Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 190 We are all family! !

"So you are like this Ai Tutu?" Song Jie looked at Ai Tutu with a smile.

"What?" Aitutu retorted: "Isn't this the project you've been talking about?"

"I'm talking about a serious project. Look at this, are you serious?"


Ai Tutu had a dark look on her face. Could it be that she had misunderstood.

Ahhhh! !

How embarrassing! !

And he did such a thing! Now she just wants to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it! !

Aitutu rushed out of the bathroom and headed straight for the bathroom.

What a shame! !

Song Jie looked at the direction Ai Tutu was leaving, and he felt that the other person must have looked at the big sword that was not serious.

Then he laughed.

The sound was so loud that Ai Tutu, who was gargling in the bathroom, heard it.

Her face was so red that she felt that she was too embarrassed to see Song Jie again...

I brushed my teeth once and felt it was not enough.

She brushed it twice more, and then she felt it was OK...

At this moment, a figure suddenly broke into the bathroom.

"Song Jie..." Ai Tutu didn't expect that Song Jie would sneak in.

"You want..." Before Ai Tutu could finish her words, her red lips were immediately blocked.


The two of them walked from the bathroom to the sofa.

Aitutu was hugged and placed on the sofa. At this moment, she had nothing.

"Song Jie..." Ai Tutu's cheeks were extremely red. After all, it was the first time.


Song Jie smiled slightly and entered the battlefield.


"I won't……"

"Yes, yes, that's it..."

Another month has come.

Song Jie was very cool this month, and the system notification sound came when he woke up.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host of "Summoning Frenzy" for its outrageous transformation into a higher-level "Infinite Frenzy"! 】

Hearing this, Song Jie suddenly showed a look of surprise, and immediately understood the infinite craze.


He is going to rebel!

Summoning Frenzy is a high-level summoning skill that can summon your own army of summoned beasts!

But because of this, summoning so many summoned beasts will consume more summoning magic energy!

But this new "Infinite Frenzy" skill has no such restrictions! !

As long as he can summon an army of summoned beasts, these summoned beasts will not consume his magic energy!

Only the magic energy used to use summoning skills will be consumed!

In this way, he can completely cultivate an army of summoned beasts of his own.

Anyway, summoning it doesn’t consume much magic energy!

Everyone has seen demons invading cities, but have never seen humans invading demon territory, right?

Song Jie just wants to be the first person! !

It's just that cultivating an army of summoned beasts is definitely not as easy as imagined!

Therefore, all this can be done slowly, because resources are a big issue.

If there are no resources to allow them to grow freely, will it take years and years to cultivate a powerful army of summoned beasts?

Therefore, making money must be the first priority, otherwise when can we attack the demon territory?

"Is it almost time to reach the plot of Little Flame Fairy?" Song Jie was very troubled because he no longer had a place in the contract.

But there was no way he could let this little Flame Fairy go.

I married your sister!

Is it normal for your family to give some gifts in return?

Mo Fan:! ? ?

Song Jie felt that even if there was no contract position, this little Flame Fairy could be raised first!

It's okay to contract when there is room available.

Or you can buy an auxiliary utensil, which is also possible.


Song Jie then came to the plane of the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle and began to communicate with the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle.

"How many younger brothers have been recruited recently!?" Song Jie used his mind to communicate with the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle.

Later, he learned that the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle had already controlled more than a dozen Wind Controlling Sky Eagles, but they were all servant-level Wind Controlling Sky Eagles.

But this is also a good start. Now you need to take it step by step.

Immediately afterwards, Song Jie arrived at Xiao Lu's plane again. He didn't know it, but he was shocked when he saw it.

He didn't expect that Xiaolu was quite popular, surrounded by a bunch of fawning elves.

Song Jie glanced at the dozens of elves, and half of them were warrior-level! !

damn it! !

"Cuckoo..." (Lubao, are you hungry? I have delicious food here!)

An elf with a thunder attribute said flatteringly.

"Chacha..." (Lubao, I have prepared a gift for you, see if you like it.)

A fire-attributed elf said fawningly.

"Gold, gold, gold..." (Lubao, what kind of flower do you like? I can pick it for you!)

A wind-attributed elf said fawningly.

Although Song Jie couldn't understand what they were saying, he could tell that these people were plotting against his daughter!

"Ring, ring, ring..." (Don't argue, I have a task assigned to me by my father.)

(What mission?) The elves pricked up their ears to listen.

Xiaolu said: (Dad said, let me come back to find helpers, and the more, the better.)

(Lubao, look at me, I am very strong!!)

(Emerald, I can do it too, my fire element is invincible at the same level!)

(What are you bragging about! You’re invincible at the same level, why do you have the guts to compete?!)

Everyone was jealous, and it was obvious that no one was convinced.

(Dad said, as long as there are our marks on our bodies, we are a family!)

Xiao Lu said.


Hearing this, the elves were immediately overjoyed.

(We want to become a family with Green Treasure!!) The elves said in unison.

When Song Jie saw the reaction of these elves, he could guess from Xiao Lu's words just now that this matter was settled! !

Are there seven or eight warrior elves here?

And there are elves with thunder elements, wind elements, and fire elements! !

Just don't be too perfect!

"Ring, ring, ring..." (Dad, Dad, the task you gave me is completed!)

Xiao Lu sent her thoughts.

Song Jie concealed his excitement and then imprinted his mark on these elves.

They were all so happy.

Song Jie was also very happy.

Licking...oh, no, family! They are all family!

When Song Jie thought about the progress on the Wind Controlling Sky Eagle side, what the hell was that! !

However, he also had to do some ideological work on Xiao Lu, so he had to worry about it when he should.

Qingtian Hunting House.

Song Jie and Lingling were sitting in the store at this time.

"Lingling, come with me to the northern corner of Zhuoyuan." Song Jie said.

"What are you doing there?"

Song Jie explained: "I got reliable news that Flame Fairy appeared there!"

"Female appeared?"

"Yes, let me know whether you want to go or not," Song Jie said.

Lingling was so bored at Qingtian Hunting Center that she immediately nodded in agreement.

Although Song Jie can get through it by himself with his strength, he is also afraid of unpredictable things.

Therefore, we still need to find some helpers, especially for someone as smart as Lingling.

Song Jie thought again, who else should he take with him...

If she takes Xinxia with her, Mo Fan will probably not agree to her going.

Moreover, the relationship between the two of them has not reached this point yet.

Mu Nujiao is still in the family and should have other things to do.

Ai Tutu definitely can't do it. His family definitely doesn't want her to be in danger. If he takes Ai Tutu there, he will probably be chopped alive!

Who should I take with me...

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