Video Game Empire

Chapter 128: Vietnamese boat people

At ten in the evening, the kidnapping incident of the newly-promoted wealthy family "Lisheng" has spread all over Hong Kong. TVB's "Evening News" highlighted the explosive news. At the entrance of Canossa Hospital, there are also many reporters who want to interview the parties, but Canossa Hospital is a private hospital and refuses any reporters to enter.

The Serious Crime Squad under the Hong Kong Police Force's Operations Division took over this high-profile attempted kidnapping case immediately. A senior inspector surnamed Wei came to take a note for Li Xuan. According to Inspector Wei, the police found 31 7.62 mm imitation May 4 pistol bullet casings at the scene of the robbery. The white car used for the crime was also found in Ta Kwu Ling, Saigon, an hour ago, but the car had been burned.

Li Xuan never had expectations for the Hong Kong police, so what if the suspect could be identified? Zhang Ziqiang, the later king of thieves, stole 160 million Hong Kong dollars worth of US dollars and Hong Kong dollars in cash at Kai Tak Airport, but was eventually released by the court due to insufficient evidence, and the police had to pay him millions in damages to his reputation. This made Zhang Ziqiang more arrogant and unscrupulously began to plan a series of kidnappings of wealthy businessmen.

Therefore, Li Xuan is more willing to trust his elder brother than the Hong Kong police. That night, Li Ke returned to his brother's ward again.

"I have already inquired about some information. The group of people who kidnapped you are Vietnamese boatmen. They have been doing business at sea before. They just bought five imitation Black Star pistols on credit from the gun rental party two days ago!" Li Ke told his brother. said.

Hearing that it was Vietnamese boatmen who did it on his own, Li Xuan was relieved a lot. It seemed that it was an ordinary kidnapping case with the intention of making money.

Last July, the British government signed an international convention on the handling of Vietnamese refugees in Geneva. Hong Kong is listed as a port of first asylum, first accepting refugees who have fled Vietnam, and then being screened by Western countries for acceptance or repatriation to Vietnam. So throughout the 1980s, as many as 200,000 Vietnamese fled to Hong Kong, causing a heavy burden on the economy and security of the whole Hong Kong.

After the Vietnamese boat people arrived in Hong Kong, they were all isolated in the boat people center, waiting for the United States, Britain and other western countries to issue visas after screening. But there are always some thorns who don't want to be controlled and sneak out of the isolation and resettlement area and smuggle into Hong Kong. They do not have legal status and naturally cannot engage in legitimate occupations, smuggling, drug trafficking, robbery and robbery, so these illegal criminal activities have become their main source of income.

Doing business at sea is actually smuggling, using speedboats to transport goods from Hong Kong to freighters on the high seas, or from freighters back to Hong Kong. Although Hong Kong is a free trade port, there are always some goods that need to go through special channels. For example, there are car theft cases in Hong Kong every day. In particular, those stolen luxury cars generally do not choose to sell stolen goods locally, and it is naturally impossible for these illegal cars to be shipped out of Hong Kong through open and honest channels.

But this kind of business is also very risky. In order to avoid the pursuit of the anti-smuggling team of the Hong Kong Marine Police, most of the smugglers use light and fast boats. But the small size of the boat means that the ability to resist wind and waves is poor. In case of a big wave, the boat may overturn and kill people. And besides the marine police and wind and waves, the biggest risk is to meet the black and eat the black. In the event of capsize and arrest, most of them still have a chance to make a comeback, but in the event of black and black, basically they can only be buried in the belly of the fish.

"I've already found out. I'm going to kidnap you in the afternoon, a Vietnamese Chinese named Ge Bingxiong. He sent a batch of goods to the sea for a big boss, but the ship was overturned in the wind and waves. The owner urged them to repay the debt, and Ge Bingxiong had nowhere to go. The newspapers are full of news about you, a new billionaire. So they are eyeing you, a fat sheep, and they are going to blackmail us!" Li Ke continued, "After the failed kidnapping in the afternoon, one of them The individual was shot and injured, they should have hid in the Kowloon Walled City to find someone to heal!"

The Kowloon Walled City is the most chaotic area of ​​Hong Kong's law and order (China, Britain, and Hong Kong). There is no government or police station in the city wall. The whole city wall is controlled by several major gangs. It can be described as a hotbed of crime. 80% of Hong Kong's drugs and drugs flow out from here, and there are large and small brothels-houses, gambling-halls blooming everywhere.

Naturally, this is also an excellent hiding place for fugitives from all walks of life. Recently, it has even developed to the point where robbers rob passersby directly near the Kowloon Walled City, and then turn around and flee back to the Walled City before the police arrive. Even if the Hong Kong police see the suspect from a distance, they will never enter the city to pursue him. So much so that all kinds of wanted criminals in Macau, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia will use this place as their last refuge when they have nowhere to go.

The Kowloon Walled City was originally a green camp built by the Qing government to fight against Victoria City on Hong Kong Island on the other side of the bay. Later, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories were successively annexed by the British. The Manchu Qing government argued that the Kowloon Walled City would be turned into the office of Qing court officials with the status of a consulate, and an enclave outside China located in a British colony.

In 1948, the British Hong Kong government wanted to enter and take over the Walled City, but was resisted by the residents of the Walled City who were secretly supported by the National Government. So after 1949, it became an anarchic zone where the British government had no right to enter and the Chinese government did not send anyone to manage it.

It was not until China and Britain signed the final agreement on the Hong Kong issue that the British Hong Kong government, with the acquiescence of the Chinese side, started to rectify this social However, the Hong Kong police tried several times to enter the city to govern, all due to strong reactions. The boycott was unsuccessful. It was not until the handover of Hong Kong in the 1990s that the British government could no longer bear it, and used the police all over Hong Kong to forcibly razed the entire city to the ground.

In other places in Hong Kong, if the patients with gunshot wounds are not from the right place, ordinary private doctors would never dare to admit them. But the doctors in the Kowloon Walled City don't have to worry about the police coming to ask for trouble. As long as you can afford the medical bills, they can help you get bullets at any time.

"I have already released the news, 1 million Hong Kong dollars to buy the exact whereabouts of this group of Vietnamese, 2 million Hong Kong dollars to buy Ge Bingxiong's head, and other men who participated in the kidnapping, each head 500,000!" Li Ke sneered, "We and Letang It's not good to break into the Kowloon Village directly, but I don't believe that the people inside will not fight to make this extra money!"

This is the difference between local snakes and cross-border dragons. The local associations in Hong Kong may not have the courage to attack as foreign forces, but that is because they take this place as their foundation and manage them carefully.

The Royal Hong Kong Police may not have much interest in this kidnapping case until now, but Li Xuan's eldest brother has already pinpointed who did it. Most of the firearms in Hong Kong come from the gun rental group. These Vietnamese guys are just poor outsiders. The gun rental party is naturally willing to sell the face of the high-profile Heletang and sell their customers.

"Double the bonus, I want them to live!" Li Xuan said indifferently, after experiencing today's events, his mentality has changed a lot, "Sometimes death is not the greatest pain, but a Such a relief. The greatest pain in life is death!"

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