“Don’t be so nervous, at least we proved that Qin Ge is not an ordinary pirate.”

Fujitora said.

Think about it and relax a little.

If it is as Fujitora perceives, there is no need for them to be afraid of Qin Ge.


“Qin Ge may not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but he killed Akainu.”

Warring States remembered the key point.

After hearing this, several navy officers became nervous again.

“Perhaps there was resentment against the Navy because of the experiment.”

Qing Pheasant said

“Why don’t you try to communicate with him? Maybe you can instigate him to rebel.” said Karp

“There must be a chance.”

Warring States said.

As he spoke, the golden lion sent out a lot of sword energy, and the green pheasant created an ice wall to block it.

At this time, Barrett also took action, using his ability to absorb some debris, creating a heavy armor, and then killed Garp. Come over.

Garp fights Barrett.

Zilan”460″ thinks the golden Buddha is interesting, so he attacks Sengoku.

Kizaru keeps wandering in the air, using the eight-foot mirror to attack Kai. Duo and Auntie.

The two took the trouble to transform into green dragons and ride on the thunder cloud to chase Kizaru.

Although the navy was weaker, it was obviously not that easy to decide the winner when they were fighting..

A large sailing ship appeared outside the warship.

“It’s a pirate ship, its flag is three skulls, it’s the Blackbeard Pirates!”

Looking hand exclaimed

“What, Blackbeard is here too!”

The navy was shocked.

Blackbeard looked at more than a hundred warships and laughed loudly:”I just said, they gathered in Tokushima, how could the navy just sit idly by and ignore them? Sure enough, they came to encircle and suppress them. But what’s going on with the Navy, it looks like it’s running away.”

Fan Oka sat on the mast, observed for a while and said:”Marshal Aokiji, the three generals, Garp and Sengoku are all here. They are fighting in the port, and it seems that the pirates have the upper hand.”

Blackbeard and others also saw Kaido and Big Mom chasing Kizaru in the sky, shooting lasers and lightning and thunder.

Kizaru had almost no power to fight back and could only fight with speed.

“Since the pirate side has the advantage, there is no need for us to be polite.”

Blackbeard chuckled.

Then he raised his right fist, activated the Shock Fruit ability, and punched forward with force.


The air was like glass cracking, causing a powerful shock wave.

“No, it’s the Zhenzhen Fruit!”

The navymen on the warships in front were so frightened that their hair stood up. They wanted to do something, but they could do nothing.

They could only watch the sea surge, setting off a tsunami hundreds of feet high, and quickly rushed towards more than a hundred warships.

Green Bull stared at this scene and cursed:”Damn it, why is this guy Blackbeard here? It’s such a bad year.”

With his ability, he cannot protect all warships. He can only activate his ability to connect himself and a dozen surrounding warships with plants to form a large forest-like platform.

This can minimize the risk of being damaged by tsunamis.

Earthquake The commotion caused by the earthquake fruit was too great. Kizaru was the first to notice it in the sky, so he quickly turned into a golden light and flew to Aokiji:”Aoji, freeze the tsunami quickly.”

Qingzhi looked back, not caring about the golden lion, and ran towards the seaside quickly.

The golden lion didn’t let him go, swung his swords, and sent out two huge slashes.

Kizaru used his lightsaber to block, and barely blocked it. After being knocked away more than ten meters,

Kaido and Big Mom chased after him.

‘Descend to the third life and lead Naraku! ‘

Kaido’s mace was wrapped with thunder and lightning, and it fell from the sky and struck Kizaru in the head.

Kizaru reluctantly turned his head to avoid the fatal blow.

The mace hit his shoulder with a crack, and the shoulder seemed to be broken.

Kizaru’s whole body fell into the ground for who knows how many hundreds of meters.

Auntie was a little late and didn’t hit Kizaru. She said dissatisfiedly:”This monkey is so annoying. I really want to cut him into pieces.”

Kaido chuckled and said:”It’s really not easy to kill people with the ability to use the Shining Fruit.”

Kizaru bought some time, and the battle location was at the port. Aoki arrived at the beach in time and used Ice Age to freeze the tsunami.

But as a result, hundreds of warships were frozen and unable to move.

Navy’s retreat plan temporarily shelved

“This is too bad. I am going to die here today.”

After Aoki froze the tsunami, he looked around and saw that they were all warships fixed on the ice.

After thinking for a moment, Aoki took out his phone and dialed the number of Wulaoxing without caring about his face. After a while, the call was connected.

“Qing Pheasant, how is the situation?”

The bald man, Izambalong said

“The situation is not good. In addition to the two Seraphs, there are also Kaido’s mother, Golden Lion and Barrett. Moreover, the Golden Lion has undergone giant transformation and its strength has returned to its peak. We are no match.”

Qing Pheasant said

“The situation is serious enough, okay, I’ll send people to support immediately.”

Izambalong said…

“As soon as possible, now Blackbeard is here too, we can’t escape even if we want to.”

Qing Pheasant said

“I see.”

Izambalong hung up the phone directly.

The other four old men also heard the conversation. Although their expressions did not change, they all took it seriously.

Satan Saint said:”The situation is much more serious than we imagined. The navy alone will definitely solve it. There are not so many big pirates. The two Seraphs were my mistake, and it seems I have to take action myself.

Saint Pit said,”Do you want to take those three seraphs with you?””

Satan Saint said:”After Master Im’s transformation, they should have no possibility of awakening themselves.”

As Qin Ge guessed, Saint Satan was reluctant to destroy the remaining three Seraphs and brought them back to the Holy Land for other transformations.

“Lord Im’s ability is definitely credible, so take him there and give it a try.”

Although they had doubts, no one dared to question Im’s ability.

The five old stars unanimously agreed to take action.

Saint Satan did not delay and immediately went to the training ground to liberate the three Seraphs.

S Qinglong, S Hawkeye, S Barre Special.

The three of them have grown up a bit compared to last time.

S Qinglong and S Barrett are already very tall. They are more than four meters tall at this time, but their faces are slightly childish. They are also equipped with weapons, including maces, samurai swords and technological armors.

After a period of training, their abilities have also been awakened.

For example, S Qinglong can basically use the Qinglong fruit, but the color is different. There are still differences from the original version.

The original Qinglong fruit is actually azure, which is the color of blue and white porcelain. S

Qinglong eats green dragon, technically speaking, he eats the

Silence Fruit.

Barrett eats the form of the animal type, the ancient species, the giant crocodile.

The Five Old Stars believed that Barrett was not suitable for the clang-dang fruit, so he changed it to the giant crocodile fruit and turned him into a melee machine. combined fruit

“S Qinglong, take us to Dressrosa.”

Satan Saint gave the order


S Qinglong obeyed the command like a robot, let out a dragon roar, and turned into a green oriental dragon that was a hundred meters long.

The color looked a bit like a snake, but the ability was no different from the original version.

Then Saint Satan jumped on the dragon’s head , S Hawkeye and S Barrett also sat on it.

The green dragon roared and quickly flew towards Dressrosa under the guidance of Saint Satan.

Người mua: Evilclasshp.

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