Village Doctor.

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

When Zhang Tianzong appeared in the room again, he deliberately glanced at the time displayed on the phone, and it was just 8:20!

In other words, I have cultivated in Dongtianfudi for so long, experienced so many changes, and only 20 minutes have passed since the time outside, and everything is under control!

“Hehehe…it’s good to have a cavernous land that you can carry around and get in and out at will! Now my Cultivation Base is a further step, so why don’t you worry about it!”

“It won’t be long before I can show off my ambitions! By that time, I will make everyone admire! I want everyone who has seen me and heard of my name to be in awe! You can’t refuse to accept it! Hahaha……”

After some words of pride and ambition, Zhang Tianzong was in a good mood, changed into a set of clean clothes, and walked out of the house with a smile…

“You guys made you wait so long! Sorry, I’m really sorry!”

Look! The genius doctor is out!

That’s great, great!

As expected, the genius doctor was convinced, and he said that he came back within half an hour and it did not take more than half an hour!

“Genius doctor, can you see a doctor for us now? I am ranked number one…”

“Of course no problem! However, there is a small rule in my small clinic. It closes at 5 o’clock in the afternoon every day! As long as it is before 5 o’clock, patients are always welcome to come to see you!”

“Now this time period is during working hours, so there is no reason not to work or not to receive medical care! Come on, continue to receive medical care now!”

When the time came to five o’clock in the afternoon, the shutter door of the clinic was closed.

It is not that Zhang Tianzong is pretending to be pretentious and deliberately squeezing, the key is to diagnose and treat all the time, the work intensity is quite large!

Moreover, the profession of a doctor needs to maintain attention all the time, mental energy is highly concentrated, and highly nervous when working!

Furthermore, people are not iron-clad, no matter how dedicated you are, you must know how to combine work and rest! Appropriate relaxation and rest are absolutely necessary. If the doctor’s own physical health cannot be guaranteed, then what about healing and saving people?

Li Tingting’s personal secretary had already left with the staff.

However, six people did not leave, and they stayed at Zhang Tianzong’s strong invitation.

This is because like Zhang Tianzong, they are also graduates of the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, except that they are fresh graduates, and Zhang Tianzong is their last graduate.

The six of them are now all interning in units under the Huanyu Pharmaceutical Group. They were sent to help after receiving an emergency notice from Li Tingting…

“Hongxiu, this is the end of today’s work! Let’s go to the backyard, and I will summarize the gains and losses of today’s work in detail later! Although I didn’t make much money after a busy day today, I have accumulated many examples of special cases. , It must be summarized carefully!”

“Especially the two cases of comprehensive special difficult cases of gynecological diseases, you must summarize them! In the future, all female patients with gynecological diseases will be personally received by you! I am only responsible for assisting!”

“With your current abilities, you are completely able to consult independently! Even if there are some difficult and difficult illnesses that you are not sure about, just ask me again! After you have accumulated enough work experience, you can consider transitioning to a major Chinese medicine gynecologist for now!”


Liu Hongxiu took Zhang Tianzong’s arm and talked while walking with a smile.

When the two came to the backyard, Zhang Tianzong looked up and smiled and said, “Oh! It’s very lively! They are all busy!”

“Tianzong, are you exhausted today? Why don’t you come in and rest for a while. Just have a few of us here, and we will call you when we have dinner…”

Tian Jinhua said with some worry, her words were full of care!

As the saying goes, mother-in-law sees her son-in-law, the more she looks, the more pleasing to her eye! This was confirmed by Zhang Tianzong.

“I’m fine, I’m not tired at all! And I heard about eating dumplings tonight! This is not to be missed! Yo! There are already so many bags. It seems that there is really no need for me to reach out for help…”

Li Tingting smiled and said, “You have not been cooking for everyone in the past two days. Today is everyone cooking for you! How is it? Interesting! Hehehe…”

“Is this for me? That’s good! I won’t eat any of them for you later! Let you sit on the side and look greedy! Hehehe…”

“Dare you! If you don’t let me eat delicious food, I will fight you hard!”


Everyone roared with laughter. When they opened their mouths, they were bickering. Everyone became accustomed to it.


Zhang Tianzong noticed that the six interns were also helping to make dumplings in the house.

They are a team of temporary assistants composed of four men and two women, not only because they were assigned to work, they also came here to accumulate more hands-on practice and internship experience.

Zhang Tianzong still values ​​these six schoolmates. After all, they all came from a school and have special feelings in it…

Zhang Tianzong looked at them and smiled and said, “Please stop first, and let them do the rest. Guys, your six alumni helped me so much today, but I still don’t know your name. What name and what major are you studying. Let’s introduce yourself!”

“Senior! My name is Luo Qi. I major in diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine, and my major is clinical internal medicine! I am now intern at the affiliated hospital of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Group.”

“Senior! My name is Zhu Rui, majoring in Chinese pharmacy, majoring in Chinese pharmacy! Today I helped you to write down prescriptions in shorthand. You said my handwriting was a bit sloppy, and you criticized me…”

“Yeah!” Zhang Tianzong said with a smile: “I remember this too! Especially, you are the only one of the six of you who wears glasses, so the impression of you is even more profound!”

“I just didn’t expect that you are not a clinical researcher! You specialize in Chinese herbal medicines and pharmacy. No wonder you can memorize this craft in shorthand!”

“If you want to remember the names and pharmacological properties of all Chinese herbal medicines, you really need some special recording methods and memorizing methods! Let’s go back and discuss them in detail! I feel that your shorthand way is a bit wrong!”

“Huh? Senior please give pointers!”

“Yeah! Don’t worry, since I have already said this, I didn’t intend to hide anything! I’ll talk about this later, who is next? Then introduce yourself…”

“Senior! My name is Wang Yu, majoring in diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine, majoring in orthopedics and traumatology! I am also an intern at the affiliated hospital of Huanyu Pharmaceutical Group.”

“My name is Wang Zixuan, majoring in diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine and treatise on febrile diseases, and majoring in pediatrics. I am also an intern at a subordinate hospital.”

“Senior! My name is Li Dan! Majoring in TCM diagnostics, majoring in TCM gynecology!”

“Senior! My name is Song Minhong, I major in the inspection and testing of Chinese herbal medicines, majoring in Chinese pharmacy and pharmacy!”

“Oh?” Zhang Tianzong looked at Song Minhong in surprise and said, “Chinese medicinal materials inspection and testing? This major is considered unpopular in the University of Chinese Medicine, right?”

Song Minhong nodded and said, “Yes! There is only one of our class in the school who is studying this major, and there are only 30 students in the class, which is really unpopular…”

“I’m going to graduate soon, and I still don’t know where to work. The tutor is also worrying about the whereabouts of our class…”

“Yes!” Zhu Rui said after taking over the words: “I am studying Chinese medicine and pharmacy…It is also difficult to get to the place of internship, and it is even harder to find a job…”

Zhang Tianzong smiled slightly, pointed his finger at Li Tingting and said with a smile: “Look for her! Such a big rich man is in front of you, why don’t you hurry up? You all have internships in her company, and you still worry about working. Son?”

“Ah? This…hehehe, we want it too! But I don’t know if President Li will not accept our group of college students who have little experience…”

Li Tingting tilted her head and looked at them, and said with a smile: “If you only provide internship positions, that’s fine! Not to mention just a few of you, even all the students in your school, I can arrange it!”

“After all, our group has 25 pharmaceutical factories scattered all over the country! There are also five large private hospitals. It doesn’t matter whether the manpower is digested and accepted! As for whether you can be officially hired, it depends on your individual. Ability and professional quality!”

“Anyway, it is impossible to raise idlers and wastes in the company! However, I can assure you! As long as it is a good material, I will definitely turn it into a beautiful jade! I will never bury talents!”

“Yeah! What the big beautiful woman said is the truth! It is true, you have to be hard when you hit the iron!” Zhang Tianzong rolled his eyes and said with a smile: “Students Zhu Rui and Song Minhong, I want to ask you something! Do you have any? Interested to follow me to start a business?”

“Huh? This…”

Zhu Rui and Song Minhong looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes…

Zhu Rui asked very puzzledly: “Senior, can you be more blunt? I don’t understand a little bit. You can hear clearly, we are not clinical students, I am afraid there are very few things that can help… …”

Zhang Tianzong smiled and said, “You look back! Have you seen those six greenhouses? I am doing a Chinese medicinal planting experiment! Once the experiment is successful, I am going to set up a Chinese medicinal planting base! I am going to set up a Chinese medicinal material. A one-stop company that grows and sells!”

“After the Chinese medicinal material planting base is completed, there is an urgent need for people who understand the professional knowledge of Chinese medicinal materials to help me start my own business together! In particular, I need professionals who are responsible for the analysis and testing of medicinal properties of medicinal materials! I don’t know the two…”

Zhu Rui’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: “I am very willing to follow the seniors! Today by your side, I have learned a lot of knowledge that I can’t learn in school! It can be said that it has benefited a lot!”

“But, seniors, you should know that all of us have just walked out of the school gate and are still in the internship period. The current qualifications are simply not enough! Let alone the length of work and work experience in the past! Not at all!”

“So in a short period of time, we can’t get a professional qualification certificate at all. Without a certificate, it is difficult to be qualified to complete related work independently. This is very difficult to do! You see…”

——To be continued——

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