Versatile Mage: My magic is off the charts!

Chapter 484 You will always come when the time comes!

"What do you want to do?" Song Jie asked confused.

A strange voice sounded: "You just need to listen to us, otherwise don't blame us..."

"Don't hurt her. If you have anything to say, talk to her." Song Jie said hurriedly.

"There is an old saying in China that he who knows the current affairs is a hero. I hope that no third person will know about our conversation!"

Song Jie looked at Blanche and Heidi next to him. Now it was not only the third person, but also the fourth person who heard it.


Blanche and Heidi were silent.

Ah this...

"I will tell you where to go then. I hope you won't do anything stupid." After the voice fell, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Song Jie also saw the message from Lingling.

——"I positioned my phone, and it showed that it was not in Cairo, but in another place."

Later, Lingling sent the place to him.

Song Jie frowned when he saw it. It was obvious that those people had cut off Li Rui halfway.

They are so powerful that it is easy for them to stop a flight at a certain airport and then resume its journey.

——"Have their positions changed before?"

——"It keeps changing, but if they send you a message, they should be able to find their hiding spot."

Song Jie nodded.

Li Rui was taken to the territory of a small country.

He planned to go there first and then find a chance to save Li Rui.

Blanche asked: "Song Jie, what are you going to do next? Do you need our help?"

"You should stay in Cairo, I can handle this matter." Song Jie said.

"and you……"

Heidi was a little worried.

"They want to touch me, but they are not qualified enough. Don't worry, I will be back soon." Song Jie looked at them and comforted them.

"How about we ask the Magic Association for help?" Heidi said.

Song Jie shook his head, "You have forgotten that the people who deal with me are people from the Magic Association."

Heidi was so worried that she forgot about it.

"Don't worry, don't you know my strength yet?" Song Jie smiled calmly.

Heidi nodded.

"I'm going to buy a ticket first." Song Jie said and walked towards the ticket office.

A villa area.

Su Lu was standing on the window looking at the scenery outside.

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Congressman Su, what you asked us to do has been completed." A complimenting voice came from over there.

Su Lu responded, "My people will be there soon. Don't make too much noise."


After hanging up the phone, Su Lu suddenly smiled. If he killed Song Jie, the senior officials in China would be furious, right?

Especially Representative Shao Zheng, he should hate himself even more!

When Su Lu thought of this, the smile on his face became even brighter.

He turned around, looked at the secretary in front of him and said, "Notify them that the hunting is about to begin."

Su Lu originally wanted to wait for a while, but Li Rui came to Cairo and gave them an opportunity.

Black Dragon Emperor!

Su Lu longed for it extremely, it was an emperor-level creature!

If he conquered it, he would not be the best in the world yet! ?

By the time!

Who is your counterpart! ?

The more Su Lu thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he longed for the Black Dragon Emperor! !

To be sure, he brought all his capable men with him, but this was not to deal with Song Jie, but to conquer the Black Dragon Emperor!

Su Lu investigated Song Jie and found that his overall strength was at a super level, and the rest relied on external forces.

Therefore, they did not take Song Jie seriously.

Su Lu turned around, looked out the window again, and said, "Speaking of which, I would like to thank you very much. Without you, I would not have the energy to deal with the Black Dragon Emperor."

That night, Song Jie had arrived in that small country.

This small country is called Ruili. It has only one city and the rest is vast grassland.

Song Jie just got off the plane and received a call from the other party.

Lingling had been monitoring Song Jie's cell phone. When she saw a message coming, she immediately located it and quickly found the other party's location.

"Song Jie, I found their location."


Later, Lingling sent him a location, and Song Jie looked in the defined direction.

It didn't take long for him to find the other party's location, but there was no sign of Li Rui.

Song Jie secretly said: "No, Li Rui is not here."

He thought, these people are really cunning, obviously this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

"It seems that we can only ask this person." Song Jie doesn't like to sit still and wait for death. He likes to attack directly.


The person who sent him the message was controlled by Song Jie.

But the other party didn't know anything, and the attempt was all in vain.

Song Jie cursed in his heart: "He is indeed a cunning fox."

This guy is just a common man who took money from others and asked him to send messages.

On the other side, people like Su Lu already knew that Song Jie had come to Ruili.

"Is there anyone following him?" Su Lu asked.

The middle-aged man behind shook his head: "He came alone, and there is no news from the Magic Association."

Su Lu nodded, he didn't want anyone to ruin his good deeds.

He said slowly: "Since we are almost ready, let's lure him over."

It would be too blatant to take action in the city, so they chose to take action on the grassland.

The middle-aged man said: "I will go and ask someone to inform him to come over."

Su Lu nodded, he would get the Black Dragon Emperor tomorrow, who would still be his opponent then! ! !

After resting all night, Song Jie received new news in the morning.

"Looks like they're going to take action against me." Song Jie thought to himself.

After making some preparations, he immediately left the hotel and headed straight to their location.

Leaving the safety barrier, there are dangers outside, but these powers pose almost no threat to Song Jie.

The leader level will be instantly killed!

Sovereign level is even possible!

Therefore, there are not many things that can threaten him now.

When Song Jie came to the grassland, he saw a lush scene and vast grassland as far as the eye could see.

I don’t know how long it took to fly.

Song Jie noticed Li Rui's aura, and it was getting closer.

At this moment, he saw many figures high in the sky, waiting for him not far away.

Song Jie was not afraid and let the Ice Emperor Wind Eagle continue to fly over until it arrived not far from them.

Su Lu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Song Jie as if he had seen a treasure, his eyes were shining.

"I was afraid you wouldn't come." Su Lu said with a smile.

Song Jie looked at him, "I have one characteristic: I will be nice to anyone who is nice to me."

"Actually, I have also made two preparations. If you don't come, I can catch other people. You will always come when the time comes." Su Lu smiled, but he smiled like a devil!

...(End of chapter)

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