Kaido waited in the sky for a short while. When no one responded, he let go of his sight, hearing, color and perception.

Sure enough, he didn’t sense Qin Ge’s Qi, but he sensed Zi Lan.

Zilan flapped her wings and flew up and said:”Kaido, my brother is busy right now, so it is not convenient to receive you for the time being.”

Kaido returned to his human form, grinned and said:”We haven’t had a drink together for a long time, it’s not easy for us to come here, what’s the matter? We can’t do it later.”

Zilan said,”If you want to drink, we are not a tavern.”

Kaido said,”It’s not appropriate to drive me away without even seeing you.”

Seeing Zilan’s behavior. Attitude, he guessed that Qin Ge should have really left.

Zilan also saw that Kaido’s visit was unkind, so he said:”You came uninvited and you are not welcome wherever you go. Moreover, Kongdao is Sui Feng”Mobile, how do you know we are here?” Kaido chuckled and said,”Since you asked, I won’t waste time. Hand over Caesar to me. He is mine.”

As expected, he saw such an expression and said:”The four dignified emperors are pretending to steal someone. They are tall and tall and don’t look like a man at all.”

Kaido’s face changed and he said:”For the sake of your brother I only want to talk to you for my own sake. Since you said so, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Zi Lan snorted coldly:”You just want to fight, I’ll accompany you.”

Both sides showed their overbearing looks.

The dark red lightning collided together, causing a roaring wind that spread to the entire island.

After all, Zilan is still young, and her overlord color is relatively weak.

But the gap is not big. It is obviously impossible for Kaido to overwhelm her with just his momentum.

People on other empty islands felt this power and turned their heads to look

“This is the overlord color of Kaido and Zilan. Why did Kaido suddenly come?”

Caesar was doing research and was startled by the sudden burst of overlord color. His hands shook and he almost poured out the blue liquid in the test tube.

He carefully placed the test tube and activated his power to fly out to watch.

In addition to him, there was also Seal Diego, some flying rare beast warriors who were training, and the giant kid ‘Spartacus’ who had eaten the rock berry fruit all flew over.

In fact, they heard Kaido’s shout just now, but Kaido said. They came to Qin Ge for a drink, but they didn’t care.

Now that a conflict broke out between Kaido and Zi Lan, they came over when they realized something was wrong.

“What happened, where is Master Qin Ge?”

“I don’t know, Kaido seems to be fighting with Master Zilan. Is it a sparring match or something?”

“Master Qin Ge isn’t there? Why did he start fighting as soon as he came?”

Everyone flew to the island where Zi Lan was, watching from a distance and not daring to approach rashly.

Only Spartak dared to get within a hundred meters.

Spartak was only thirteen years old, but as a giant child, he was already five meters tall. He’s high.

Zilan often fights with him and trains him into a muscular boy, but his face looks relatively immature.

He looked at Zilan in confusion and said,”Sister Zilan, what are you doing?” Kaido saw magma erupting from Spartak’s lower body, his eyes moved slightly, and he said:”Qin Ge gave rock berries to this child to eat. What a waste. He has so much fighting ability at such a young age.””

Zi Lan said:”We are not too old, but we are still better than you old guys.”

Kaido said unhappily:”It’s not a small talk, it seems I have to give you some color, Lei Ming Bagua!”

As he spoke, dark red and blue thunder and lightning burst out from his body at the same time, and he picked up the mace and hit Zi Lan on the head at high speed.

Perhaps he was afraid that Qin Ge would come back, so he used Ba Tang as soon as he came, planning to Quick win

‘Palm cannon! Zi

Lan was not afraid at all, she also used Ba Tang and faced the mace with her palm. boom!

The mace collided with the palm in the air, erupting into a spherical energy wave, and lightning was rampant.

Although Zilan’s Bawang color is slightly weaker, the palm cannon she learned from Qin Ge is much more explosive than Leiming Bagua.

Kaido felt like he had been hit by an explosive, and the mace bounced back, almost losing his grip.

Both parties were shocked and took a few steps back.

This time, Zilan had a slight advantage in the collision and lost one and a half steps back.

“The same move as Qin Ge’s, it is quite powerful. If you want to win this move, you really need to show some real skills.”

Kaido said.

Then he held the mace in both hands – Roaring Bagua!

This move is an enhanced version of Thunder Bagua, with stronger explosive power and faster speed.

Zilan still used the palm cannon to receive the move.


This time against The collision caused a stronger shock wave, which swept over a radius of more than three miles.

Some weak flying warriors were unable to fly safely in the air and were blown away for a few seconds. After a stalemate for a few seconds, it was the turn of both sides to retreat.

Zi Lan fell into a disadvantage and took more than three steps back, and her footprints were deeper.

Her little face suddenly became serious, thinking: Kaido is a strong man on the same level as my brother. With my strength, I can definitely defeat him. It was not easy.

At this time, she felt a little regretful that she didn’t practice hard.

Fortunately, in the past year, she also trained Spartak.

“Sister Zilan, do you want me to help you?”

Spartacus shouted

“No, you watch from the side.”

Zi Lan said.

Although Spartak is extremely talented and has eaten rock berry fruits, he is too young and does not have emperor-level strength.

At most, he is at the level of a weak general like Green Bull.

“It doesn’t matter if you two go together, I haven’t used my full strength yet.”

Kaido said with a smile.

“I didn’t use my full strength either.”

Zi Lan turned on the divine fire, and scorching flames came out from behind.

Kaido twitched the corner of his mouth slightly when he saw this, thinking: I almost forgot that this girl has Jin’s genes. It is probably not easy to defeat her in a short time.

In order to further speed up Kaido no longer pretends to be fast, and directly enters the human-animal form.

His body is covered with azure dragon scales, his hands and feet turn into dragon claws, and a dragon tail emerges from his back.

With the blessing of the Blue Dragon Fruit, his physical strength, dominance, and abilities are all enhanced. It’s a huge improvement.

And in this state, he can also control the weather, but not as easily as Qin Ge, and the range is much smaller.

When Kaido thought, the surroundings suddenly became stormy, and then the sky became dark and dark. Thunder and lightning flashed rapidly in the dark clouds. Natural lightning fell on Kaido. Not only did it not cause any harm to him, it also became his strength.

“You have to use natural force to deal with me, what a shameless guy. Zilan said disdainfully

“I don’t have time to play house with you.”

Kaido suddenly jumped up. In addition to his own power wrapped around the mace, there were also a large number of natural thunder and lightning wrapped around it.

Fall to the third world, attract Naraku!

Use the power of nature to hit Zilan in the head.

Zilan’s figure Kaido dodged the blow and made a big hole in the ground.

Zi Lan flapped his wings, turned around, and kicked Kaido in the face.

Kaido flew a distance and then stabilized. He saw Zilan flying over again.

He opened his mouth and spat out a fireball, which disrupted Zilan’s flight path. The fireball exploded and obscured Zilan’s vision.

Then Kaido suddenly broke through the flames with a stick. It hit Zilan in the face.

Zilan raised her hand to block, but was sent flying hundreds of meters away. She flapped her wings to stabilize her body.

Kaido was attacking with all his strength, but Zilan just felt that his arm was big. A little painful, but not damaged at all.

With the genes of Big Mom and Jhin, Zilan’s defense is better than Kaido’s.

“Great mighty virtue, thunderous gossip!”

After Kaido accumulated some strength, he attacked Zilan again.

This was already his strongest move besides Shenglong. Endless natural thunder and lightning shone in the sky and wrapped around the mace.

Plus condensation The ultimate overlord color entanglement, carrying the power of a nuclear explosion, fell heavily


“Explosive thunder!”

Zi Lan also used a move that she had just learned recently.

This move was created by Qin Ge on the basis of the palm cannon and the ability of the thunder fruit.

Zi Lan did not have the ability of the thunder fruit, so he integrated the power of the divine fire. Overlord color entanglement.

The principle of this move is the same as that of Daweide, which is to compress the power to the extreme to form the power of a nuclear explosion.

The fireball in Zilan’s palm is compressed into an energy-like form, flashing with dark red thunder and lightning. He counterattacked Kaido’s mace.


The small palm collided with the mace, erupting with earth-shattering power, and the shock wave instantly swept through the entire island and even spread to other surrounding islands. , the air island was shaken by the shock wave, frightening the birds.

“Is this move really something a little girl can master?”

Kaido’s face changed slightly.

Zilan didn’t think too much. She had gone all out and just wanted to defeat the opponent.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, both sides were knocked away by the powerful impact.

Người mua: Evilclasshp

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