Chapter 14 I grabbed the show? (Seeking collection, second more)

Chapter 14 I grabbed the show? (Seeking collection, second more)

(Try your best to do ten changes every day, everyone will give more votes to the flowers, thank you.)

Looking at the scene in front of him, the first floor of Lin’s estate was caught in a weird circle at this time.

A man with his arms bandaged and his head exploded, waiting for his hero to save the United States.

On the other hand, Chen Fan hid the flowers behind him.

As for Lin Qingyue, who came out of the elevator, was wearing a white dress, her eyes were full of arrogance.

Fuck you, did you wear a white dress today?

There is something wrong with you, something very wrong.

Chen Fan wanted to leave. He felt that he had come by mistake. Today is not suitable for confession, and he is not suitable for being slapped in the face.

The protagonist stumbles.

How good is it? You are also the leading actor, aren’t you?

Are you as for you.

Heal his injury, and then confess himself, this way, he should have some strength, right? Well, it should be possible to get a little bit of fur damage.

He must be allowed to hit himself with a -1 damage value.

Otherwise, how can this plot continue?

But they have all appeared now, and it’s not good to go by themselves.

No matter it, you have to go if you can’t.

Turn around and walk out directly.

Lin Qingyue froze for a long time, and said, “Chen Fan, you stand.”

Chen Fan stopped.

Turning around, he said awkwardly: “Satsuki, I haven’t seen it for a long time, I want to kill me.”

Bah, what line is this, f*ck, I made a mistake.

Lin Qingyue said, “Why are you leaving when you see me.”

“I didn’t… want to go, I just had something suddenly, I want to go back first.”

Lin Qingyue strode directly to Chen Fan’s face.

Face to face, looking at Chen Fan.

“Then what do you mean by looking for me with flowers?”

“Ah… flowers.”

What the hell are you doing talking to Laozi? This is the description of the normal plot.

Chen Fan, the rich second generation, holding flowers, wearing a white suit and holding a ring, directly blocked Lin Qingyue’s place.

Then I said affectionately with Lin Qingyue, Xiaoyue, I like you, be my girlfriend.

Then Lin Qingyue refused without hesitation, and slightly humiliated Chen Fan.

Then Chen Fan was cheeky and unforgiving.

The actor appeared very handsome, and put his arms around Lin Qingyue.

This f*ck is the plot of the original novel.

But now, your fucking heroine is coming up directly.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, no matter what other people do, he must play his role well.

It’s up to you.

“Satsuki, I like you.”

After speaking, took out the flowers.

Lin Qingyue looked at Chen Fan without saying a word, just staring like that, with anger and pride in her eyes.

For a while, there were no lines.

Mainly, Chen Fan has never encountered such an outrageous heroine, and suddenly forgot what he wanted to say.

“Brother, tell me, keep on talking.”

Ye Aotian also felt a little embarrassed. What is it that he leaves the factory now?

Chen Fan said that he likes it, he will be a hero to save the United States?

This is not so good either.

“Then what?”

Lin Qingyue gave Chen Fan a step down.

Chen Fan then took it up and said, “I like you. You are the star in the sky and the eternal sun in my heart. I have liked you since I was a child. I have been waiting for you for so many years.”

“Please, it’s okay to be my girlfriend.”

Thinking of it, finally remembered the lines.

Chen Fan has deep tenderness in his eyes, as if it can melt people.

Chen Fan is obsessed with all that affectionateness.

I entered the play, entered the play, absolutely entered the play.

Lin Qingyue flushed slightly.

? ? ? ? ?

You fucking have a fever, yes, you must have a fever.

Normal plot, you have a pale face.

Now, you are blushing.

Don’t be like this, I’m scared, I’m so scared.

Sister, don’t scare people.

“You…really waited for me for so long?”

No, the director, this guy, add words by himself, deduct salary, and must deduct salary.

Why don’t you play the cards according to the routine?

“Yes, I have been waiting for you, thinking about you every day, looking forward to when you will come back, I know, my family is putting pressure on your family, but I hope you can understand my love for you.”

“I see.”

Lin Qingyue nodded.

Chen Fan watched Lin Qingyue hold the flowers in her hand.

The joy is blooming in my heart.

I’m coming.

is coming.

Chen Fan closed his eyes.

get ready.

In the next second, flowers will hit her face, and she needs to be stalked.

This part of the scene, I have to play it well.

As a result, I closed my eyes for a long time and never waited for the flowers.

Chen Fan opened his eyes and looked at the silent Lin Qingyue.

“I…a bit flattered, I didn’t expect you to wait for me for so long.”

Then what?

“At that time we were young and we played together, but I’m sorry, I don’t want to fall in love, I want to pay more attention to career, you deserve better.”

What are you doing so gentle?

Are you and me polite to your mother?

Hit Laozi.


“Then are you rejecting me?”

Lin Qingyue said: “I think we can start with friends and meet again.”

Who is your friend? Laozi is your dog, and the ghost is your friend.

It’s over, the plot has gone in the direction of not knowing the development.

How do you play the protagonist like this?

No matter what, you forced Laozi.

Chen Fan stretched out his hand, hugged Lin Qingyue directly, hugged it in his arms, and said: “I don’t want your friend, I want you to be my bride, my love, and my wife.”

Lin Qingyue was shocked.

She never expected that Chen Fan would make a move.

Ye Aotian was also stupid.

My f*ck, what the hell are you doing to Laozi’s woman?

But Lin Qingyue did not resist, nor did he resist, so she was really held.

I am your uncle.

You are resisting.

Depend on.

The system, you see, she forced me, I was forced.

Chen Fan kissed directly without hesitation.

At this moment, time stopped.


ps: Please support, thank you everyone, please give more votes to flowers.


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