over later. 】

[Tang Yue: OK! 】

Tang Yue was relieved when she heard the news. She felt that Song Jie was like a reassurance for her.

Song Jie put away his phone, looked at Lingling and asked: "Lingling, do you have any clues there?"

Lingling nodded, knowing that she was surrounded by her own people, she said directly: "My sister suspects that someone is behind this incident."

"Who is it?" Mo Fan and Wang Xiaoyun both looked surprised.

"This is not certain." Lingling and the others don't have much evidence right now, so they can't make a final conclusion on this.

"Lingling, I think we can take the risk and give it a try." Song Jie suggested.


Lingling was slightly startled, but after hearing Song Jie's plan, she couldn't help but frown.

"No! This plan is too dangerous!!" Lingling immediately rejected Song Jie's plan.

Song Jie insisted, "With Judge Tang, Councilor Zhu Meng and others here, do you think he still has a chance to attack me?"

After Lingling thought about it, it seemed that it was indeed the case.

Song Jie smiled and said, "Besides, I still have a trump card, so don't worry about me."

After thinking again and again, Lingling finally nodded and agreed to Song Jie's proposal.

"Okay, take this news with you quickly. Some people will surface later." Song Jie said.

Lingling nodded, gave them communication equipment, and then took Mo Fan to find Tang Yue.

"Wang Xiaoyun, I need your flying eagle to help with a scene later." Song Jie said with a smile.

Wang Xiaoyun didn't know why, but nodded anyway.

meeting room.

After Tang Yue came back, Zhu Meng, Luo Mian and others all looked over.

"Tang Yue, this concerns the people of Lin'an and those who are suffering from illness. I hope you can understand the importance." Zhu Meng said sincerely.

Just as Tang Yue was about to say something, Leng Qing next to him spoke.

"I have evidence here that proves it wasn't the snake."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Leng Qing.

"Are you telling the truth?" Zhu Meng frowned and asked immediately.

Leng Qing nodded slightly, "They will tell you the truth when they come."

Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Lingling and Mo Fan entered the conference room and told them the whole story.

When Councilor Luo Mian heard this, his brows suddenly furrowed and his face looked a little unsightly.

"Now Song Jie and Wang Xiaoyun have gone to Xiling. It won't be long before they can pick the eagle red grass back!" Lingling gave everyone reassurance.

At this time, a person suddenly broke in from outside, and his eyes fell on Senator Luo Mian.

"Congressman Luo Mian, I have encountered a situation here and I need you to deal with it immediately!"

Everyone also stopped and looked at Senator Luo Mian.

He stood up, "The problem now is that there are white magic eagles in Xiling, how can they get there?

You discuss this matter, I will not participate if I have something to do. "

After Councilor Luo Mian finished expressing his opinions, he turned and left the conference room.

When everyone saw Senator Luo Mian leaving, they didn't pay attention, but a smile appeared in the corner of Lingling's eyes.

After leaving the conference room, Councilor Luo Mian's expression became even worse. He had specifically asked the person to do this just to help him escape.

His plan was so perfect, but a young boy discovered it! !

Naturally, I couldn't make a wedding dress for others, so Councilor Luo Mian decided to go there in person!

At this moment, Song Jie and Wang Xiaoyun arrived at Xiling smoothly.

After they picked the eagle red grass, they were immediately targeted by the white magic eagle.

"Let's go!!" As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, he hurriedly took Wang Xiaojun onto Gray Eagle's back.

They mounted the Gray Eagle, which quickly took off, followed closely by the White Demon Eagle.

Seeing those white magic eagles swooping in, Song Jie completed the star trajectory and quickly threw a Glory upward!

With a "boom", those white magic eagles turned into blood mist, and blood immediately splashed on them.

Wang Xiaojun's mouth was still open. He didn't expect Song Jie to be so powerful.

At this time, both Song Jie, Wang Xiaoyun and Gray Eagle were covered in blood.

The movement here also alerted the other white magic eagles. They seemed to have discovered prey and hurriedly came from mid-air!

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