"Brother Jie!!"

Mo Fan was running wildly. When he saw Song Jie and Mu Ningxue, his face showed a smile.

He had just seen the shining signal here and felt that his own people must have met with the Greeks.

Therefore, he rushed over without stopping.

Behind Mo Fan, three members of the Greek team were chasing after him.

They wanted to come over to support, but when they saw this scene, they wanted to curse.

Three on three! !

There are still three guys with fields on the opposite side! !

"You still dare to chase me? You must be surrounded by us now!" Mo Fan no longer looked embarrassed as before, now he had a look on his face.

Mita said: "No wonder Gamemnon was eliminated in such a hurry, it turned out that he met them!"

"What's next?"

"Leave quickly and go back to meet the saint!" Kallos said quickly.

Everyone nodded, then turned around and ran away without even thinking!

"Now that you're here, let's stay here!"

Song Jie said, and Xiao Lu immediately controlled the vines to surround them.

The vines kept coming, and Carolos and the others were startled.

It turns out that the other party had already ambushed them here!

"Kill out!!" Carolus exclaimed, and then controlled the vines to block it.

"The saint's opponent has been dealt with, and she should come to support soon!" Mita also said.

Everyone nodded, as long as they waited for Astraea, they would have a chance to make a comeback.

"Solve it quickly, don't give them a chance!"

When Song Jie was about to enlarge his move, he suddenly saw the familiar figure of Qian.

And the person coming across from me is Astraea!


Astraea held a black giant sword and swept towards the vines.

A black sword blade cut off most of the vines in an instant.

"Saint!!" The three of them couldn't help but smile when they saw Astraea appearing.

There is a saint!

They are not afraid at all!

"Saintess, we did not fulfill your request..." Carolus apologized very much.

"Now is not the time to apologize."

Astraea said, her eyes falling on Song Jie.

She has a magic weapon in her hand that can be used to search for people nearby.

This is why they were able to gather together so quickly!

At the same time, you can also find other members of the national team.

However, Astraea originally wanted to deal with Ai Jiangtu and Mo Fan first, and then Song Jie and Mu Ningxue.

It's just that her plan was disrupted, but fortunately Ai Jiangtu has been eliminated.

Song Jie said: "It seems that your plan to defeat them one by one has failed."

"Although it is a bit regretful, I have achieved my goal." Astraea said.

Song Jie said with great interest: "So, you still think you are sure to defeat us?"

"You'll know later if you're sure." Astraea smiled slightly and let it slip.

"Let me guess, you don't have some kind of power across realms, do you?" Song Jie squinted his eyes and smiled.

Astraea couldn't help but wrinkle her beautiful eyes when she heard this. Only she knew about this matter, how could Song Jie know about it! ?

And she was also trying to deal with this matter in order to steal the liquid of time from Song Jie.


Suddenly, the new Greek substitute players followed closely and entered the team.

Astraea nodded, looked at Song Jie and smiled:

"Song Jie, do you dare to come over and fight!"

"Can you handle it?" Song Jie looked at Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue and asked.

"I can hit two!"

Mo Fan said.

Mu Ningxue also nodded in response.

Song Jie nodded, "Then I'll leave the four of them to you. I'll go meet her for a while."

"Go, Brother Jie!"

Song Jie looked at Astraea and said: "Let's go, let me see what other methods you have!"

"Then come!"

After Astraea said that, she raised her giant sword and slashed over.

When Song Jie raised his hand, the painting wall appeared, and he immediately blocked the sword.

"Come again!!"

Astraea was so angry when she thought about what happened last night! !

Let him be gentle!

Let him be gentle! !

But this guy doesn't know how to care about the beauty at all! !

Song Jie saw that Astraea seemed to have gone berserk, and quickly turned around and fled.

"You seduced me yourself last night, do you blame me?" Song Jie turned around and said.

"Die!!" Astraea was furious, and the giant sword in her hand did not stop.

Song Jie looked at this crazy woman and felt that it was not easy to mess with, so he quickly said:

"Actually, you took away my space ring because you wanted to prevent me from using the liquid of time, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Astraea suddenly stopped. She did not expect that her conspiracy was discovered by Song Jie.

Song Jie smiled and said, "I've seen through your thoughts a long time ago."

When Astraea heard this, her chest heaved with anger, as if her clothes couldn't withstand the huge buoyancy.

To break through the clothes, ready to come out.

"Actually, I forgot to tell you one thing, the liquid of time is not in the space ring." Song Jie smiled again.

At this time, Astraea's silver teeth almost shattered.

Not only did she go in at a loss last night, but she also didn't get the Liquid of Time! !

Why isn't she angry? !

Before, Astraea thought why Song Jie was so confident to bet on her own team!

It turns out that this guy had already seen through her trick! !

"Didn't you say that this guy often hooks up with women!"

Astraea had someone investigate Song Jie, and it was previously discovered that Song Jie was very close to Irene, Mochizuki Chisaki, and Oluna.


That's why she made such a move.

But, everything she did was in vain.

"Damn, damn, damn! I'm going to kill you!!" Astraea was furious.

She raised her giant sword and struck Song Jie immediately! !

Song Jie didn't panic, this attack was useless to him, and then he smiled and said: "I think it's better for you to surrender."

Astraea quickly denied Song Jie's proposal, "Surrender? Impossible!!"

"Is it impossible? If you use your power, I will definitely use the liquid of time."

Song Jie smiled and said: "And I only have the last little bit of Time Liquid, and I promised to give you this Time Night, otherwise you would have suffered a loss last night.

So, you know what I'm talking about, right? At the same time, you also know what to do, right? "

When Astraea heard this, she became even more angry. This guy was threatening her! !

She said angrily: "Even if you have the Liquid of Time, I won't make it easy for you!"

As soon as the words fell, Astraea suddenly took out a bracelet and released it towards Song Jie.

"Song Jie, you didn't expect that I still have a hand, did you?" Astraea suddenly laughed happily.

"So what, you have already lost." A smile appeared on Song Jie's lips, and then he disappeared instantly.

This space bracelet can send people to distant places, which is also one of Astraea's plans.

Just hold Song Jie for a while and wait for her to deal with Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue.

Longzhou Guofu Team!

You will definitely lose! !

Just when Astraea wanted to go back, the sound of elimination suddenly sounded.

"Greek team Dekun was eliminated!!"

“Greece team Mita was eliminated!!”

...(End of chapter)

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