"I am also from Bo City, maybe I can do it too!" Mo Fan stood up and said.

Everyone looked at them and nodded. One more person meant more hope.

"I'll go too!" Song Jie also stood up. He must be going to this ancient king's tomb.

"Very good!" Han Ji's eyes were full of admiration, and he said in a serious tone: "The crisis in the ancient capital depends on you!!"

"We try our best."

None of them know how it will end, and they cannot say that they will complete the task 100%.

"Sha Yuan is coming!"

The next moment, not far outside the city, a huge abyss appeared in the army of the undead!

The surrounding undead were instantly sucked into the abyss.

Only now did everyone realize how terrifying this abyss was. It was full of undead souls, and even the bones might not be left behind if they jumped in.

Lu Huan originally wanted to deal with the Lord of the Underworld, but Salang appeared here, so he stayed on the bell tower.

They saw the monarch-level skeleton master being absorbed by the evil abyss, and they suddenly couldn't withstand the suction of the evil abyss and fell into the abyss!

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. They didn't expect that even such a monarch could not block the suction power of the evil abyss! !

Zhu Meng said: "If they want to go over, they may have to be careful about the corpse on the mountain!!"

The Corpse of the Mountain Peak is of the same era as the Totem Black Snake, and it is currently behind the undead!

But if they want to reach the Evil Abyss, they may be targeted by the corpse of the mountain!

This mountain corpse is one of the ancient kings of the Eight Dead Lords, and it is also the leader of the Eight Dead Lords. One can only imagine how powerful it is!

And it attacked the ancient capital just to give a gift to the ancient king who was about to wake up!

The corpse of the mountain leads thousands of undead souls. At this moment, there are countless undead souls whether inside or outside the city wall.

"Time waits for no one, the evil abyss has appeared, we people will send you there!" Han Ji suddenly said.

Lu Huan said: "I will take Zhu Meng and others to fight a bloody path for them!"

He originally wanted to deal with the Lord of the Bone Sha, but the opponent was sucked into the evil abyss.

"It's up to you!" Han Ji glanced at Zhu Meng and others. This was the best way to solve the problem.

Zhu Meng and others nodded. If there were more opportunities, of course they would want to try.

At least!

They tried hard!

"Come down with me, and we'll escort them there!" Lu Huan left first.

Song Jie and others followed, and before leaving, Tang Yue stuffed him with a bead.

He opened his palm and saw that it was the totem bead! !


Tang Yue also brought the totem black snake.

In this way, when they enter the Evil Abyss this time, at least they won't have to die too many people!

After a while.

Song Jie and others followed Lu Huan and others out of the city, and the undead came in large numbers.

However, they are all super mages here, so how can those undead be opponents?

"Wall cutting!"

There were so many undead in front of them that they couldn't kill them all in one day.

He just released a wall cut, and hundreds of undead were killed in an instant.

One can imagine how dense this undead army is.

"Everyone, be careful when you get close to the corpse on the mountain!" Lu Huan reminded.

He has noticed that the corpse of the mountain is staring at them and will definitely take action against them.

At this moment, the guard mages were surrounding Song Jie and others. They were all super mages, but they felt a little helpless in the face of so many undead.

Song Jie was also staring in the direction of the mountain corpse. If it made any movement, he would summon the totem black snake out without hesitation.

"We are almost reaching the Evil Abyss, let's work harder!" Zhu Meng said loudly.

The wails of the undead around them kept coming, as if they wanted to tear them apart.

"It's coming!!" Lu Huan raised his head and saw the huge body of the Mountain Corpse suddenly walking towards them.

Those tiny undead souls on the ground were trampled into mud in an instant.

Facing such a powerful monarch-level creature, everyone was shocked, but they had to move on!

"Block him!!" Lu Huan ordered.

He was the first to bear the brunt. There was no one who could deal with the corpse on the mountain. Even he could only resist it slightly! !

The guard mages have begun to form formations. Now they are not far from the evil abyss, and they cannot let all their previous efforts go to waste! !

However, the super-level mage was like an ant in front of the mountain corpse.

Their magic can't cause any harm to the mountain corpse, just like an egg hitting a stone.

Therefore, what they can do now is to attract the attention of the corpse on the mountain and let Song Jie and others go to the evil abyss safely.

Song Jie felt it was time to take action, otherwise someone might die later.

Seeing this, he took out the totem bead, and suddenly, a huge figure suddenly appeared, standing in front of the corpse of the mountain!

Everyone was originally preparing to resist the corpse on the mountain peak, but when they saw this huge figure, they suddenly stopped.

"This is...the giant snake in West Lake!!" Zhu Meng immediately looked at Song Jie.

The only people who can make Xuan Snake come are Song Jie and Tang Yue.

"You kid can do it!" Zhu Meng was right next to Song Jie, and he couldn't help laughing.

In an instant, the Totem Black Snake was fighting with the mountain corpse, while Lu Huan and others were helping to clean up the undead around the Totem Black Snake.

"Let's go, take this opportunity to send you there quickly!" Zhu Meng said.

Song Jie was surrounded by them and came to Shayuan, but they no longer dared to step forward.

Because they are not villagers in Danger Village, they may have been sucked into the evil abyss in the past.

In the windy passport, Song Jie and others stood outside, looking very small.

"Let's go over!" As soon as Zhang Xiaohou finished speaking, he took Su Xiaoluo and walked over.

At this time, Song Jie felt like Mo Fan, he could actually feel the suction coming from the evil abyss.


Neither he nor Mo Fan are authentic Danger Villagers.

However, Song Jie's bracelet had absorbed the Earth's Holy Spring, so a protective shield immediately enveloped him.

The same goes for Mo Fan next to him.

After they had the protective cover, the suction power of the evil abyss slowly disappeared.

"Let's go!" Song Jie also followed. He didn't know if he could succeed, but at least he had to give it a try.

They came to Sha Yuan and looked at the countless undead below. Everyone looked a little scared.

Song Jie was right next to him. After seeing Sha Yuan's terror, he took a deep breath.


Who the hell has the courage to jump in! ?

However, Zhang Xiaohou and Su Xiaoluo hesitated for a while and took the lead.

After they jumped into the evil abyss, Fang Gu also jumped in with them.

Mo Fan glanced at Song Jie, the two of them closed their eyes, and followed them into the evil abyss.

Song Jie didn't know how long had passed, but he felt someone calling him.

"Brother Jie!!"

When Song Jie opened his eyes, they had already entered the ancient king's tomb!

He breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't find any surprises!

Song Jie stood up and began to look around, wondering if they would be in any danger at the moment.

The danger lies behind!

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