Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 363 Aren’t you outside?

Hailong clenched his fists. No one had ever been so arrogant in front of him.

Song Jie is the first!

It may also be the last one!

"I want to see what confidence you have!!" Hailong's eyes were like swords, ready to capture Song Jie at any time.

"Do I have the confidence?"

Song Jie smiled and then took out the totem bead.

"Guys, come out and get some fresh air."

As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, the totem black snake immediately appeared, and its huge figure appeared in front of everyone! !

"Monarch level! There is a monarch level creature!" Fen Ai couldn't help but exclaimed.

Melora also frowned tightly. She didn't expect this person to have such an ability!

Two monarch-level creatures are working for him! ?

"Song Jie actually brought the Totem Black Snake here!" Zhu Meng exclaimed.

Han Ji and Pang Lai also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Song Jie was also smart enough.

Totem Black Snake's strength has also increased significantly recently, and it is much stronger than before.

Hailong is not a forbidden spell. It may not be that simple to deal with the Totem Black Snake.

Bora looked in the direction of Song Jie and was startled. No wonder this guy was so confident. It turned out he had brought a monarch-level one with him!


I'm afraid it's not enough for a monarch to break into the Parthenon!

"Stop it!"

After seeing the totem black snake, Hailong frowned and his face became more solemn!

He could tell that the Totem Black Snake was no ordinary monarch!

What's more, there is only one deputy hall master left in the Knights Hall, and the other two deputy hall masters have been sent out.

As soon as Hailong finished speaking, the knights swarmed into formation and could not let the other side take a step forward!

"Keep them alive, after all, this will be my territory from now on." Song Jie said.


The totem black snake made a sound that seemed to understand, and suddenly spit out a rich green poisonous gas.

Those people had never dealt with the Totem Black Snake, how could they know it was a venomous snake!

The knights who were originally in formation collapsed in an instant! !

"I'll kill you!"

Hailong was furious!

The Parthenon has been fine for so many years. What if something like this happened when he came to power!

Where is his face? !

Song Jie sat calmly on the Ice King Wind Eagle, and then said calmly:

"Li Rui, fight a way out for me."

next moment!

Li Rui's slender and attractive figure emerges!

When Song Jie came to the Parthenon, Li Rui had already arrived from China.


Li Rui nodded, and then her strength suddenly rose to the level of a monarch! !

Those knights couldn't stop Li Rui at all, and almost all of them were knocked down in one round.

Bo La, who was not far away, was startled when she saw this scene.

Because Li Rui is also a member of the vampire clan, he can clearly sense the power of blood in the opponent.

"I didn't expect that there are people from the vampire race in this world, and their bloodline is so strong!" Bora said sincerely.

He had stayed in the Parthenon for so long that he didn't even know if there were any descendants of his outside.

When he saw Li Rui, he seemed to be ignited with hope that maybe he could leave this hellish place!

"This matter can't continue like this. We must inform the palace mother immediately." Great Sage Merola said immediately.

Based on the current situation, this Song Jie might really be able to kill Goddess Peak.

Melola didn't want to ruin their plan because of Song Jie.

After Fen Ai saw Merola leaving, she also chose to leave here quickly.

Now Song Jie is like a devil, and they don't know what other methods he can use.


It's better to hide.

The top of the Temple of the Goddess.

Temple Mother Pamishi, Du Lanke, and others are here.

Du Lanke knew that someone was coming to save Xinxia, ​​so he immediately urged the verdict to begin, and finally convicted Ye Xinxia!

All the evidence points to Ye Xinxia, ​​and others cannot save her even if they want to.

And next, Durank only needs to wait for the arrival of the dark judgment! !

"Mother of the Palace, it's not good, Yizhisha's body was cut into eight pieces!" A sage hurriedly ran over and said.

"What did you say!!" Pamishi frowned, not expecting such a thing to happen.

Later, the sage told what happened.

Everyone frowned, they didn’t expect anyone to touch Yizhisha’s body!

"Who is it?"

Pamishi was so angry that this was a slap in the face of their Parthenon!

"I heard that the Parthenon has a powerful resurrection magic, so I wanted to try to see if a person could be resurrected after being cut into pieces."

A woman stood out from the crowd.

"You did it!!" Pamish looked at the woman Kandi and couldn't help but frown.

"Kanti, what are you doing? Are you provoking our Parthenon?" A sage said angrily.

"Provoke your Parthenon?" Conti said, suddenly laughing.

"Even if I provoke your Parthenon, what can you do to me?"

"who are you!"

Only then did they realize that this guy was not Conti at all!

"who I am?"

The woman smiled again and then looked at them, "Don't you know me? I am the Salan you are looking for!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked shocked.

Temple of the Goddess.

Astraea heard that Iris was dismembered on the road, so she quickly came over to check.

When passing by, they met the great sage Melola, so they came together.

Melora said before that she was going to find the palace mother, but she just wanted to make an excuse to leave!

Astraea and Melora entered the Goddess Temple, and then came to a leaf coffin.

She couldn't help but look surprised when she looked at the body of Yizhisha being sutured.

"How can it be!"

Astraea saw the recovering Yishya and suddenly looked at Melola.

"Nothing is impossible!" Melola said with certainty.

"Have you known about this for a long time?" Astraea looked at Melola warily.

"I'm not the only one who knows." Melola said, looking at the Blue and Gold Deputy Palace Master aside.

This person's strength is not inferior to that of the palace master Hailong.

"So, this is all your plan. Ander died in your hands, and so did Panicya!" Astraea said.

Melola said: "Pan Nijia is one of our own, she committed suicide."

Astraea was silent.

It seems that Ye Xinxia is innocent and was pushed to the forefront!

"Astraea, you are a smart person, it is not too late to take sides now." Merola looked at Astraea and reminded.

"You just want the supreme power, I disdain to be with you!" Astraea refused.

"Then go to hell!" Merola finished her words and did not want to let Astraea leave.

"Who told my woman to die?" A hearty voice came quietly.

Astraea turned around, she could tell who was speaking from the voice!

Then, Song Jie walked in from outside and looked at Melola opposite.

"Is it you? Aren't you outside? How could it be..." Melola looked at Song Jie in surprise.

...(End of chapter)

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