Looking at the pretty little maid, Xiwei couldn't stand it. If he kissed her and the little maid practiced musical instruments on him, would he still be able to sleep tonight?

Can you still bear it?

Amitabha, Xiwei decisively started to pretend to be asleep.

"Snoring... snoring..."


The little maid raised her little mouth, hummed unhappily, and looked at him with resentful eyes as he pretended to sleep with his eyes closed.

She puffed up her cheeks, twisted her body and lay on Xiwei's chest, kissing him on the mouth with "Bah, Bah, Bah, Bah!", as if she thought it wasn't enough, she kissed him with "Bah, Bah, bah, bah" several times, and finally She blushed contentedly and huddled into the bed.

In fact, she originally wanted to practice the instrument with her master, but sister Lina told her that it was best not to do this every day, as it would make her master very tired.

Although Loli felt that the little master looked a little too energetic...but since sister Lina said that, she didn't dare to take it seriously.

After a moment of silence, Xiwei reluctantly opened her eyes, glanced at the happy-looking little maid huddled in her arms, lowered her head and kissed her forehead, then relaxed her mind and gradually fell asleep.

The moonlight spread through the large hole in the roof, gently shining on the two people leaning against each other.

Loli blushed and opened her big eyes, looking at Xiwei's profile in a daze.

I watched it for a long, long time.

Late at night, a dozen sneaky figures appeared at the door of Winter City.

All of them were wearing black robes and hoods, and carried weapons pouches behind their backs.

The night wind blew up a corner of the black robe, revealing the standard armor underneath and the red dragon-shaped badge.


By the faint light of torches, the guards on the city wall discovered this group of people.

The men in black robes did not speak. They took out the hook locks from the weapon bags behind them, threw them hard and hooked them on the ten-meter-high city wall.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the city guards used their swords to cut the rope of the hook lock. However, the rope was made of unknown material and was as tough as metal.

For a while, the guards couldn't cut them open at all, but the group of men in black robes had used the explosive power of fighting spirit to pull the hook lock all the way up the city wall, and stabbed the guard in the back with a sword.

The other guards drew their swords to meet the enemy and sounded the wall alarm.

"Someone is attacking the city!"


However, this group of men in black robes did not waste time with these city guards. After killing a few guards, they quickly swept down the city wall and sprinted all the way towards Winter Castle.

These men in black robes were extremely fast. The city defense guards had just informed the city patrol team that they were already about to enter the inner city of Winter City.

However, at this moment, an old man with sharp eyes and a stooped figure stopped in front of them.

"This road is blocked."

Old Parker stood in the moonlight, with a sword behind his back and cold eyes.

A long shadow trailed behind him, covering his small medicine shop.

The broad street was quiet for a moment. The leading man in black robes took two steps forward and took off his hood, revealing the face of a middle-aged man.

"Parker Luther, do you still recognize me?"

Old Parker narrowed his eyes slightly and burst out with shocking hatred. His lips trembled and he said harshly:

"Wade Hawke? It's you..."

"That's right, Parker Luther."

The Templar named Wade showed an elegant smile and said:

"If it weren't for your eyes, I probably wouldn't have recognized you. I didn't expect that after only a year or two of not seeing you, you'd already become this virtuous person."

"Your wife's blood is really useful. Now I feel stronger than ever. Thank you Parker."

As the Templar Knight spoke, a frightening blue light filled his eyes, and the aura of a top earth knight came towards him.

He looked at the hunched Parker with contempt, and then sneered:

"I've been waiting for you to come to us for revenge, Master Alchemist Parker, but I just don't know how you, a loser, are going to avenge us without the source of magic power?"

Parker's whole body was shaking, and his eyes turned red with hatred and anger.

He stretched out his withered hand and took out a box from the pocket of his coat.

Opening the box, there was a red pill lying inside.

"I originally wanted to kill these Templars and then go find you...I didn't expect that you came here on your own...to take revenge, you will see it..."

"I promise! "

His low, hoarse voice came from the night wind, containing hatred and determination. He carefully took the red pill out of the small box and stuffed it into his mouth.

As Parker swallowed the pills, his whole body began to spasm abnormally, and the tearing pain made his figure look even more stooped.

This is the result of his two years of dormancy in Winter City.

First, he used all his belongings to buy the devil's heart and five drops of dragon's blood.

Then I found a method of using life force to make alchemy from ancient books, and made this pill instead of magic power.

This pill can increase an ordinary person's strength to an extreme within three days, at the cost of death.

"Cough... cough cough..."

"Tick tock..."

A large amount of blood was sprayed on the ground, and Parker's aura gradually increased. He raised his head, and a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out from his mouth. His originally gray-black hair became white and rough.

"Lisna, I'm sorry... Parker failed to protect you... nor could he accompany you right away..."

"But, it's soon, it's soon," Parker smiled, with blood and tears falling from the corners of his eyes, and he pulled out the long sword from behind:

"Kill them, and I'll go with you right away!"


A fierce fighting spirit ignited in Parker's body. At this moment, he used a special potion to overdraw his entire life and finally reached the realm of Sky Knight.

Parker practiced swordplay for two years, practicing during the day and at night. From an alchemist with a fragile body, he became a martial artist with calluses on his hands.

He was afraid that he had no power at this moment but didn't know how to use it.

Now, all the hard work has paid off.

Fighting energy spurts out, moving forward indomitably.

At this moment, he is no longer the master of alchemy Parker, but the sky knight Parker who holds a blood feud and a will to die.


The Templars felt the Sky Knight's aura on Parker and were not afraid. No matter what, he was just an ordinary person with the Sky Knight's fighting spirit.

He has no knightly skills, nor does he have the understanding and experience of a sky knight. Even if he learns to use a sword, it is only tricky but not fatal.

Wade smiled coldly, drew out the long sword behind him and faced it, and at the same time ordered the other knights behind him:

"No. 2 and No. 3, come with me and play with this old dog, while the others complete the mission of His Highness the Pope."

"Don't underestimate the enemy, fight quickly."

The other Templar Knights nodded slightly when they heard this, bypassed the four people who had already started fighting fiercely, and galloped towards the direction of Winter Castle.



(can be skipped)

"Parker's Diary"

Lisna, I dreamed of you again.

It has been a long time.

Sleeping is really a luxury for me.

Countless days and nights.

I was wracked with guilt.

I lay awake all night in hatred.

As soon as I close my eyes, I will see you being captured by those beasts. They kill you in front of me. The blood stains the ground and the ritual altar red.

How could I forget this utter hatred?

I am still alive.

Like a wolf hiding in the night.

The most stupid thing about them was that they destroyed my magic source but not my brain.

The most important thing for an alchemist is knowledge.

Originally I thought I would never dream again, but when this day finally came, I finally had a peaceful sleep.

However, maybe this is the last time I dream about you, but it doesn't mean that I miss you any less.

I'll be with you soon.

Life has given me many choices, but I have never made the right choice. But this time, I swear that my choice must be the right one.

I originally thought that I would never be able to defeat those demons in my life, but I never expected that I would find a way to fight against them.

I have been preparing for this day for so long.

My life has been quiet for too long, and it’s time to take action.

Lisna, please wait.

Wait a moment.

I will take your sword and kill the beasts that use your blood to complete the transformation ritual.

I will fight until the end.

Shed every last drop of blood from your body.

Perhaps they have long forgotten the name of the court alchemist Parker and the crimes they committed.

But I will make them remember it in a pool of blood.

Let them confess their sins in wailing.

This time.

As a warrior.

Excerpted from

——"Miscellaneous Notes of the Heroes of Winter"

Collected and recorded by Xiwei, the conquering king of winter.

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