Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 123 Slime Named? Who Said that Novice Village Can't Be a Demon King?!!

The sixth-level cosmic civilization can be said to be the category of "God's Domain" currently discussed by human beings, and different universes can be created at will...

Facing the flickering red light in the conference room, all the people present were stunned and silent, only the top commander responded the fastest and adjusted his state in a very short time.

This may be the most turning point in human history. The supreme commander is about to speak to the sixth-level civilization and speak on behalf of mankind.

He pretended to be calm, his palms were full of sweat, tension and anxiety filled his heart.

"Great sage, this is human civilization. I hereby make a promise on behalf of human beings that I will no longer conduct surveys on your technological civilization. However, can I ask a few questions?"



It wasn't until a minute later that the ethereal voice reappeared in the minds of all the personnel.

"I reject!"

When the supreme commander heard the answer, he gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, but he couldn't show his dissatisfaction.

If it is true as the other party said, they belong to the products of the sixth-level cosmic civilization, then as long as there is any outlier, I am afraid that the earth will be destroyed in an instant.

He was convinced of it.

Since negotiation is not possible,

So now I just pray that this so-called sixth-level cosmic civilization can leave.

But at this moment, Ge Xiaolun finally regained his sanity, and the title of the video that Bei Feng posted at the beginning flashed in his mind, [From the beginning of Slime to the end of the God of Creation].

"But why choose a slime?"

Ge Xiaolun was very puzzled, so he said it casually, and everyone present turned to look at him, a little unclear, so they thought that the sixth-level cosmic civilization was not friendly.

And refused to answer the question, Ge Xiaolun's question undoubtedly pushed the entire human civilization to the cliff.

"Why choose a slime?"

But to everyone's surprise, the Great Sage did not show anger, but ignored Ge Xiaolun's rude behavior and responded.

"Don't you think it's very interesting to go from the weakest creature to the altar of creation?""


The meeting entered a brief darkness, and then all the instrument circuits returned to normal, but the scene just now made everyone like a stone sculpture, stunned in place, motionless.

In addition to being stuffed with question marks in their heads, they are just thinking that human civilization just came into contact with the sixth-level cosmic civilization?

real or fake?

It's like having a 960 dream.

"This... This slime is still a plug-in for the sixth-level cosmic civilization?

After a long time, Xin Zhao took a deep breath and collapsed to the ground with a puzzled expression, but he was not envious.

If this kind of plug-in was given to him, why would he need to train every day to defend the earth?


Why am I not a slime!

At this moment, not only the hero even received a warning from the sixth-level cosmic civilization, but also the demon technology and the angel technology.

"Does TMD really have such a terrifying civilization as the sixth-level cosmic civilization? It's really insightful today!"

Morgana angrily threw the test item in her hand on the ground and shattered it.

I didn't expect to be warned by the sixth-level cosmic civilization!

dare not speak,

If you really anger a cosmic civilization of this level, I am afraid that the entire universe will disappear in an instant.

Hope the angels and the idiots on earth don't do anything out of the ordinary.

She didn't want to be implicated.

"Turn off all detection instruments! Be calm, the sixth-level cosmic civilization is not something we can afford.

After Morgana finished speaking, she sighed and left.

The combination of slime and sixth-level cosmic civilization technology is really a blessing that they can come up with.

Great Sage?


"Wow! This slime is too strong! It's the first time I've seen such an interesting creature.""

At this moment, Kakarot's curiosity was bursting, and he wanted to have a fight with a slime who could fight.

"There's something wrong with this slime. Why does it have the talent to learn skills? It doesn't fit my understanding at all."

Vegeta was bewildered by the fact that there is no such creature in the universe.

Whis maintains a different opinion. Although he does not understand or understand any technology or something, Whis can sense that there is a mysterious power in the slime's body that is manipulating it behind its back.

This kind of power even made him unable to perceive it.

Even in this slime, a more terrifying coercion than the adult could be detected.

"What the hell?"

Weiss couldn't help but gather his heart (babc) and wanted to find out, but at this moment, a harsh chirping appeared in his brain.


Immediately, Wes's head became extremely painful, his staff was thrown aside, and he rolled on the ground with his head in his hands.

Kakarot and Vegeta were completely taken aback by Whis's actions.


"What's wrong with you, Weiss?!"

The painful process lasted for nearly a minute, and Weiss was numb to the severe pain in the end. His so-called divine power and priesthood had all vanished at this moment, and it was of no help to him.

Sweaty and trembling like a human being on the verge of death, Kakarot and Vegeta were both stunned.

I have absolutely no idea what the situation is now.

Fortunately, Weiss survived, but there was only fear in his eyes, endless fear.


Kakarot called Weiss, but he still didn't respond, as if his soul had been broken due to the torment of pain.

Vegeta looked horrified. He had never seen Wes like this before. He had no god's posture, just like a helpless weakling.

"In the end... what happened?"

Vegeta's voice trembled as she spoke, and the nerve-wracking Kakarot scratched his ears. Where had he seen Wes look like this?

In their impressions, Whis, as a god with more authority and strength than the God of Destruction, will always look calm and composed.

But now... there is still a little bit of God's appearance.

For Kakarot, even if he and Vegeta teamed up, they couldn't hurt half of Weiss' hair, and what happened now really confused them both.

Does God also have a terminal illness?

"Cough cough..."

Weiss' eyes suddenly recovered, and he began to cough violently, but the fear in his eyes did not retreat half a minute.

A higher god! There is a higher god behind this slime!

Even the grown-up is inferior to him!

This encounter directly broke Weiss' cognition of the inherent concept, and just now, he was also given a warning to face the care and questioning of Kakarot and Vegeta.

Even he could only keep his mouth shut, and could only say one sentence.

"This slime is scary...'

After Whis left, only Kakarot and Vegeta froze in place, looking at each other.

It was the first time they heard the word horror from Weiss' mouth.

As a god in a high position in the universe, even he feels terrified, how terrifying is that?

So far, Kakarot and Vegeta's eyes on the slime have changed.

Even the Saiyan prince known as Tsundere had to face this slime.

"Limuru-sama is really amazing, all the monsters are instant kills, so handsome!

"I'm so proud to be Lord Rimuru's dogleg!

"Yeah! I'm the most loyal son of a bitch of Lord Rimuru!

"I'm the most loyal son of a bitch of Lord Limuru! 39

Limlu looked at the group of goblins who were fighting to be his jerk with shame, and was completely speechless.

"Hey~ When is this day going to end?

The slime in the picture used it to learn the spider silk skill from the high-level monster spider, and directly weaved the web in the cave. Under the attention of trillions of viewers, the action of weaving the web was extremely proficient.

It was no different from a spider. Just when everyone was amazed at the slime's web weaving technology, a giant bat just caught in the web.

And the slime in the video is also very easy to kill, deal with, and prey on this high-level monster giant bat.

Slimes' frequent instant kills of high-level monsters have numbed trillions of viewers.

They even thought that slimes should be so strong!

But the next moment...everyone was stunned.

After preying on a giant bat, this slime who hangs up actually talks?!!!


In the picture, Limuru started his performance, first humming a tune of a children's song in front of trillions of audiences, and then when everyone was shocked, he opened his mouth and said something that made the trillions of audiences feel weak. if.

"Five types and five types of digging! The universe...the universe...people!!!"


This sentence caused an uproar in the hearts of trillions of viewers!


This slime is a spaceman?!!

No wonder it's so weird!

No wonder it's so scary!

No wonder it's so exaggerated!

Trillions of viewers felt chills on their backs, numbness on their scalps, and fear crawling all over their bodies. It was amazing, and it really wasn't an ordinary slime!

The most shocking thing was the stupid goblins under Limuru. After they heard Limuru say that they were from the universe, they were scrambling to be Limuru's son-in-law just now.

Now it has become a state of crying father and mother.

"Limuru-sama? Are you really a spaceman?"

"Lord Limuru, although I want to be your most loyal bastard, can you tell me what the purpose of coming to Earth is?"

"Limuru-sama, you don't want to invade the earth, do you? 35

Seeing them shivering, Limuru really couldn't help laughing and laughing now. His behavior in the cave was now exposed by the comprehensive projection.


Fortunately, it was a slime, otherwise its face must have turned red now.

Rimuru didn't have the strength to explain to the goblins now.

The Bone King was shocked!

This slime was able to speak, it really broke his cognitive ability once again!

As the lowest creature in the demon world, this is already a symbol of stepping into the realm of the demon king!

And why did this guy hum a song as soon as he opened his mouth?

Sounds a little familiar, even foolishly calling yourself a cosmic?

Really interesting!

"Fuck! Slime has spoken! It's getting more and more outrageous!"

After Liu Chuang and the three brothers returned to the dormitory, they just turned on the video and continued to watch, when they heard Slime's tender voice.

"Cosmic man? It says that he is a cosmic man? Damn it! Isn't this evidence conclusive? A proper sixth-level cosmic civilization is a B!

Ge Xiaolun is now a little confused, and just now, after they experienced that incident, they were still in a state of confusion.

"Slime opened his mouth to speak, which is really expected, but such a fast pace really makes me a little hard to accept.""

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai held a stalk of rice in his mouth, and his eyes were melancholy.

"This slime has brought me so many surprises.

"I didn't expect this slime's voice to be so nice and cute. 35

Xiao Longjuan looked at the screen expectantly. What she said subconsciously surprised the other S-rank heroes, and then realized her gaffe.

She hurriedly returned to her cold Tsundere appearance, but she really seemed to be hugging the slime in the video!

In the world of Rimuru, there are ten current Demon Lords, and they have sensed that a new powerful magic has appeared in the world in recent days.

And the source of this magic is still obscure.

"Everyone, have you noticed? Maybe a new Demon King will be born soon."

Demon Lord Clayman put his head on his hands and looked at the other Demon Lords.

"Clayman, what do you mean by that?"

Carrion glared at Clayman with malicious intent in his eyes.

"What does it mean? I think it's better for everyone to join forces to destroy this new demon king. I don't want to see one more annoying guy."

Luminas snorted coldly and looked at Karion.

"Some people talk about destruction, but don't know how many times they have searched secretly, and they want to win over the new demon king. It's something everyone knows. 99

Dagliyuru and the other Demon Lords just laughed and didn't say anything.

They are also paying attention to the latest video released by Bei Feng, and the pictures in the video are jumping.

After Slime created the cave, he was now standing on a tree stump that had been cut down in the middle, and in front of him was a group of rotten fish and shrimp, who seemed to be worshiping it as their leader.

The weakest monster goblins and the humble wolf clan.

"Name?! Really? Rimuru-sama, do you want to give us a name?!!


Hearing the word "name", all the demon kings were stunned, can this slime still give a name to a weak race?!!

This is a privilege only possessed by the Demon King!

This slime must be pretending to be B?!!!.

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