Chapter 67 Anna said she likes me (seeking subscription, fourth more)

Chapter 68: Is My House Haunted? (For subscription, fourth more)

At this time, the most shocking person is Chen Fan. The mysterious person he said is nonsense, but what do you mean by Zhu Yeqing?

“Ask you something, you are practicing ancient martial arts, are there ghosts in the world?”

|”Ah, Master, you are joking again, how can there be ghosts in the world, non-existent, Master, stop joking.

No kidding? Damn, I really think something is wrong, okay, good protagonist, why is it going to die at this time?”

At this time, Ye Aotian was sent to Ling’s house, with scars all over his body, and he was stabbed several times.

“From the point of view, it should not be done by professional personnel, but by newcomers. It seems that Lin Xinyue did it.”

“Hey, resisting the pressure of the Chen family, and then being kidnapped again, this girl is not blocked, but she is actually pretty good.

“It’s really difficult. Forget it, let’s save people first. With such a serious injury, but the internal strength in the body is running on its own, it seems that he has successfully cultivated the Emperor Heart Jue.”

Ye Aotian was in a coma, it was almost difficult to wake up, but the Emperor Heart Art in his body was stimulated, and he unknowingly completed the breakthrough again.

A blessing in disguise? Or what, this is not known.

The original text of this plot is actually very simple. The protagonist breaks into Chen Fan’s home alone.

In addition, he fought with the housekeeper and Zhu Yeqing, then forced the two to retreat, and left in Chen Fan’s angry eyes.

After going back, Ye Aotian felt a little bit, and the Emperor Heart Jue broke through again, which successfully raised Ye Aotian’s strength once.

And Ye Aotian, who had entered the seventh rank, was truly capable of a battle.

And because of this, Chen Fan was furious at home, and took care of his meal.

Chen Tianqiang was furious when he learned that a master threatened his child’s life.

He planned to shoot, but was blocked by Chen Fan in the end. Chen Fan planned to deal with it himself.

At the table, Jin Lan, who was looking at the file, tilted her head back and looked at the table beside her.

Chen Fan was no longer, but he missed him a little bit.

Jin Lan saw clearly what happened in Chen Fan’s villa. Ye Aotian was seriously injured, but the person who hurt Ye Aotian was not Chen Fan.

Jin Lan’s bold guess is Lin Qingyue.

Only Lin Qingyue dared to do this.

It’s really ruthless, all tricks are ruthless.

It hurts several times in a row.

That is to say, Lin Qingyue does not know martial arts. If this is martial arts, wouldn’t this kill the protagonist 247 in minutes?

But it’s quite interesting. I didn’t expect that the story of the kidnapping happened in this way. I am a little looking forward to the next story.

At night, the rain outside the window was dripping.

Anna was reading the diary quietly in her room.

When she was okay, she stopped trying to punch, but looked up the diary very seriously.

Perhaps, there will always be some fun things in it.

William knocked on the door.

“whats the matter?”

“Sister, I think we are going to leave. It’s not very good and not safe to stay here. Now Chen Fan and Ye Aotian are both crazy. Both Big Bear and Er Xiong are dead.”

“Oh, I see, I understand, the plane is ready, how is the housekeeper?”

“It’s nothing big. It’s ready to move. The doctor checked and said that there will be no sequelae, and Ye Aotian does have a hand.”

I don’t want to hear this name, every time I hear it, my heart is very annoying.

“Brother, you said, if I tell the Grand Duke that I don’t like him, will he be angry?”William was dumbfounded, looked at his old sister, and said, “Sister, don’t mess around, this kind of thing is very serious.”

“But, I just don’t like the Grand Duke, let me marry a man I don’t like.”

William said, “My… sister, are you serious?

“Forget it, it’s useless to tell you, you can’t do anything, you can’t solve it, you go back first, I will go back later, don’t worry, you won’t let the family fall into difficulties.

William nodded.

The two said goodbye.

When William got on the plane, Anna looked at the rain in the sky, and suddenly she didn’t know where to go.

Perhaps, only Ye Aotian could explain this answer to himself.

With a heavy heart, slowly walked towards the Chen family.

Lin Qingyue, who returned home, looked a little helpless at the angry eyes of her parents.

Worrying my parents.

“This Chen Fan is a crazy man, really crazy, daughter, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m just a little tired.”

Lin Guofu’s wife looked at her daughter’s broken socks and said, “Guofu, don’t ask.

Lin Guofu roared: “I am a father, and my daughter has been bullied. Should I just sit back and watch?”

Lin Qingyue said: “Dad, it’s really okay, I’m really not afraid, and I took the initiative to find Chen Fan.”


Lin Guofu said, “Girl, are you confused?”

“I am not confused. I know myself very firmly. I like Chen Fan. It’s just that Ye Aotian, who is nosy, always feels that I am being threatened. From the beginning to the end, Uncle Chen has never threatened me.”

This kind of thing.

How could it be possible.

The mother looked at her daughter and said, “Daughter, let’s talk about what is going on, just let it go, mother, trust you.”

“I stabbed Ye Aotian with a knife. I did it on my own initiative. I don’t like Ye Aotian, and I like Chen Fan.

Looking at her daughter’s firm eyes, the mother said: “Well, I know, you go back.

Lin Qingyue nodded and returned to her room.

Lin Guofu said, “Is my daughter scared?”

“No, I think what my daughter said is true. Although I don’t know the reason, when my daughter talks about Chen Fan, her eyes are tender. When she talks about Ye Aotian, her eyes are full of disgust.”

Really like it?

“Then us?”

“I take the initiative to approach Chen’s family. My daughter likes it. How can we stop us as parents? Haven’t you been optimistic about Chen Fan before?”

Those who are optimistic about the fart are optimistic.

“Chen Tianqiang is alive, Chen Fan may be good, but if Chen Tianqiang dies, what if this guy is prodigal?”

“My daughter can make money. I don’t think she is confused about who her daughter likes. I believe in her daughter’s choice.

Lin Guofu said: “Well, I know, I’ll still have less contact with Aotian’s forces in the future. I fight and kill every day. To be honest, the girl really likes him, I’m still a little worried.”

At this time, Chen Fan was humming a little song and enjoying his time alone.

It’s so cool, I finally have time for the intermission.

The protagonist was injured and improved his own strength, and then gradually expanded his own pharmaceutical company.

Directly hit their own company.

This is the next stage of the story.

However, there are not many descriptions of this story. After all, it is an excessive chapter, and it basically passed quickly.

During this time of rest, Chen Fan seemed to have disappeared, and Ye Aotian would have a story with Ling Yuyan when he was dealing with the pharmaceutical company.

This paragraph belongs to Ye Aotian and Ling Yuyan’s warm news.

After all, the Ling family is a family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, and they must be more or less involved in the business of medicine.

The door was pushed open, Chen Fan looked at the woman standing at the door, Ze was covered in wet body, and said helplessly: “Princess Ann, I think, I have already told you very well.”

Anna said: “Let me stay for a while. I don’t know where to go. My brother will go back first. I will stay overnight and I will leave.

You are not allowed to stay overnight.

Damn, my head is sick, the whole novel, I have little contact with you.

I don’t want to have anything to do with you.

But looking at Anna’s pitiful look, Chen Fan’s heart still softened, and said, “Drink something for you?”

Anna nodded, grabbed the red wine on the table, and took a big sip.

“Chen, I don’t like it, Grand Duke, but I don’t know what to do. Maybe it’s the same as Lin Qingyue.”

“Princess Ann, are you here to laugh at (bcaf) me?”

Anna said: “It’s not a mockery. I’m serious. You may not understand. When a woman doesn’t like a man, she is really confused, but she is going to marry him again.”

Are you a dramatist? Every day.

Do you like it or not? What does it have to do with me? Laozi doesn’t care whether you like it or not.

You are going to find the Grand Duke, you find the Grand Duke, and then Ye Aotian will fight the Grand Duke.

To blame, blame you on playing too early.

Your plot is in the back, where the novel copy jumps so high.

Normal novel copies jump from the most basic small city, then to the big city, then to the bigger city, and finally to the overseas plot.

Your sudden appearance is completely messed up.

Therefore, Chen Fan really hopes that Anna gets out, she gets out, and the only person who affects the plot changes is gone, then everything goes smoothly.

When she is there, the plot is easy to mess up.

Chen Fan poured a glass of red wine for Anna. In fact, she was quite miserable. To be honest, it was not easy for her. Compared with other heroines, the plot described in the novel was indeed a bit less.

After the protagonist robbed Anna, he confronted the Rothschild family, and then began a strength confrontation or something.

Then during this period, Anna will not be able to stop, because Chen Fan will soon meet a new woman.

The Grand Duke, in fact, did not like Anna so much, but, after all, this is a facial question.

“Are you the devil? I have told you many times.”

Anna kept saying that she actually knew about the plot, but Chen Fan couldn’t hear it at all.

Anna also understands that there are restrictions.

“Princess Anna, if you drink too much, pay attention to rest, Zhu Yeqing, send Princess Anna to rest.

You forced me.

Anna took out her mobile phone and called the Grand Duke.

“Anna, what’s the matter?”

“: I don’t like you, Grand Duke, I’ve never contacted you, I don’t know you, I don’t know your age, I don’t like you, I have someone I like, I don’t want to marry you, I Don’t be with you.”

Chen Fan froze for a long time, fucking, eldest sister, don’t mess around.

You are like this, how can Laozi go down the plot.

The Grand Duke looked angry, but soon he recovered to calmness and said: “Well, I know, but you are worried, I will target your family, right?”

“I don’t like you, I like Chen Fan, just this man, I like him.”The glass in Chen Fan’s hand fell to the ground.

Zhu Yeqing on one side turned his head, tears burst into laughter.

Ruthless, a heroine is more ruthless than a heroine.

This is completely messed up.

Chen Fan spread his hands and waved quickly.

The Grand Duke said: “You drink too much. I will consider marriage. Don’t worry. I don’t like embarrassing women.

Anna was frustrated and spread directly in Chen Fan’s arms. Then Chen Fan gave a kiss without hesitation.

“I said, I like Chen Fan. 、

You like to eat shit and treat you.

I rely on it.

What are you doing?

Indecent, let me tell you.

You are indecent, I will find someone to sue you, I will tell you.

Chen Fan said nothing, a hand knife directly knocked Anna out, and handed Anna to Zhu Yeqing.

“Send to the room to rest, she is drunk.”

Zhu Yeqing nodded.

Chen Fan looked at the Grand Duke in the video and said, “I can explain.”

“No need to explain, I believe you, Chen, I know, if you were someone like Ye Aotian, Anna would have become your woman.”

Why are you so confident?

How can you conclude that Laozi won’t.

“Also, Chen, you are still a virgin, hahahaha.”

Damn, this reason is too much, but there is no way to refute it, Chen Fan has nothing to say.

But what’s wrong with the inexplicable sadness in my heart.

“Anna may be drunk.”

“Oh, in fact, this marriage was arranged at home. I don’t like Anna’s either. I have my beloved girl, but her identity is much worse. My family disagrees.”

Wait, Chen Fan remembered. In the original book, the Grand Duke did not touch her after marrying Anna.

Instead, they go out and cycle every day. According to Anna’s description in the novel, the Grand Duke seems to have a lover.

This is also the reason why Anna took the initiative to find Ye Aotian.

To put it bluntly, Anna was greened and planned to come back green.

But now, Chen Fan is not sure, because he played early, Chen Fan feels that everything is messed up.

“Although, I don’t like it that much, but the marriage contract is still going on. When Anna wakes up, tell her, let her rest assured, and accompany me to play this drama. After all, both families need this marriage. .”

“Well, I will convey it, then, what about Ye Aotian?”

“Hmph, even if I don’t like Anna, it doesn’t mean that Ye Aotian can escape and provoke my Grand Duke publicly? You should be prepared to bear my anger. His overseas market has been almost beaten by me, Chen Come on, if you need help, tell me, my brother.”

“Don’t worry, I can deal with him.

Chen Fan, has a bad feeling.

He felt that Anna might really like herself.

Moreover, he also felt that the Grand Duke thought at this time that Anna might have begun to like Ye Aotian, and only to protect Ye Aotian did he say that he liked herself.

But looking at the Grand Duke who was so close to him, Chen Fan’s heart was bleeding.

I’m a villain, I’m a villain, I’m a villain, but second sister-in-law, who can survive this kind of thing?,

ps: Please read it, thank you all, please read it

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