Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 184 The Unorthodox Great Sword【3】

the next day.

Because she did exercise too late last night, Tang Yue was still sleeping at this time.

Song Jie left the bedroom without disturbing him, took his luggage and left the residence.

I took a taxi and arrived at the airport. After waiting for a while, the flight was just about to take off.

Back in Magic City, Song Jie returned to the rental house, and Mu Nujiao and Ai Tutu were both back.

As soon as he saw Ai Tutu, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly. He still remembered that this guy still owed him a big sword! !

Still dressed as a maid!

Ai Tutu was getting something to drink from the refrigerator when she saw Song Jie and smiled.

She had left so gloriously before, but now she wanted to escape when she saw Song Jie.

"Are you back?" Mu Nujiao looked at Song Jie with a gentle smile on her face.

"came back!"

Song Jie put down his luggage and immediately walked towards Mu Nujiao and sat next to her.

How dare Ai Tutu appear in front of Song Jie? She hurriedly ran upstairs with a drink.

Seeing Ai Tutu leave, Mu Nujiao breathed a sigh of relief, because Song Jie was causing trouble.

"Song Jie..." Mu Nujiao murmured softly, and this guy put his hand in...

"We haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me?" Song Jie smiled slightly, like a jackal meeting a little sheep.

"Think about it..." Mu Nujiao replied with a blushing face.

"Come on, give me a kiss!" Song Jie stretched his head over and immediately connected with those soft red lips.


After kissing for a while, Mu Nujiao shyly pushed Song Jie away.

"Rabbit is still here..."

"Then go to my room?"


Before Mu Nujiao could react, Song Jie showed a sly smile, picked her up and walked towards his bedroom.

Mu Nujiao didn't dare to say anything while she was being held, so she was carried into the bedroom.

The door closed, and two voices came from inside.

"The soundproofing of this rental house is not very good. Jiaojiao, please don't be too loud..."

"Song Jie..."

Mu Nujiao was extremely shy when she heard this.


In the bedroom, Mu Nujiao covered her mouth, not daring to make too much noise.

"So cute……!"


By the afternoon.

Song Jie met Mu Nujiao for a long time, and then came to Dean Xiao's office.

Also coming with him was Mo Fan.

"Brother Jack!"

Song Jie nodded, and then the two of them entered the office.

Dean Xiao saw the two people coming in, with a smile on his face and asked them to sit down quickly.

"Dean Xiao, do you have anything to do with us?" Mo Fan asked.

"Have you heard of the World University Competition?" Dean Xiao asked without talking nonsense and got straight to the point.

"World University Competition?"

Mo Fan frowned, not quite understanding this, and shook his head,

Song Jie knew, but he also shook his head.

Dean Xiao smiled and said, "You two are really..."

Then, he introduced the World University Competition to the two of them.

The World University Competition, as the name suggests, is a competition in which universities from all over the world participate!

Held every four years, the winning team will receive generous rewards.

For example, Praise of Divine Seal!

This blessing can increase the power of magic! !

"You two are both very capable, and I will help you as much as possible." Dean Xiao said.

"Thank you, Dean Xiao!" Song Jie and Mo Fan said in unison.

Dean Xiao smiled and said: "You must improve your strength as soon as possible. If you can participate, you must win glory for the country!"

The two of them nodded.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. If you have nothing to do, just leave!" Dean Xiao called them over to tell them this.

So that they know the importance of this matter and at the same time work harder to fight for it!

Song Jie was fine, so he left, leaving only Mo Fan to apply for a department transfer with Dean Xiao.

He walked out of the office building with a smile on his face, "World University Competition? I'm looking forward to it!"

With his strength, I am afraid he can directly push him in the academy competition!

However, he still has to restrain himself a little, after all, he doesn't have the capital to be arrogant yet.

However, when he thought of the Divine Seal and Praise, he felt itchy in his heart. As long as he obtained the Divine Seal and Praise, his magic power would definitely increase a lot.

When he thought of this, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Song Jie did not go back, but came to an auction house.

He came here to buy the Veins of the Galaxy, because his light system was about to break through.

If there were galactic veins, perhaps the advancement would be smoother.

Moreover, after he sold the commander-level essence before, he received a huge sum of 800 million!

He can still afford a mere Galaxy Veins!

After that, Song Jie spent 100 million to buy a Galaxy Vein.

Immediately afterwards, he bought some auxiliary materials needed to control Xingzi, and then returned to the rental house.

Mu Nujiao told him that she was going to participate in the challenge week recently, so she planned to practice in seclusion.

Song Jie returned to his residence and prepared to talk to Dean Xiao about the three-step tower tomorrow, and then prepared to break through to the high level of the light system!

As soon as he came back, he saw Aitutu stealing something from the refrigerator.

When Ai Tutu saw Song Jie, she immediately turned around and ran away, but was caught by Song Jie.

"Why are you running? Do you want to default on your debt?" Song Jie looked at the panicked Ai Tutu and asked.

"How could it be possible? I've just been obsessed with practicing recently and can't spare the time!" Ai Tutu explained.

"Are you going to participate in challenge week too?"

Ai Tutu nodded and promised: "Yes! I just want to participate in the challenge week. After the challenge week, I will definitely fulfill my promise."

"This is what you said. If I cheat, I will let you know how powerful I am." Song Jie had a wicked smile on his face.

Ai Tutu nodded, took the food and went directly to the second floor.

Song Jie was not in a hurry, since they were both under the same roof, could they still run away?

Moreover, he will go to the Three-Step Tower to break through tomorrow, and may not be in the rental house during this time.

When the time comes to practice, it will be just right to have a big sword.

Aitutu hurried back to his room and then slammed the door.

Her heart was beating fast, and at the same time she thought about wearing a maid outfit and making a big sword...

My cheeks turned red involuntarily...

She had checked before and thought it was just a simple massage...

But after Aitutu learned more about it, he found that there were so many projects...

Therefore, she suddenly didn't want to give Song Jie the big sword.

She was afraid that Song Jie would ask her to do that kind of service, something like the world of ice and fire...

So shameful!

Song Jie originally just wanted to be a serious sword, but Ai Tutu has gone astray now...

The next morning.

Song Jie found Dean Xiao and applied for three-step pagoda training.

Then he took the approval slip and entered the three-step tower.

Sitting on the third floor, Song Jie closed his eyes and prepared to break through to the high level of the light system! !

If there is any time left, he can use it to practice chaos magic!

Although the speed of his cultivation here continues to slow down, his current cultivation speed cannot be compared with outside.

In the spiritual world, if Song Jie's light system nebula does not expand, it will reach the critical point...

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