Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 377 The secret of the token, the core of the earth!

Tong Li and Zheng Tong searched around the inn, maybe they could find some traces.

The two searched everywhere, but found nothing.

Zheng Tong pointed to the volcano not far away and said, "How about we go over there and have a look?"

Tong Li shook his head, "The temperature over there is so high, aren't we asking for trouble if we go there?"

However, when Zheng Tong looked in the direction of the volcano, he suddenly frowned.

"What's wrong?" Tong Li turned around and looked over, but found nothing.

"I seemed to have seen a figure just now." Zheng Tong rubbed his eyes.

Tong Li immediately denied it: "The temperature of the volcano is so high, how could anyone go there?"

Zheng Tong was very sure that he had seen it correctly just now, "I think I saw it correctly. There was indeed a figure walking by just now."

"Okay, okay, since you don't give up, let's go over and take a look." Tong Li said.

Anyway, they just need to wait for the military commander to come, and it doesn't matter if they go and take a look.

"Let's go!" As soon as Zheng Tong's voice fell, he took the lead in walking towards the direction of the volcano.

At this time, Song Jie, Lingling and others were heading towards the Flame Demon Mountain.

Artur seemed to have thought of something at this time and said quickly:

"I remember now!"

Jiang Shaoxu asked, "What did you remember?"

"My grandfather seems to have said this token!" Artur said excitedly.


"My grandfather has heard of it before, but I don't know if it's accurate or not."

Artur said: "A long time ago, didn't they raise a hundred-meter giant snake?"

"It is said that if you want to control this giant snake, you need to get a token!"

"I think this token is probably the one you have."

Song Jie frowned and said, "I tried the token before, but there was no reaction."

"That's true, because if you want to control the token and make the big snake think it's the owner, only Niya people can do it." Artur said.

"Only Niya people? Then none of us are. In this case, holding the token is useless?" Jiang Shaoxu said with some disappointment.

Song Jie also sighed.

If this is the case, then there is indeed no use in taking the token.

"Is there no other way?" Lingling asked.

"I have no idea."

Artur shook his head, "But my grandfather's residence should have many records about the Jingjue Kingdom..."

Lingling's eyes lit up. She had too little information about Jingjue Country, so she really needed to supplement it.

"Let's not rush this matter now. Let's go to the Flame Magic Mountain to take a look first."

Song Jie said: "If there is nothing over there, it won't be too late for us to go back."

Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu both nodded.

Flame Mountain.

Tong Li and Zheng Tong both came nearby.

Tong Li asked: "Didn't you just say you saw someone? Where is he?"

"It's in that direction." Zheng Tong pointed to the mountain not far away, and then walked over.

Tongli followed closely behind and soon arrived near the mountain.


They discovered a cave on the mountain.

Zheng Tong said: "There is a cave here, let's go in and have a look?"

Tong Li nodded.

The two climbed up and soon arrived at the entrance of the cave.

In an instant!

A black shadow rushed out, and a thin palm suddenly attacked Tong Li.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and suddenly dodged the opponent's attack.

Tongli looked up and saw a ragged man in front of him.

"Who are you?" The man in ragged clothes looked at them with hostility in his eyes.

Zheng Tong and Tong Li looked at each other with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

This guy……

It seems a bit familiar...

Zheng Tong said: "We are hunters here and happened to find this cave."

"You are... outsiders..."

Maybe it was because he had lived here for so long that the man in front of him was not able to speak clearly.

"I am a military mage. My sister died here eleven years ago, so I want to come here and look for traces of her."

Tong Li asked: "Why do you live in a place like this?"

"You are a military mage..." The man suddenly became excited when he heard the military mage.

"I am also a military mage. My name is Lin Feili. I am the military mage who used to guard the inn!" Lin Feili said.

"That's it. Do you remember that I have a sister? Her name is Qin Xiaoyu. She was also a mage here before. Is she still alive?" Tong Li asked.

"Qin Xiaoyu? There seems to be some impression..." Lin Feili thought carefully, there were some things that he really couldn't remember.

Zheng Tong was staring at Lin Feili. As long as the other party was dissatisfied, he would take action immediately.

"Lin Feili, even if my sister Qin Xiaoyu dies, please tell me where she is buried. I want to take her back." Tong Li continued.

Lin Feili looked at Tong Li who was so sincere, sighed and said, "Come with me, I will take you there, but you can only follow me."

At this time, Zheng Tong frowned.

But Tong Li gave him a gesture and told him to just wait here.

After a while, Tong Li followed Lin Feili and left here.

Zheng Tong looked at the direction they came from and estimated that the military commander would be able to find them in the evening!

After a while.

Lin Feili took Tong Li to find Qin Xiaoyu's body.

"This is Qin Xiaoyu's body."

"Thank you!" Tong Li's face was full of gratitude, and then he took out the things and put them away.

After pretending, Tong Li said again: "Lin Feili, will you follow me back? I can take you out of here."

Lin Feili shook his head.

"I can't leave."


Lin Feili frowned. He couldn't remember why he didn't want to leave.

"Okay, I will remember this kindness." Tong Li nodded.

After a while, Tong Li met Zheng Tong with the ashes.

"Thank you, let's leave first." Tong Li said goodbye to Lin Feili, and then left with Zheng Tong.

Zheng Tong looked at Lin Feili's leaving figure from the corner of his eye and couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Has he forgotten what happened before?"

Tong Li nodded.

"It's possible, because I don't think he's faking it."

Zheng Tong smiled and said: "But we actually found the person who guarded the inn before. Do you think the military commander will reward us?"

"definitely will."

Tong Li suddenly smiled, "But before the military commander comes here, we need to get rid of the Jin Zhan Hunter Group!"

"This is easy to handle. Didn't the military commander give us poison? By then we..."

A sinister smile flashed across Zheng Tong's face.

"Let's go, complete this task quickly, and then arrest Lin Feili. He must know about the Core of the Earth."

Tong Li said.

The night is about to darken.

A group of people were walking towards the dilapidated inn.

"Commander, our destination is ahead," an officer said.

"Speed ​​up, I can't wait." Military Commander Shi Qianshou said.

...(End of chapter)

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