Song Jie didn't say anything and let Qin Yu'er think about it.

Later, Song Jie found Lingling, Jiang Shaoxu and others, who were hiding behind an iceberg.

The movement just now really frightened them, and they were all worried that Song Jie would be in danger.

"Song Jie, have you solved the problem?" Jiang Shaoxu asked.

Song Jie nodded, "It's been solved for the time being."

He felt that the people from the Tribunal would not let it go, so they would definitely come back later!

However, Ning Xuecheng has two powerful totems, and they are still in the Huaxia area!

Even the Holy City may not dare to act recklessly in China.

Therefore, Song Jie was not afraid of people from the Dispute Tribunal coming to trouble Ning Xuecheng.

"It's okay." Jiang Shaoxu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Jie said: "Let's leave here now and go back to Pan Town to rest for a night."

At the same time, this is also the time Song Jie gives Qin Yuer to think about.

Everyone got on the back of Ice Emperor Wind Eagle and headed towards Panzhen.

Panzhen is the town closest to Tianshan Mountain!

Therefore, hunters who come to Tianshan usually stop in Pan Town.

They returned to Pan Town, feeling relieved that they were finally back in human territory.

After booking the hotel, everyone returned to their rooms and wanted to take a long hot bath.

Just as Song Jie sat down, there was a sudden knock on the door. He went to open it and it was Qin Yu'er who came.

"Can you go out for a walk with me?" Qin Yu'er asked.

Song Jie nodded, closed the door, and took Qin Yu'er out of the hotel.

Although it is a town, it is as big as a small city!

Moreover, there are many people living here, and there are many hunters coming and going.

Even at night, there are many people walking or shopping on the street.

Qin Yu'er looked at the flow of people coming and going, and at the shops passing by, with curiosity in her eyes.

Although she left Tianshan before, she had never set foot in a human city.

After being isolated from the outside world for so long, everything feels fresh to her.

Qin Yuer stopped at a shop selling women's jewelry because the jewelry sold there made her a little excited.

Shopping is a girl's nature. Seeing this, Song Jie smiled and said, "Let's go in and take a look?"

Qin Yu'er hesitated, but Song Jie took her hand and brought her into the store.

"Handsome guy, would you like to bring your girlfriend to look at the jewelry? We have all kinds of jewelry here..." The female clerk greeted him with a smile.

When Qin Yu'er heard the female clerk say that she was Song Jie's girlfriend, her pretty face turned red and she was a little at a loss.

Although Qin Yuer is older than Song Jie, she looks only in her twenties and has not aged due to age.

But there is a charm that others in their twenties don't have.

"We don't have that kind of relationship." Qin Yuer said with a blush.

"It's not that kind of relationship? Then why are you still holding hands?" The female clerk covered her mouth and laughed.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yuer realized that Song Jie was holding her hand, and immediately let go.

But she wasn't angry either. She knew Song Jie pulled her because he wanted to bring her in.

"We are just friends." Song Jie smiled, and then looked at Qin Yu'er, "Buy whatever you like, Mr. Song will foot the bill tonight."

Qin Yuer nodded shyly, but the jewelry here is really beautiful.

"Here are our latest styles, you can take a look." The female salesperson introduced.

Qin Yuer nodded, picked up a piece of jewelry and fell in love with it. She couldn't even remember the last time she went shopping.

While watching, she put it down again, but Song Jie next to her took it away.

Song Jie was very good at observing people's emotions, so he saw that Qin Yu'er liked it very much, but he just didn't think it was necessary to ask for so much.

So pick one you like best!

However, Song Jie’s idea is that since he likes them all, he should buy them all and wear them interchangeably!

Qin Yu'er saw a lot of them, but only chose one that he liked the most.

However, Song Jie had already asked the female shop assistant to pack the jewelry that Qin Yuer thought was good.

"This is too much..." Qin Yu'er didn't expect Song Jie to buy so much for her.

Song Jie smiled and said: "Not much. It's hard to come back, why don't you make up for it?"

The female clerk couldn't hear their exchange, but she was happy to be able to sell so much jewelry.

Qin Yu'er could hear what Song Jie was referring to, and immediately showed a relieved smile.


Qin Yu'er hasn't felt cared about or cared about by anyone for a long time.

Song Jie made her feel this way several times, and her heart suddenly felt warm.

"Why are you so polite?"

Song Jie waved his hand and paid.

Qin Yu'er had no place to put it, so Song Jie put it into his own space ring.

Song Jie said: "Come on, let's go shopping over there. It seems to be a food street over there. There should be a lot of delicious food."

Hearing this, Qin Yu'er nodded. In Tianshan, where there is no delicious food, it's basically snow all over the sky.

The two entered the crowd, and then bought various fireworks and delicacies on the lively street.

Qin Yu'er had not felt so at ease for a long time. It seemed that after meeting Song Jie, she became very at ease, as if she didn't have to worry about anything.

"Handsome boy, I hurried back to sell my last bouquet of flowers to you at half price."

The flower vendor smiled and said, "Look at your girlfriend, her flowers are more beautiful than mine. When they are put together, they look even more beautiful."

“Buy a bunch!”

Qin Yu'er didn't expect to be mistaken for someone else again.

"How much did you spend?" Song Jie said without explaining.

"Not expensive, thirty." The vendor held a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"..." Song Jie fell silent.

"You think I'm being taken advantage of? Thirty yuan for half price." Song Jie said angrily.

"How about twenty?" The merchant suddenly smiled and didn't feel embarrassed.

Song Jie shook his head.

"Then you make a price."

"Five dollars."

"Little brother, you have cut my main artery!" the vendor screamed.

"We can't bargain like that!"

"Ten dollars."

"Little brother, I have an elder and a younger one, and I have..."


"make a deal!!"

Hearing the vendor's decisiveness, Song Jie suddenly frowned and felt that he must have been cumming.

"This is the last bunch. I wish you a long life. Can you scan the code?" the vendor said with a smile.


Song Jie looked at the vendor and didn't look distressed. It was obvious that he had paid a high price! !

Depend on! !

be cheated! !

Qin Yu'er looked at Song Jie bargaining with the vendors and found it a bit funny and beautiful.

She hadn't seen this kind of scene for a long time.

"For you." Song Jie handed the flowers to Qin Yu'er.

Qin Yu'er didn't expect that the first bouquet of flowers in her life would be sent by Song Jie. Seeing how Song Jie was negotiating the price just now, she didn't refuse.

The two of them continued walking forward. After shopping for a while, they were ready to go back.

However, on the way back, they saw the person who sold them flowers just now. They were selling flowers at this time! !

Song Jie knew that Ma De was deceived! !

...(End of chapter)

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