Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 139 I, Limuru, Decided to Be a Demon King! Quan Dimension is shocked! This guy is not a Demo

Gu Aotian looked at the battle situation in the video, did not expect this pig-headed demon king to be so vulnerable, and the slime devoured him in one bite.

The title of Demon King was really lowered by his pig.

But I have to admit that Slime is really powerful, even a Demon King can easily deal with it.

In fact, in Gu Aotian's thinking, Slime has been regarded as the devil by default, even if he is not the real devil, but he already has the tyrannical strength to rival or even crush the devil!

When Gu Aotian realized this, he froze in place, his pupils dilated continuously.

This slime has such power before becoming a Demon Lord.

From the moment he grows into a Demon King, the whole world will tremble, right?!!

"Okay! One pig at a time! Eat this pig's head demon!"

Xin Zhao clapped and applauded one after another, and as soon as he hung up, he was instantly killed. Although this was not highly appreciated, it was very efficient!

What can the devil do?

Wasn't it swallowed by a slime?

Even if there is a great ability, it will not help!

As a super soldier of the Hero Company, Xin Zhao's current strength is not bad, and even Liu Chuang and Ge Xiaolun's strength has become stronger.

But they will still be afraid when they see the pig-headed demon king, but even such a strong man cannot avoid being swallowed by slime.

"I've been blocked, what can I do? I can only say that this pig-headed devil is a hero! A hero!!! Hahaha! Even the slime dares to anger!

Ge Xiaolun laughed loudly at the side, no matter who it is, there is only one way to end it when facing an opening.

"It's amazing! What level 6 cosmic civilization you are talking about, that is, the one that Slime opened, it's too special!

Sun Wukong has no choice but to admire the technology of the sixth-level cosmic civilization. It's like rubbing those powerhouses on the ground!

"It's another bite! It's getting more and more interesting. With such a high-intensity 10-year-old, I'm afraid it won't be long before you become a god of creation."

Queen Morgana is not at all skeptical about whether Slime will become a God of Creation.

After all, with the support of the sixth-level cosmic civilization technology, becoming a creator god in a dimensional universe is as simple as playing around.

Every time she thinks of this, Queen Morgana looks envious, even if the sixth-level cosmic civilization only leaves her a small gift... No!

Even if she just let her take a look at the technology of the sixth-level cosmic civilization, even such a request cannot be satisfied.

After all, what qualifications does a low-level civilization have to ask for a sixth-level cosmic civilization?

“Fuck!!! Really ate it!”

Usopp waited for his eyes, and his whole body jumped up. He didn't expect the slime to swallow so quickly, such a big monster would eat as soon as he said it.

And he's still a Demon King. Judging from the aura on his body, he's an absolute monster!

As long as he thinks of the picture of the pig-headed demon king, Usopp doesn't feel his legs tremble, and his heart is full of fear.

"how come?"

No matter how many times Luffy looked at it, he would be amazed by the slime's huge appetite, but he was relieved when he remembered that his stomach contained the universe.

No matter how powerful Rubber Fruit is, it can't hold the entire universe!

"The power of this slime is getting more and more terrifying! Did you see it?! Lista!

Seeing the picture of the pig-headed demon being swallowed by the slime, Seiya was worried and shouted to the goddess Lista with the video.

"Even the Demon King can swallow it, is there anything it can't do?"

Goddess Lista didn't know how to explain it to Seiya.

He could only sigh and let Seiya train himself until he was satisfied.

"It's a really good power, and there is such a creature, it really opened my eyes!"

Zeus, the god of the gods, looked at the slime in the video. Even as a god of creation, he had never seen a demonic creature like a slime.

I have never heard of the pig-headed demon king, but their strength has been recognized by Zeus.

If it grows up, it will be terrifying too!

"Lord Zeus, these things are not human, no matter how strong they are, they cannot participate in the battle of judgment."

Shiva next to Zeus saw the strong desire to fight in Zeus' eyes, but he still had to remind him.


Since Zeus, the god of the gods, can ignite the fighting spirit, the strength of this slime must not be underestimated!

"I ate it! I really ate it! I can eat anything!"

Naruto looked at the pig's head demon king who was swallowed in one bite in the video, and couldn't help shouting in the street. The villagers on the side avoided him and did not dare to approach him at all.

The battle between the powerhouses made his blood boil.

The Limuru group who were watching the video, at this moment, whether it was a goblin or a blade wolf, they all knelt down in front of Limuru.

"My lord is too powerful! Long live my lord! It's amazing that even the Demon King can swallow it in one bite!

"My lord is a demon king even more powerful than the demon king! Please accept all my beliefs!

"Long live Rimuru-sama! 35

Limlu frowned, these guys came again, but judging from the pictures in the video, he also felt that he was very powerful.

It turns out that the predator's skill is so terrifying that even the pig-headed demon king can swallow it.

Limuru was still worried about how powerful the pig-headed lord is, after all, there are 200,000 pig-headed monster soldiers.

Limuru also sweated for herself in the video.

Fortunately, he is also very powerful in the future. If the pig-headed man is here now, Limuru can't guarantee that he will be able to deal with it easily.

"The future me is really amazing! 99

Rimuru praised himself, and then blushed.

Slimes are now a powerful representation for an audience of trillions, and this is an unheard of way to deal with enemies.

By eating!

And until now, there is nothing it can't eat!

"This slime is simply too powerful! Although it is not a demon king, it is more powerful than a demon king!

"What?!! You said it's not the Demon King yet?! But how could he easily solve the Pig-headed Demon King! Could the difference in strength make up for the gap between the realms?"

These comments were also pushed to the top of the comment area in an instant, and trillions of viewers had a heated discussion about whether slime was the devil or not.

"You people lie to me! I think the world I live in has no magic. How could such a powerful beast not be a demon king?! Can't beat a demon king without a demon king? How is that possible!

"That's right! Can the gap between the demon king and the non-demon king be made up by strength?!

"Ignorant people! Have you forgotten the picture of the pig-headed lord evolving into a demon king? As a monster, if you want to grow into a demon king, you must go through a grand ceremony!"

At the same time, in the conference room of the current top ten demon kings, they also saw these comments in the comment area, and the demon kings at the bottom of the ranking were struck by lightning!

What the fuck?!!!

How did they forget about this?!!

Slime isn't a Demon King at all!

Why did they unconsciously bring slimes into the role of the Demon Lord?

Suddenly, the picture in the video came to mind.

Swallow the Storm Dragon Veldera in one bite!

Swallow the Spirit of Fire - Ifrit!

Swallow the pig-headed demon king of the lord class in one bite!

These three are all enemies with strength at least at the level of the Demon King, but none of them are this slime's all-in-one general!

"That's right! What the hell! This guy isn't the Demon King yet!!!

The eighth demon Karion suddenly stared at the slime in the picture as if he had seen something terrifying, and was speechless.

It's not like the Demon King is so powerful, so what if he really grows into a demon?!!

"Hahaha! Did you just find out? What a bunch of idiots, how could a slime be a demon? It's just a low-level demonic creature!

The second demon king akimbo laughed, and then glanced at the other demon kings with disdain, only the tenth demon king Clayman's expression was somewhat complicated.

The other Demon Lords who were at the bottom of the line were all shocked.

"What's wrong? I thought you had already discovered it. It seems that it was the slime's powerful strength that gave you the illusion!"

Dino, the third demon king, was lying on the table sleeping, and the reaction of the others made Dino feel a little amused, so he complained without moving.

Having said that, defeating the Demon Lord with the strength of a non-Demon Lord, even Dino, the third Demon Lord, was terrified by such a powerful strength.

The growth of this slime is too high!

Under the watchful eyes of trillions of viewers, the video is played quickly, and almost all of Limuru's younger brothers are trying their best to build their own town!

After the acceleration of Bei Feng's video, everyone's mood became extremely happy with these successively built houses, squares, fountains and other buildings.

"Wow! What a beautiful home, and there are many different races, whether they are beasts or other species, they can live together very well!

"What a warm picture! Look, it's really interesting for these little monsters to fight!"

"Wow, I want to live in it too, it must be fun, big sister Shion is my type! 35

Trillions of viewers were moved by the images in the video, whether it was goblins or dwarves or other races, they all worked hard to build their homes.

This warm picture didn't last long, and then the tone of the entire video turned dark, and the tragic BGM sounded. Bei Feng easily mobilized the emotions of trillions of viewers.

"What's wrong? I feel so depressed. 35

"No, is something big going to happen?"

Everyone didn't realize that at this moment, Limuru was not in the town, and the kingdom's army was rushing towards the town, aggressive!

The army of the kingdom has invaded the town of Rimuru!

For their benefit, and the conspiracy behind it!

These invaders are like demons from hell, holding swords and wreaking havoc in Limuru town!

"Kill! These monsters are damned!!! 970"

The picture is only for a moment, and the trillions of viewers have not seen the follow-up, and their hearts seem particularly restless.

Immediately after the screen changed, I don't know how long it took, Limuru and his group of companions finally returned to the town, but the outer barrier blocked everyone's footsteps.

The huge barrier like a pyramid shrouded the town of Limuru, and this situation also gave Limuru a headache.

He reached out and pressed the barrier.

"Great sage, open Shikai analysis!"

[Solution: Confirm that the hesitation is affected by the great magic (anti-magic field) activated inside and the barrier set up outside, and the magic element concentration has dropped as a result!

Use multiple enchantments to nullify it! 】

Great magic inside and divine magic outside, double enchantment?

Who is it, and why set up such a barrier?

Lim Lu looked solemn, he hurriedly ordered the people around him to split up, and then used multiple barriers to enter the barrier.

The messy scene in Limuru town made him have a bad premonition in his heart.

Just when trillions of viewers were depressed to the extreme, the screen went black, and everyone was eager to know what happened.

But at the moment when the picture lit up, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time in the hearts of trillions of viewers were completely ignited.

In the square of Rimuru town, all the corpses of the mutilated goblins were lying neatly on the ground.

At this moment, the picture was still, as if the hearts of the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were also still.

what happened?

In the end what happened?!!

Seeing these corpses, Limuru kept muttering to himself, as if struck by lightning, as if the sky was falling!


The mood of the trillions of viewers was the same as that of Rimuru at the moment.

A goblin that survived the war knelt down toward Rimuru and said in a low voice.

"Humans are merciless...'


Rimuru seemed unable to accept this fact.

"We accepted those humans in accordance with the wrath of Lord Rimuru, but in the end..."

Under the setting sun, the backs of all the people present looked so bleak, and Limuru gradually calmed down, and decided to hold a meeting to discuss this matter.

As soon as the screen turned, representatives of all parties were sitting in the conference room, and Limuru's words made everyone, and even the trillions of viewers in the entire animation dimension wall boil!

"I decided to be the Demon King!

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