Blackbeard is a flexible person. He pretends to be a bitch when he can, and gives in when he needs to. He never cares about face or anything like that.

What he hates the most are single-minded strong men like Akainu and Barrett.

Both of them accepted death and refused to take a step back.

Faced with Akainu’s ferocious attack, Blackbeard was furious and said angrily:”If you don’t let me live, then everyone will stop living!”

As he spoke, he activated the Shock Fruit, a light circle appeared on his right hand, and then he used force Fight back. clang!

The air cracked like glass.

The powerful shock wave instantly spread to the entire island.

Beehive Island shook violently, and the surrounding sea area was rough for dozens of miles, setting off a tsunami hundreds of meters high.

Akainu’s large fire breath was dispersed.

Ahead, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, opening huge abyss, like a natural disaster.

“Hahaha, it’s this kind of power. I have been practicing hard in Xiongcheng for the past twenty years, and it is this kind of power that I will never forget.”

Barrett burst out with domineering energy, withstood the shock wave, and laughed excitedly.

He once challenged Whitebeard, but suffered a disastrous defeat. The feeling was unforgettable.

Except for Roger the Pirate King, Barrett was the third The two people they wanted to defeat were Whitebeard.

Unfortunately, Whitebeard was already dead, and Blackbeard gained the power of the Shock Fruit, so he became Barrett’s target.

“You say don’t live anymore, but you don’t use all your strength, which means you are still thinking about escaping.”

Akainu also burst out with a powerful burst of Haki, his face still cold.

Shock waves and broken boulders hit him, and he was blown away by the Haki.

A crack appeared under his feet, and he easily jumped up to avoid it.

He had already seen through Blackbeard, It is impossible for this person to really fight for his life. Once the Beehive Island is destroyed, any person with abilities will die if they fall into the sea.

“Except for Lafayette, everyone else should withdraw first!”

Blackbeard shouted while activating his ability.

“Boss, you hold on first, we will prepare the ship immediately.”

The big wine barrel was the first to turn around and run away.

“Lafayette, I’ll leave the boss to you.”

Fan Oka did not hesitate.

Others also fled towards the rear.

Only Lafayette stayed because he could change wings and fly.


“Boss, help!”

Kurland hid behind a hill, but the hill collapsed and fell into the crack.

He couldn’t walk on the moon, so he could only shout for help to the phone bug.

Considering that he was very obedient and loyal to his orders, Qin Ge came from the island He flew down.

He fell at an extremely fast speed and fell into the crack accurately.

He flew down for about two hundred meters, and before he was about to touch the rising sea water, a hand lifted him up.

Back on the ground

“Thank you boss!”

Kurland survived the disaster and was deeply moved by surprise.

“You hurry back to the boat and don’t get in the way here.”

Qin Ge said


Kurland turned around and ran towards the seaside.

But not long after he ran, he ran back again, pointed at the seaside and said:”Boss, tsunami!”

He saw that the 100-meter-high tsunami was already crushing the island.

Qin Ge could block the tsunami, but he wanted to see how Akainu and Barrett could block it, so he picked up Kurand and flew up into the sky.

Black When Bearded, Akainu, and Barrett saw the tsunami coming, they were still a little scared because the three of them were all ability users and would lose their mobility in the sea.

“Akainu, if you can stand still, I want to see who dies first today.”

Blackbeard said ferociously.

At this time, Barrett took the lead.

He activated his ability, a large number of purple crystals came out of his hands, and quickly collected some of the surrounding debris.

It only took four or five seconds to create a spherical submarine. , protect yourself

“Haha, my ability is not afraid of sea water.”

Barrett laughed in the submarine.

Akainu couldn’t bear to see him pretending to beep, so he immediately rushed forward and attacked the submarine with a big fire-breathing move.

Barrett’s eyes moved, and his domineering flow quickly covered the front of the submarine.


The magma bombarded the submarine, denting it and flying some distance away, but it quickly recovered under Barrett’s control.

“Damn it,” Barrett said. , this guy’s fists are actually more powerful than mine, so if I were to face him head-on, I might not be his opponent.”

Barrett is a person who refuses to admit defeat. When he is slightly at a disadvantage, he becomes angry.

On the other side, Blackbeard saw Akainu going to beat Barrett. He was delighted and immediately asked Lafayette to take him away.

Pull. Feite immediately activated his ability, conjured up a pair of white wings, and quickly took off into the air with his black beard.

Akainu looked back, and without thinking, he used the Rotting Red Lotus and shot a magma dog head towards Lafayette in the air. go

“You still want to keep me, but it’s too late.”

Blackbeard laughed, and used the power of the Shock Fruit again to disperse the magma fist.

The force of the shock shook the two people high into the sky.

Akainu’s cold expression was also a little unhappy, and he wanted to take action, but saw that the tsunami had already fallen..

The island was surrounded by tsunamis, all coming together. It only took a few seconds for him to reach Akainu.

At the critical moment, he didn’t dare to pretend, and his lower body became elemental, erupting magma with all his strength, and his whole body shot up into the sky like a rocket.

“What a skill is this!”

Blackbeard’s eyes widened, then he gritted his teeth and activated his ability again, intending to knock Akainu back.

However, he saw Akainu leaping into the sky, then suddenly turned and rushed towards Blackbeard.

Magma and Haki gathered on his right fist, brazenly Attacking, he met Blackbeard.


The two of them clashed in the sky, and the powerful energy spread out, causing a tsunami below.

After a few seconds, both of them were in a stalemate. He was knocked away and fell out of balance.

Lafayette flapped his wings desperately, and finally managed to catch Blackbeard and fly again.

When Akainu fell more than a hundred meters and was about to touch the sea, he used Moon Step. rebound again���Come.

He shook the sea water away with his kick, jumped hundreds of meters, and then his lower body became elemental again, erupting magma, and rushed towards Blackbeard like a rocket.

“Mudd, there is no end.”

Blackbeard’s face became even darker, and suddenly he had an idea and activated the Darkness Fruit ability.

Facing Akainu’s ‘Rocket Punch’, black smoke came out of his left hand, creating a huge attraction and sucking Akainu over.

Akainu. The dog is already sprinting quickly, and the attraction further accelerates it.

“not good!”

When he saw the black smoke on Blackbeard’s hand, his expression changed, and he quickly used the Great Fire Breathing forward.

A huge fist hit Blackbeard, but was absorbed by his Dark Fruit.

However, it was hindered by Akainu. Taking the opportunity to push back, he quickly moved away from Blackbeard.

Below, Beehive Island had been completely submerged by the tsunami.

“I didn’t expect Akainu to have such a skill. It’s impossible to see him turn into a drowned rat.”

Qin Ge was a little disappointed.

With Akainu’s strength, it was like a human-shaped rocket, but it was not as flexible and easy as Qin Ge could fly.

So he stopped watching the battle, quickly fell down, and touched the turbulent sea water with his hand.

Then he lifted up Hand, the raging tsunami suddenly stopped.

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