Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 396 The supreme monarch still kills!

Imperial capital.

The high-level mages and super-level mages who were about to go out to perform tasks were immediately called back.

"Did something happen to the family?" someone asked.

"I don't know either."

Someone said: "I asked other people and they seemed to have been recalled as well."

"I heard about it, it seems that someone knocked on our Mu family's door!"

"Knock on the door? Who the hell dares to go against our Mu family!"

"I don't know."

The members and worshipers of the Mu family in the imperial capital received orders to return to the Mu family.

At the same time, the sudden change of the Mu family also attracted the attention of many people.

Someone asked in surprise: "What happened to the Mu family? Could it be that the chairman of the Mu family passed away? Or was the chief of the Mu family re-elected?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. I heard something big happened."

"Something big happened? What happened?"

"I heard that someone knocked on the door of the Mu family."

"Holy shit, is this real or fake?"

This matter quickly spread in the imperial capital, and many people began to inquire about the situation.

Mu family.

At this time, many mages came around Song Jie and Li Rui.

Their hands were forming seals quickly, as if they were completing some formation.

Song Jie was not in a hurry.

He wanted to see what the Mu family could do.

The next moment, snowflakes suddenly started flying in the sky, and the air was filled with a terrifying chill.

"Li Rui, come back." As soon as Song Jie finished speaking, Li Rui came to his side.

She also noticed something was wrong with this formation.

In an instant!

Ice chains emerged from the void one after another, making crisp sounds at the same time.

Song Jie saw the ice lock coming towards them and immediately put a holy shield on the two of them.

He continued: "You can move around or just stand next to me."

Li Rui replied: "Then I will stand!"

She actually wanted to see how Song Jie could crack this formation.

At this moment, countless ice chains came, seeming to want to weave a cage to trap them here.

But before the ice chains could get close to Song Jie, they broke one after another in an instant.

On top of the building.

Someone asked: "Have you seen clearly what abilities he used? How can he break the ice locks through the air?"

"So what if he can break the ice locks? There are countless ice locks in the ice lock formation. How many can he break?"

As soon as these words came out, others nodded in agreement.

Even if a super-level mage enters the Ice Lock Formation, it is impossible to get out of it.


Song Jie actually started to use bombing to destroy the ice lock formation.

"Too young. The Ice Lock Formation was completed by high-level mages and super-level mages, and he still wants to destroy it?" A council member couldn't help but shook his head.

However, Song Jie was just trying. When he was almost done, he looked at Li Rui beside him.

"Release all the attack magic." After Song Jie finished speaking, the whirlpool tornado had emerged.

at the same time!

Two rubbing seals also appeared on his head.

Li Rui didn't know what Song Jie was going to do, but her boss had already spoken, so she could only do what she said.

Song Jie would not be polite to the Mu family and kept throwing brilliance into the vortex tornado.

Everyone on the roof looked at this scene and wondered what Song Jie was doing.

But Mu Tingying in the crowd knew what Song Jie was going to do next.

When they were in Peru, Song Jie used this trick to kill countless strange birds.

Mu Tingying hesitated whether to tell her family about this.

But when she thought about her relationship with Song Jie, she still chose to remain silent.

at this point.

Even if she said it, it would not help.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Song Jie felt that it was almost done, and immediately detonated the entire vortex tornado.

The ice lock formation had already blocked the space where Song Jie was, so they didn't feel anything was wrong at first.

But when they got to the back, they actually saw a crack in the ice lock formation! !

"What happened to the Ice Lock Formation? How could such a crack appear?" Someone was surprised.

However, in the next second, there were more and more cracks, spreading like a spider web.

With a "pop" sound, the ice lock array collapsed instantly, and a strong wind swept through the entire villa area.

The mages who controlled the Ice Lock Formation spat out blood at this moment.


Some of the family members reacted immediately and released defensive magic.

The wind carried snow, swallowing up the entire villa area like a baptism.

However, when they reacted, the Ice Lock Formation had collapsed, and Song Jie and Li Rui had disappeared.

"Where are the people?"

When everyone was confused, they began to look for Song Jie at the same time.

"Are you looking for me?"

Song Jie's voice sounded from behind everyone.

They turned around and saw Song Jie looking at them with a smile.

"Mu Xumian!"

"Get him!!"

Some MPs exclaimed.

They didn't expect Song Jie to come behind them quietly.

Mu Xumian frowned and stood in front of the team, about to release the magic.

But now!

Li Rui kept passing through the crowd, and his sharp claws immediately touched Mu Xumian's neck.

The sharp claws scratched the skin, and blood flowed from the surface.

"Don't move, otherwise I'm not sure if my claws will kill you." Li Rui said coldly.

"Song Jie, don't bully others too much!" A member of parliament pointed at Song Jie and said angrily.

"I should be the one saying this to you, right?" Song Jie replied.

"Song Jie, this may be a misunderstanding. If anything happens, let's sit down and tell him, don't hurt Mu Xumian." Mu Hu hoped that Mu Xumian would be hurt.

"They don't dare to kill people. Surround them. They don't want to leave today!!" the family chairman said with a gloomy face.


Song Jie brought shame to their Mu family.


Don't even think about leaving safely! !

"Do you think you've convinced me with this tone?" Song Jie said nonchalantly.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant. You really think that our Mu family is easy to bully!"

As soon as the speaker finished speaking, he immediately looked at the two old men beside him.

Song Jie looked around and looked at the two old men. They were obviously masters.

Yet he was not afraid.

Then he pretended to take out the liquid of time and gave it to the little Flame Fairy summoned at this time to drink.

Playing cards?

He has no fear! !

The two old men are both fully-cultivated super-level mages, and they have always protected the family chairman.

But when they saw Little Flame Fairy's realm constantly improving, their eyes became particularly solemn.

At this time, Little Flame Fairy is only one step away from the Supreme Monarch! !

They hesitated.

If they fight, the people here will definitely be affected.

No one can escape.

Queen Yan Ji hung in the air and looked down at them, just waiting for Song Jie's order.

Someone shouted angrily: "It's just a state that relies on external things to improve. You can improve for a while, but can you improve for a lifetime?"

Song Jie really wants to say that I can be promoted for a lifetime? What can you do to me! ?

But he is not a primary school student, so he certainly can't scold each other.

The family chairman looked at Song Jie, "Even if you bring the supreme monarch, my Mu family will still kill you!!"

...(End of chapter)

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