In the astonished eyes of everyone, the golden ship quickly floated into the sky, passed over the empty islands, and finally stopped next to the central island.

From below you can only see the bottom of the island, while from above you can see the colorful and beautiful ecology of the island.

The magnificent forests and lakes, and all kinds of strange giant rare animals.

From time to time, beautiful and strange big birds flew across the sky, like a fantasy world, which deeply touched the people on the golden ship.

Many people couldn’t help but sigh in admiration.

Even the three Tianlong people’s eyes lit up, and they felt that the scenery of these empty islands was beautiful and very suitable for them to live in.

“Everyone, please come to the island.” said the golden lion

“Can we go up there? Will we be imprisoned?”

The passengers were a little uneasy.

“It would take so much effort to imprison you. If you don’t go up, forget it. This may be your only chance to land on the sky island in your life.”

Golden Lion said.

The passengers thought about it. Although they were quite rich, it didn’t matter in the face of such powerful power.

He can even float islands. Even if his home has tens of thousands of suites, It’s not as easy as going to the island.

It would be a pity not to go up and have a look.

Some brave passengers took the initiative to get off the ship and went to the central island.

“Get out of here, let’s go to the island first.”

The three Tianlong people walked over arrogantly and unreasonably. The other passengers were shocked and gave way.

“You are Golden Lion Shiji.”

Tezolo did not go down immediately, but walked up to the golden lion and asked

“It’s me.” said the golden lion

“You are obviously from the same era as Whitebeard, why are you so young?”

Tezolo asked doubtfully.

At this time, the golden lion looked like he was in his forties, with a tall body and well-developed muscles and bones, looking like a man in his prime.

“You don’t need to worry about this, you just need to know that we have something to do with you.” said the golden lion

“What’s up?”

Tezolo guessed that the other party probably wanted his financial resources.

“You’ll know once you get in.”

The golden lion said with a slight smile.

Tezzolo could not refuse the other party’s invitation and could only cooperate obediently.

His two men, Bacara who ate the lucky fruit, and Mr. Tanaka who ate the piercing fruit, followed on both sides.

There was also a man named Karina’s beautiful singer.

Karina was once a thief friend of Nami. She was a cunning and clever woman who was good at stealing and collecting intelligence.

Ahead, three Celestial Dragons walked into the palace and attacked the maids. Yi Qi commanded:”Where is the owner of this island? Call him out.

The maid replied:”Wait a moment, Master Qin Ge and other adults will be here soon.”

Devi Saint said dissatisfiedly:”You know clearly that we are coming, but you still hesitate. You clearly don’t take me seriously.”

The maid said:”Several adults will be here soon.”

Seeing that the maid was pretty, Saint Devi grabbed her little hand and said,”Before that Qin Ge comes, please play with me first.””

While talking, I asked for a dog leash from the bodyguard and put it forcefully around the maid’s neck.

The bodyguard was a little nervous, but did not stop me. He thought: She is just a maid, and the Emperor of the Sea will not take it seriously.

“No, we don’t have this kind of service……”

The maid struggled.

In fact, this kind of service existed before. Later, when Qin Ge took over Kongdao, they were relieved of their slave status.

Those who are unwilling to stay on the empty island have been sent to live on the ground.

Some of those who stayed continued to work as maids, and some went to live on other empty islands.

“It’s your honor to serve the Celestial Dragons. If you do anything, I’ll shoot you.”

Devi Saint said.

His wife, children, and the passengers behind were just watching the show.

“What kind of Celestial Dragon, I don’t know……”

The maid was afraid.

They were all girls kidnapped by the Golden Lion in a very remote place. Due to the lack of information, they had no idea who the Celestial Dragons were.

Later, I lived on an empty island and had no contact with the ground world.

“What, you don’t even know the great Tianlong people, then there is no point in your life.”

Devi Sheng’s face suddenly changed, and he took out his pistol and was about to shoot her to death.

The maid was horrified and didn’t understand why she had to die if she didn’t know the Tianlong people.

At the critical moment, a purple figure flashed past quickly and kicked De Weisheng. Wei Sheng was kicked out and

De Wei Sheng hit the wall, his whole body was dented and embedded in the wall.

“If you dare to cause trouble in my territory, you are simply desperate.”

Zilan hummed.

Seeing Devi Sheng’s tragic situation, the passengers all widened their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

Devi Sheng’s wife also stared at Zilan, with a look of disbelief on her face and said:”You , how dare you hurt the Tianlong people!”

After the passengers reacted, their hairs stood up and they trembled slightly.

Even if they saw the Tianlong people being hurt, they might be killed.

Suddenly, everyone regretted coming.

“What are the Celestial Dragons? In this place, only my brother and I are the bosses.”

Zi Lan said with her hands on her hips.

She is not arrogant, but she really doesn’t know the Tian Long people.

Since becoming conscious, Qin Ge has never taught her about the Tian Long people, and it is impossible to teach her this.

So Zi Lan’s attitude towards the Tian Long people no fear at all

“You dare to say what I am, damn it, you are dead!”

Kullan Sheng’s slightly delicate face suddenly twisted and turned white with anger. He also took out a pistol and shot at Zilan.

When Zilan saw this gadget, she didn’t bother to hide and let the bullets hit her body. bang bang bang…

Kulan Sheng fired all the bullets in one breath, but found that the bullets were bounced off Zilan’s skin.

Zilan’s flawless white skin was intact after being shot.

Kulan Sheng was astonished and felt jealous at the same time, because Zilan’s skin was in such good condition and she looked so beautiful……..

That confident smile seemed to be mocking her

“Damn it, damn it, how could this happen?”

“You bastards, if you don’t do anything yet, cut her into pieces for me!”

Kulansheng slapped the bodyguard twice and said angrily.

“Master Kuran Sheng, this is a great pirate with a bounty of nearly 4 billion, and only a navy admiral can defeat him.”

The head of the bodyguard covered his face and said very aggrievedly.

“Even a little bitch requires the admiral to take action. I might as well raise a dog for you. Come and get it for me.”

Kullan Sheng yelled angrily


The bodyguard leader really didn’t have the courage to take action against Zilan.

When Zilan heard Kulan Sheng scolding her as a little bitch, she immediately became angry and said,”I didn’t want to hit a woman, but you don’t look like a good person.”

So she slapped Kulan Sheng away.

With a bang, Saint Kuran was embedded next to her husband.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes almost popped out, and infinite fear surged in their hearts.

“Bitch, how dare you hit my parents?……”

The little Tianlong was still unconvinced, and even took out a small pistol, wanting to show off with Zilan.

Zilan kicked him away, causing him to cry out in pain and roll around while holding his stomach.


“These are Tianlong people. If you treat them like this, everyone present will die.”

A passenger yelled in horror.

“What are the Celestial Dragons and why should you be afraid?”

Zi Lan asked innocently.

Seeing that she was not pretending to be stupid, everyone wondered whether this girl really didn’t know the Tianlong people.

At this moment, laughter rang out from the entrance, and Qin Ge and others came out.

“elder brother.

Zilan returned to Qin Ge and asked,”Who are the Tianlong people? Are they scary?””

2.4 When the passengers saw Qin Ge, Kaido, Big Mom, Blackbeard, Shanks, and Barrett coming out, they were all shocked and trembling with fear again.

Each of these big pirates can dominate and rule. multiple countries

“The Celestial Dragons are just a bunch of worms, nothing to be afraid of.”

Qin Ge said disdainfully.

When they heard what he said, the passengers were all upset and wished they could become deaf immediately.

“Then why are they so scared?”

Zi Lan pointed at the passengers and said

“Because most of them are also a group of worms, it is normal for small worms to be afraid of big worms.”

Qin Ge said

“So that’s it, I understand.”

Zi Lan nodded thoughtfully.

Shanks smiled bitterly from behind, thinking: This is scolding me.

Of course those passengers felt very unhappy when they heard Qin Ge’s comments, but they did not dare to refute him face to face.

Many people secretly vowed to report to the World Government when they return and ask the navy to destroy these rude guys.

However, it seems that the navy cannot defeat them……..

Người mua: ssssss

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