Chapter 43 This is what the hostess should do (seeking support, seventh more)

Chapter 43 This is what the heroine should do (seeking support, seventh more)

[Fuck, I was almost cheated. When Jin Lan held my face, I panicked. 】

[I also think that Jin Lan likes me, and it scares me to death. 】

[Fortunately, my father told me that Li Long was killed by someone from Jinlan. 】

[What is the actor’s brain, f*ck, I doubt it, she still plays with me. 】

[Comfortable, comfortable, sure enough, the characters did not jump, but the protagonist was a bit miserable. Impressed with the plot, Ye Aotian seemed to be unharmed and ran away. 】

[As a result, this time, I limped and hid in the park. It was really not easy, but it was generally nothing. The protagonist, it’s normal. As long as you get into any dead ends, you will always encounter adventures. 】

[Laozi can finally play, do you know? 】

[By the way, tonight these heroines, I am very pleased, Lin Qingyue has also come, it seems that someone secretly protects Ye Aotian. 】

[Ling Yuyan is here too, what is pattern? This is the pattern of the protagonist, so happy, so excited. 】

[Next, how should I dress myself? What do you want to wear? This idea is great, but unfortunately, I can’t see sister Jinlan changing clothes every day, and it’s less fun. 】

After writing today’s diary, Chen Fan poured himself some red wine contentedly.

Had a big bite of pastries.

When Li Long died and Ye Aotian took over Li Long’s strength, the rest was actually much smoother.

Ye Aotian gained his own power and began to develop nightclubs, accumulate wealth, and start a company.

Then rely on the art of Di Xin Jue to rescue some big bosses and get the help of some hidden big bosses.

After that, he would be slapped in the face all the time.

Damn, refreshing.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan was satisfied and went to rest.

On Jin Lan’s side, he received a call from Chen Tianqiang.

This call made Jin Lan very uncomfortable.

“Can’t help it so soon? Feel like taking care of my son?”

“I didn’t betray you…”

“You have never been my subordinate, so how come you betrayed?”

Jin Lan was a little flustered, with a little nervous tone between the words.

This time, she really panicked, because she was really scared, Chen Fan didn’t believe in herself.

“It’s not like you. You disappointed me so much. You panic about a little thing?”

You know what a fart.

Jin Lan can’t wait to curse now.

“Come on, do things well, I believe that you will be a good opponent, and I also believe in my son.”

“In addition, Chen Fan is on your side, so I won’t go to work at the unit.”


The phone hangs up.

Jin Lan directly smashed the phone to the ground and stepped on several feet vigorously.

But I took it up very distressed. There were a few photos in it, Chen Fan’s, she secretly took them.

Damn Ye Aotian, my old lady wants you to die.

In the same way, Lin Qingyue, who had returned home, looked at the information she had received in disbelief.

Jin Lan got involved, and Li Long was killed by someone sent by Jin Lan.

In other words, Jin Lan has always been in contact with Ye Aotian.

Would it be difficult for Chen Fan to face this big man?

Uncle Chen, are you still not playing at this time? If he doesn’t play, Chen Fan will suffer.

But Lin Qingyue also saw the news about herself in the diary, and Chen Fan also misunderstood herself.

I just went to watch the excitement by myself, wanting to see how Li Long died.

A man who started from scratch and walked all the way to the present can be regarded as a hero. Such a hero has ended, and such a good show is worth seeing.

I really owe it. Why are you curious about it?

At this time, Ling Yuyan was calling her brother.

“Why is it you? There are not many people in your family who can practice with you?”

“Father thinks I am more sincere in coming forward.”

“What kind of sincerity? Ye Aotian is really that important? We are the Ling family, when do we need to rely on an outsider?”

“Di Xin Jue, Ye Aotian has successfully practiced. With this secret book, no one has ever successfully practiced until now. Have you forgotten the family training?”

Ling Yuyan suddenly remembered that it was the Emperor’s Heart Jue.

There is a rule in the family, no matter what era, as long as someone successfully cultivates the Emperor’s Heart Jue, he can become the Patriarch of the Ling Family.

In charge of the Ling family.

“I don’t care, I don’t want to marry such a person, you have to like it, and you marry yourself.”

“It’s okay if you don’t want to marry, but the matter of the Patriarch, this matter hasn’t been eased.”

“Are you willing? Brother, the owner is yours.”

Ling Xiaoyun was silent for a while, and said, “Let’s listen to the ancestor’s instructions.”

While watching the lively No. 7 the whole time, I turned off the computer.

This big show tonight is really interesting.

She is a master hacker, as long as it is an area with electronic products, she can naturally control it.

In the villa, Jin Lan, who was depressed, made her smile especially happy.

Not only that, on the other side, Lin Qingyue seemed to be thinking about something too.

However, on the 7th, he found Ye Aotian. This guy did enter the park, but was rescued by an old man in the end.

After the surveillance, the scene where the old man left with Ye Aotian was very fast, basically, if you don’t slow down and watch it, you won’t notice it at all.

Is this the protagonist? No matter where you go, as long as you fall into the dead, you will definitely have an adventure.

According to Chen Fan’s statement, next is the situation where he officially played chess with Ye Aotian.

After reading it for a while, I found that the diary hadn’t been updated, so the 7th went to rest and sleep.

And Zhu Yeqing, after reading the diary, silently looked out the window.

It turned out that Jin Lan had been acting all the time, and she was indeed the heroine, but she had deceived herself.

really scary.

Looking forward from the new, and looking again, Chen Fan said that in the future, he will fall in love with him.

The more I watched, the more angry she became. She really wanted to choke Chen Fan to death.

So far, it’s impossible, absolutely impossible.

Her current thinking is very simple, she hopes that the Chen family will completely collapse, and want to see the lonely scene of everyone in the Chen family.

ps; Recommend a friend’s book, the beginning of the game merged with five enlightenment, was exposed by the school flower, the new book of the Great God.


ps: Please support, thank you all, please give us more data support.


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