Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 248 Do you believe me when I say I didn’t mean it?

Fujikata Nobuko and Mochizuki Meiken both watched the sparring, and naturally knew that Mochizuki Chisaki felt aggrieved at the loss.

They also knew that Song Jie's strength was too abnormal, otherwise Mochizuki Chisaki wouldn't be helpless to fight back.

Mochizuki Mingjian comforted him: "It's okay, you've done your best."

Although Mochizuki Chisaki felt very unhappy, he still couldn't help but be surprised at Song Jie's strength.

This guy is really strong!

"Is this already the strongest student here? How about I fight with your instructor?" Song Jie said with a slight smile.

As soon as these words came out, Mochizuki Chisaki had the urge to rush up and beat Song Jie.

But just now she was no match for the opponent, let alone the idea of ​​rushing in and giving him a beating.

Nobuko Fujikata was very shrewd. He changed the topic directly, "If your Chinese national team wins, we will give you a badge when the time comes."

The Guofu team plays against the defending team. After winning, they can get the badge of their defending team.

This is to prove their success in playing in the gym, and it is also related to the next game.

Song Jie didn't go too far. When Nobuko Fujikata changed the subject, he returned to his seat directly.

At this moment, the students from Osaka Academy cast unkind looks.

Song Jie didn't care and chatted with Jiang Shaoxu beside him.

Zhao Manyan immediately came over to congratulate Song Jie for the battle just now. It's just a blast.

Mochizuki Chisaki stared at Song Jie. She couldn't understand why this man was so strong! !

The discussion is over.

They all returned to their residences.

Once tomorrow is over, I may leave and head to the next location.

Jiang Shaoxu told him that he could sneak into her room at night, and the other party prepared a surprise for him.

Song Jie nodded, he would definitely go if there was a surprise.

However, he was also wondering if anything else would happen tonight.


Song Jie felt the wooden fish he had obtained at Yanming Temple react.

He quickly took it out, and there seemed to be some voice calling in his mind.

At this time, something happened on the coast of Xishou Pavilion! !

"Report, there is something wrong with our floating pile at sea. It seems that an unknown creature is approaching!"

"is it a lot?"

"only one……"

"only one!?"

General Takagi frowned when he heard the news. How big a creature is to be able to touch hundreds of floating piles! ?

He then asked: "How is the situation now?"

"It seems like he's gone..."


General Takagi was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to leave like this.

"The creature may have become disoriented and came to us."


General Takagi nodded, as long as the West Guard Pavilion is fine.

Song Jie in the room suddenly understood what was going on. The voice in his head just now must be Ba Xia communicating with it!

Moreover, there was quite a commotion outside just now, and it must have been caused by Ba Xia.

He came outside and headed towards the coast.

Xishou Pavilion is right on the coast, and Song Jie lives very close to it, so he came here quickly.

After a while, Wangyue Famous Sword suddenly came towards me and bumped into Song Jie.

"Why are you here?" Mochizuki Mingjian asked.

Song Jie explained: "Oh, I thought something happened here, so I came over to take a look."

"This is a matter for our West Guard Pavilion. If you have nothing else to do, go back and we will solve it ourselves."

Mochizuki Mingjian glanced at the officer behind him, Ozawa, "Send him back and don't let him wander around."


Officer Ozawa nodded.

After Mochizuki Mingjian left, Ozawa looked at Song Jie and said, "Let's go?"


Song Jie nodded. When they went back, they passed by the suspension bridge corridor in the same restricted area.

At this time, screams of fighting suddenly came from the opposite side, and several figures were running towards the suspension bridge.

But the next moment, those figures were all killed by the ghost wooden hands that suddenly appeared! !

Song Jie frowned slightly when he saw this scene, as if he had already guessed what it was.

Ozawa swallowed and immediately urged Song Jie to leave here quickly.

Song Jie walked indifferently and soon returned to his residence.

After officer Ozawa left, Song Jie decided to plot Mo Fan's direction and find Mochizuki Chisaki.

When he used his shadow ability to reach Mochizuki Chisaki, he suddenly came to the wrong place.


Chisaki Mochizuki had just gotten up from the bath, and Song Jie just appeared. Their eyes met, and she finally screamed.

"Hey, do you believe me when I say I didn't mean it!?" Song Jie didn't know the layout of the other person's room, so he just walked in casually, not expecting to encounter such a thing.

But not to mention, the butt is definitely bigger than Jiang Shaoxu's.

Mochizuki Qianxun's face was gloomy. She was suppressed and beaten by Song Jie before, and she was still angry in her heart.

Now that the other party appeared in her room and looked at her naked, how could she endure this! !

She gritted her teeth, "If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you will not only lose your qualifications for the national team, but you will also be imprisoned in the Xishouge Prison!"

Song Jie could tell that Chisaki Mochizuki was really angry, so he quickly explained: "You should also know what happened outside just now, right?

When I passed by the corridor of the suspension bridge, I saw someone releasing the Onimushou. I thought it was you, so I wanted to come over and see if you were in the room. "

Hearing the ghost hand, the anger in Mochizuki Chisaki's eyes receded a little, and he quickly asked: "Did you really see it?"

Song Jie immediately nodded in response.

Mochizuki Chisaki frowned. Apart from her being a high-level plant type in Xishou Pavilion, she was the only one left with her brother!

"Do me a favor and I won't report you."

Song Jie pretended to be slightly startled, and then asked: "What do you want me to do for you?"

"You'll know when we get there."

As soon as Mochizuki Chisaki finished speaking, he continued: "You go out first, and I'll get dressed first!"

Song Jie responded and then walked towards the living room.

He naturally knew what Mochizuki Chisaki wanted to do, which was to enter the restricted area to save her brother Tsuruta.


Chisaki Mochizuki walked out of the bathroom wearing a kimono.

She went to the door and looked outside, finding no one, and then said, "Follow me."

After a while, Song Jie followed Mochizuki Qianxun to the bottom of the mountain.

Song Jie asked: "What are we doing here?"

"Come into the restricted area with me."

"Entering the restricted area? Aren't you not allowed to enter the restricted area?"

"That's why we came here and sneaked in."

Mochizuki Chisaki looked at Song Jie and said, "If you come in with me, I will forget about the past."

"It doesn't matter to me, I'm just responsible for you."

Hearing this, Mochizuki Qianxun suddenly took a deep breath and stared at Song Jie.

"Hurry up." Song Jie immediately changed the subject.

Mochizuki Chisaki didn't hesitate anymore. She looked at the mountain, and then controlled the vines to send them up.

The defenders on the suspension bridge corridor would definitely not be able to get through, so they could only choose to enter the restricted area from here.

The two of them ascended slowly and soon reached the end of the top of the mountain...

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