The most effective way to improve physical fitness is undoubtedly by taking whale collagen, but for these girls, their physical fitness is much weaker than ordinary people. Even the lowest grade of century-old whale collagen is beyond what their current bodies can handle.

Lin Chen was not in a hurry. Everything needs to be done gradually. Lin Chen gave the cooks in the mansion many warm and nourishing medicinal herbs, soul beast meat, and whale collagen. As long as these nutrients are continuously ingested in the girls' daily diet, their physical fitness will definitely improve!

As night fell, the brilliant starry sky was like a huge painting, magnificent and beautiful.

Countless stars shone with mysterious light, as if countless eyes in the universe were gazing at the earth.

Some of the stars were as bright as diamonds, while others were as dim as fireflies. They intertwined together to form a vast and boundless sea of stars, with the Milky Way like a shining ribbon.

Under this silent starry sky, the world seemed extraordinarily peaceful.

A gentle breeze passed by, bringing a hint of coolness. Lin Chen slowly walked in the antique Prince's mansion, feeling very惬意 (xieyi - comfortable and satisfied).

Entering the bedroom, he saw a girl draped in a light纱 (sha - gauze) sitting on the edge of the bed, her beautiful face with a hint of娇羞 (jiaoxiu - shy and bashful) blush.

Seeing Lin Chen walking towards her, the girl stood up and took the initiative to greet him!

“Mas~ter~” Xiao Wu's charming voice sounded, bringing a hint of暧昧 (aimei - ambiguous) atmosphere to the quiet bedroom.

Lin Chen sat on the sofa, his嘴角 (zuijiao - corner of the mouth) slightly raised,肆无忌惮 (siwujidan - unscrupulously) looking at the delicious娇人 (jiaoren - charming person) in front of him.

Xiao Wu's娇俏 (jiaoqiao - lovely and charming) face became even redder. She tacitly took off the束缚 (shufu - restraints) on her body and主动 (zhudong - voluntarily) knelt in front of Lin Chen.

Xiao Wu looked up slightly at Lin Chen, the魅惑 (meihuo - charm) in her eyes even more intense!

Lin Chen did not answer, but gently抚摸 (fumo - stroked) Xiao Wu's娇俏 (jiaoqiao - lovely and charming) face!

Xiao Wu's body gradually lit up with pink light, the pink charm intensified, and she raised her eyes again and asked, "Do you like me? Master~"

At some point, a微不可见 (weibukejian - barely visible) crack appeared in the tightly closed bedroom door, and宝石 (baoshi - jewel)-like shining eyes were watching everything in the bedroom.

Outside the door, a少女 (shaonv - young girl) in a green紗衣 (shayi - gauze dress) had a flushed face, her嬌軀 (jiaoqu - delicate body) trembling slightly, her legs tightly并拢 (binglong - closed).

“So Lin Chen likes this kind of调调 (diaodiao - style, vibe), I didn’t expect Xiao Wu to be so贱 (jian - slutty, cheap), how can she do this… so shameless…” the少女 (shaonv - young girl) muttered to herself, but her星眸 (xingmou - starry eyes) were still盯着 (dingzhe - staring at) everything inside!

At the same time, a抹 (mo - trace) of担忧 (danyou - worry) rose in the少女 (shaonv - young girl)'s heart!

“Am I too保守 (baoshou - conservative)? Does Lin Chen just like奔放 (benfang - outgoing) girls like Xiao Wu? No… don't even mention Zhu Zhuqing, if this continues, I won't even be able to compare to Xiao Wu!”

The少女 (shaonv - young girl)'s figure slowly retreated, a抹 (mo - trace) of紧迫 (jinpo - urgency) appeared on her白皙 (baixi - fair) face.

Late at night, everything was寂静 (jijing - silent), the world seemed to be immersed in a静谧 (jingmi - tranquil) ocean, with only the occasional沙沙声 (shashasheng - rustling sound) of the微风 (weifeng - breeze) gently拂 (fu - stroking) the leaves.

Moonlight was like water,洒 (sa - sprinkling) on the大地 (dadi - earth),披 (pi - draping) the entire world in a layer of silver white紗衣 (shayi - gauze dress).

In this朦胧 (menglong - hazy) moonlight, a抹 (mo - trace) of green倩影 (qianying - beautiful figure) quietly appeared, the淡绿色 (danlvse - light green)紗衣 (shayi - gauze dress) swaying gently in the wind, like an精灵 (jingling - elf) walking out of a dream, with a kind of神秘 (shenmi - mysterious) and不可捉摸 (bukezhuomo - elusive) beauty!

That淡绿色 (danlvse - light green) color散发 (sanfa - emitting) a迷人 (miren - charming)光芒 (guangmang - light) under the映照 (yingzhao - illumination) of the moonlight.

Her长发 (changfa - long hair) was如瀑而下 (rupuerxia - cascading down like a waterfall),垂落 (chuiluo - hanging down) at her腰间 (yaojian - waist), a few缕 (lv - strands) of发丝 (fasi - hair strands)飘动 (piaodong - fluttering) in the微风 (weifeng - breeze),增添 (zengtian - adding) a few分 (fen - points) of灵动 (lingdong - lively beauty).

Her精致 (jingzhi - delicate)面容 (mianrong - face) looked格外 (gewai - particularly)朦胧 (menglong - hazy) in the moonlight, her嬌俏 (jiaoqiao - lovely and charming)容颜 (rongyan - face)若隐若现 (ruoyinyinaxian - appearing and disappearing).

Those双 (shuang - pair of)深邃 (shensuo - deep)星眸 (xingmou - starry eyes)闪烁 (shan爍 - flashing) with神秘 (shenmi - mysterious)光芒 (guangmang - light), her修长 (xiuchang - slender)双腿 (shuangtui - legs) slowly朝着 (chaozhe - towards) Lin Chen's寝宫 (qingong - bedroom) direction.

At some point, that抹 (mo - trace) of倩影 (qianying - beautiful figure) had already entered Lin Chen's寝宫 (qingong - bedroom),来到 (laidao - arrived at) the床前 (chuangqian - bedside), she微微 (weiwei - slightly)低下头 (dixiatou - lowered her head),俯视 (fushi - looking down at) the男子 (nanzi - man) on the bed, the girl's双眸 (shuangmou - eyes)闪烁 (shan爍 - flashing) a抹 (mo - trace) of坚定 (jianding - firm)之色 (zhise - expression).

The girl gently褪去 (tuiqu - took off) the束缚 (shufu - restraints) on her body,不顾 (bugu - disregarding) the倩影 (qianying - beautiful figure) on the side, she轻轻 (qingqing - gently)爬 (pa - climbed) onto the bed!

Lin Chen, who had already醒来 (xinglai - woken up),猛地 (mengdi - suddenly)睁开 (zhengkai - opened) his双眸 (shuangmou - eyes),露 (lu - revealing) a抹 (mo - trace) of惬意 (xieyi - comfortable and satisfied)之色 (zhise - expression) on his face. How could Lin Chen not know that someone had潜入 (qianru - sneaked in), but not knowing the other party's目的 (mudi - purpose), Lin Chen could only continue to装睡 (zhuangshui - pretend to be asleep), but he didn't expect that this little妮子 (nizi - girl) Ning Rongrong would actually play偷袭 (touxi - surprise attack).

That's right, that宛如 (wanru - like) an精灵 (jingling - elf)-般的 (ban de - like) green倩影 (qianying - beautiful figure) was none other than the九彩 (jiucai - nine-colored)神女 (shennv - goddess) Ning Rongrong!

What a销魂 (xiaohun - ecstasy), Lin Chen默默 (momo - silently)享受 (xiangshou - enjoying) at the same time, the Xiao Wu beside him朦胧 (menglong - hazily)睁开 (zhengkai - opened) her双眸 (shuangmou - eyes), the scene before her completely惊呆 (jingdai - stunned) Xiao Wu.

“What a Ning Rongrong, no, I can’t let her get away with this!” The念头 (niantou - thought) of not admitting defeat瞬间 (shunjian - instantly)涌出 (yongchu - surged) in Xiao Wu's脑海 (naohai - mind), Xiao Wu quickly来到 (laidao - arrived at) Ning Rongrong's身旁 (shenpang - side), her纤细 (xianxi - slender)手臂 (shoubi - arms)挽 (wan - linking) on Ning Rongrong's肩 (jian - shoulder).

“嗯 (en - um)!!!” Ning Rongrong轻声 (qingsheng - softly)呢喃 (ninan - murmured), Xiao Wu's突然 (turan - sudden)到来 (daolai - arrival)让 (rang - made) Ning Rongrong有些 (youxie - somewhat)不知所措 (buzhisuocuo - at a loss), just like being caught by a good闺蜜 (guimi - bestie) when secretly eating alone.

Seeing this, Ning Rongrong微微 (weiwei - slightly)一愣 (yileng - stunned), her小嘴 (xiaozui - small mouth)瞬间 (shunjian - instantly)嘟起 (duqi - pouted), why is she抢 (qiang - snatching) it?

A moment later, Ning Rongrong回过神 (huiguoshen - came back to her senses), she轻轻 (qingqing - gently)推开 (tuikai - pushed away) Xiao Wu!

Xiao Wu冷冷 (lengleng - coldly)看了 (kanle - looked at) Ning Rongrong一眼 (yiyan - once), immediately推开 (tuikai - pushed away) her!

最⊥新⊥小⊥说⊥在⊥六⊥9⊥⊥书⊥⊥吧⊥⊥首⊥发!(This sentence is left untranslated as it refers to a specific website)

Just like that, you push me, I push you, the two little妮子 (nizi - girls) completely较上劲 (jiaoshangjin - competing with each other), gradually, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu's肢体 (zhiti - physical)冲突 (chongtu - conflict) turned into言语 (yanyu - verbal)冲突 (chongtu - conflict)!

“You贱人 (jianren - bitch), I was here first!”

“You are the贱人 (jianren - bitch), sneaking onto the master's bed in the middle of the night!”


The two little妮子 (nizi - girls) started a冲突 (chongtu - conflict), naturally忽略 (hulue - ignored) Lin Chen, Lin Chen slowly坐起身 (zuoqishen - sat up),兴致勃勃 (xingzhibobo - with great interest)看着 (kanzhe - looking at) the two good闺蜜 (guimi - bestie)开撕 (kaisī - tearing each other apart)! This can also be considered a别有 (bieyou - unique)一番 (yifan - kind of)风味 (fengwei - flavor)!

“You are disgusting!”

“You are the disgusting one!”

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong喷 (pen - spewed) at each other, one sentence after another. Lin Chen was乐呵 (lehe - happy) watching this scene, seeing that the two were about to揭短 (jieduan - reveal each other's shortcomings) and even preparing to动手 (dongshou - fight).

Lin Chen quickly出声 (chusheng - spoke up) said, “Shut up!!!”

Hearing Lin Chen's声音 (shengyin - voice) suddenly响起 (xiangqi - sounded), Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were一愣 (yileng - stunned), previously they were too busy喷 (pen - spewing) at each other and completely忽略 (hulue - ignored) Lin Chen.

“Master~~~” Xiao Wu率先 (xianxian - first)反应过来 (fanyingguolai - reacted),娇 (jiao - delicate)声 (sheng - voice)喊 (han - called)了一声 (yisheng - once),扭动 (niudong - wriggling) her嬌軀 (jiaoqu - delicate body)妖娆 (yaorao - charmingly)钻进 (zuanjin - burrowed into) Lin Chen's怀中 (huaizhong - arms).

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