Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 244 Orange Dwarf

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Another thing that is certain is that humans cannot wait until the probe completes its exploration of nearby star systems before setting off, because as far as the current situation is concerned, humans cannot wait in a space without stars.

Yes, that's right, the Awakener did not throw humans into a certain star system, but randomly placed them in an interstellar space with nothing.

It can be said that it is out of the ordinary.

Fortunately, it is not too far away from nearby stars. The nearest star system is only 12.9 light-years away. This distance can only be reached in 43 years with humankind's current navigation capabilities.

However, it is still open to debate whether we should go to this star system, because the docking target that humans want to find now is the kind of star system where the possibility of life is unlikely.

Sun-like yellow dwarf stars will first be eliminated by humans. After all, such stars are stable stars, and the environment is too good to support life and civilization.

Of course, new humans do not want to encounter alien civilizations again, so when choosing a destination, they will try to avoid them. Although this is an environment measured by human standards, it would be good to reduce the probability.

At this time, the bridge of the Tianqin.

"Chief Commander, the astronomy department has updated the star map." The scientific officer's voice made everyone in the bridge smile with joy.

Thirteen days have passed since the Awakener left and humans began to observe the starry sky. The star map update has finally been completed.

"Okay, pass it here, let's see where we are first!" Yue Yuan said, walking behind the staff and looking at the computer screen on the workbench.

Humanity has long had a universal quantum computer, so the computers equipped for staff are naturally quantum computers, but they only run the kernel and belong to the universal quantum computer mechanism. External devices such as screens are still normal screens.

As for holographic screens, touchable 3D projection screens, etc., humans don’t even have a clue how to do it, and they still exist in fantasy.

"Uh! This is..."

Seeing the position marked on the star map, Yue Yuan couldn't help but be startled. Then he asked the staff to zoom in on the star map again, and then compared the position of the solar system.

At this moment, humans are about 2,477 light-years away from the solar system that no longer exists. This is a straight-line distance. If viewed from the perspective of the entire Milky Way, it is on the periphery of the cantilever.

In other words, the Awakener did not go in the direction that humans originally sailed. Instead, they took a turn halfway and brought humans to the outside of the cantilever, where stars are sparser than the area of ​​the solar system.

From the star map, the average distance between stars is about 19 light years. However, there are many structures such as star clusters, open nebulae, and dense dust clouds that permeate the interstellar space.

It can be regarded as an area with relatively thick gas and dust.

For this reason, the accuracy of optical detection equipment in this star field is much lower. From the perspective of the material resources of the star system, it is a remote place.

No wonder the Awakener said that this place is far away from the battlefield.

Further out of this star field, the density of stars becomes even thinner, and then there is an area without stars. If you cross the area without stars, you will reach another cantilever.

They come, the security.

Yue Yuan doesn't worry about these. After all, as long as they are not in a battlefield area, no matter where they are, it is the same for humans. Anyway, as long as there are star systems, humans can obtain resources for development.

After looking at the star map for a while, Yue Yuan turned to the science officer and said, "Has the goal been drawn up?"

"It's been drawn up, it's the three stars closest to us." the science officer replied, and then motioned Yue Yuan to look at the big screen.

Yue Yuan followed the science officer's expectations and saw information on three stars already appearing on the big screen on the bridge.

The nearest one is 12.9 light-years away and is a super blue giant star. Next is an orange dwarf star, 16.9 light-years away from the human fleet. The last one is a white dwarf star 21 light years away from humans.

Because they have been observed through telescopes for a period of time, humans already have some information about these three stars, such as spectra, star types, and whether there may be planets.

Of course, it is difficult to judge whether there are planets. After all, many planets have relatively long revolution periods. From a distance of more than ten light years, it is difficult to use the transit method, radial velocity method, gravitational perturbation method, etc. Method observation, because that requires long-term observation.

Therefore, the percentage of possible planets marked on the star map is actually data simulated by humans based on their own data on the evolution of stars.

Although it is calculated based on database data, it is generally quite accurate. After all, mankind's stellar evolution theory has been perfected for so many years, so the calculation is probably no problem.

"Let's go to this orange dwarf star, Xiaohong, and send the target star data to other spacecrafts." Yue Yuan thought for a while before setting the target.

"Yes, Chief." The correspondent known as Xiaohong responded with a clear voice.

Yue Yuan nodded, and was about to say something about the fleet's departure, but suddenly remembered something, and then said to Xiao Hong: "By the way, didn't we send out a few detectors before we met the awakener? Pay attention to that direction and see if you can get the signal when you see it."


Those detectors are more than two thousand light years away. Even if the signal is received again, it will be more than two thousand years later. However, Yue Yuan does not want to give up. After all, the universe is very magical. Maybe those detectors are here. It is not certain that some magical phenomena will be observed during this period.

The star map update is completed and the goal is determined.

After that, it was time to set off again.

The orange dwarf star selected by Yue Yuan is 16.9 light-years away. From the data observed by the telescope, this orange dwarf star has about 4.65 times the mass of the sun, a diameter of 0.24 astronomical units, that is, 25.79 times the diameter of the sun, a visible luminosity of 218.9, a surface temperature of 4350K, a metallicity of -0.04, and a rotation period of 22.675 days.

Orange dwarfs are more likely to have planets than blue supergiants.

Not to mention the white dwarf. Generally, white dwarfs are transformed from stars. At the end of their evolution, massive stars will undergo supernova explosions. After ejecting a large amount of material, if the remaining core mass is less than 1.44 times solar mass, then the star will evolve into a white dwarf.

Therefore, it is basically difficult for a planet to exist in a white dwarf star system, unless the planet originally in the star system is large enough and far enough away from the main sequence star.

After the destination is selected, the Great Hibernation command is quickly activated. 16.9 light-years away, the human fleet will need to sail for at least 57 years to reach it, so this time it must go into hibernation.

At the same time, the fleet also adjusted its posture, and then sailed toward the target star in a mighty way under the inference of the long light beam of heavy nuclear fusion and the shining starlight of the cold nuclear pulse engine.

Time flies, and when the fleet enters the deceleration stage, the veil that was previously covered on the orange dwarf star system due to distance was finally lifted by humans.

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