War God Supreme

Chapter 1065: Lost Pearl

The light is dazzling, like the glow of diamonds.

Seeing this colorful light, the expressions on the faces of Liu Yiyi, Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue changed.

I saw that the light was changing, and the dazzling light in the stone room was still condensing, and it was constantly withdrawn.

Finally, the light turned into a finger-sized bead, and the bead became colorless.

Above the beads, there is an ethereal breath, and it also gives people the feeling of swallowing the world.

At the same time, the four golden paper industry gradually stabilized.

A bead and golden paper were suspended in the air, and all three watched quietly.

"Lost Pearl."

"This is the pearl of loss."

Li Lingtian, a look on his face showed a fascination.

Previously, no matter what treasure he encountered, he was not so tempted, but this time, so obsessed with a bead.

Because this bead may help Huangfu Yuyan leave the dragon ring.

Everything in the Dragon Ring is the most important.

Naturally, I will be so obsessed with the Pearl of Lost.

For this bead of loss, it is a painstaking effort, and now I finally see the true face of the bead of loss.

"Yes, this is the pearl of loss."

"You take it, the lost pearl is more useful to you."

"Heaven is gone, only the Dragon and Phoenix families can practice."

Nangong Mingyue saw Li Lingtian's situation. Without hesitation, she opened her mouth and gave the lost pearl to Li Lingtian.

What can make Li Lingtian value so much is definitely of great use to Li Lingtian.

Although the Pearl of Lost can be helpful to the cultivation of Heaven and Earth, she can give this kind of love to Li Lingtian.

"Thank you."

Li Lingtian said seriously, his face was sincere.

Immediately without any politeness, he put the lost pearl into a box, and finally displayed countless seals and put it into the Holy Ring.

He didn't dare to joke about this lost pearl, but this is the way to open the Dragon Ring.

"No need to."

Nangong Mingyue had a happy smile on her face, and it was worth it to get such sincere thanks from Li Lingtian.

"Sister Yiyi, let the three of us remember this utter silence."

"Although only the Dragon and Phoenix families can practice, this sky of silence and vanishment should be able to improve the Great Void God's tactics a lot."

Li Lingtian did not say anything to Nangong Mingyue, but called Liu Yiyi and Nangong Mingyue to use their consciousness to memorize the magical power of heaven and void. This magical power cannot be cultivated in a flash.

It is a kind of exercise method, which requires various opportunities to practice.

However, at this time, it is necessary to remember it.

Immediately, Li Lingtian moved his mind and printed the information on the four gold pages into the sea of ​​knowledge.

The four scrolls are fused together, and the information on the gold page is also clear. Although I don’t know what the obscure and profound law above is, I just need to remember it.

Soon, the information of the four golden pages was recorded in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Next is Nangong Mingyue, then Liu Yiyi.

All three remembered the magical power of space in the sea of ​​ignorance, although they could not be cultivated for a while, they have completely remembered it now.

"This emptiness of heaven is the magical power of space, the most powerful magical power in the world."

"If you practice, you will cross the heavens and the earth, control the space, and achieve the supreme supreme."

"However, this exercise must not let others know."

"So, these four gold pages, we still have to separate them, and we can't put them on one person."

After Nangong Mingyue determined that she had memorized the information on the gold page, she said seriously.

"This seat naturally understands that this exercise, only the three of us know, must not be passed on to others, so as not to cause chaos in the Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, and if he let the other powerful people know about this exercise, then the Shenwu Continent would be bloody.


"You take two of this golden page, one from Yiyi, and one from me. In this way, even if the golden page is lost, we can remember the information."

"Even if someone gets our gold page, it won't be complete, and it was just in vain at that time."

Nangong Mingyue nodded, and then allocated the gold pages.

In fact, for this golden page, all three people have already remembered the exercises, so they don't need them at all.

It's just that this golden page can't be on a person. In case of any accident, it won't be lost.

Li Lingtian also had no comments, and then the three collected the gold pages.

After collecting the golden pages, Nangong Mingyue and Li Lingtian left the small stone room and came to the first huge stone room.

Nangong Mingyue is very familiar with this place, and walked directly to the center of the stone room.

"Originally, when Pearl of Lost and Golden Page merged, they should leave here."

"But we haven't been able to leave here, it should have been someone who has entered the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain."

"Because the stone room where I live is the place to leave. As long as the lost pearl merges with the gold leaf, you can leave. That stone room is closely related to the Nine-fold Mountain Phoenix. We did not leave, that is, there has been a change in the Nine-layer Mountain."

"We can only rely on ourselves now. The second method is to merge the power of the Divine Phoenix and the Power of the Divine Phoenix."

Nangong Mingyue said seriously, after she finished speaking, Li Lingtian also remembered.

It should have been left when the Pearl of Lost appeared, but it did not leave, it should be something wrong.

It was just that he began to be forgotten by the appearance of the missing pearl.

"Then we start."

Li Lingtian nodded, and now the important thing is to leave first.

All things must be resolved after leaving.

Next, the two cast out the power of Shenfeng and Shenhuang.

Suddenly, the figure of the two turned into two lights and shadows, like two huge phoenixes, and the power of terror broke out in the stone chamber.

Noble, holy, people worship.

At the same time, the power is destroyed by horror. This power is beyond all imagination.

There is no domineering dominance, but there is a kind of holy power.

Both of them have just gained the power of Shenfeng and Shenhuang.

But it is not a matter of leaving here.

Gradually, the two forces merged, and at the moment the two forces merged, a light appeared in the stone chamber.

The light carried a mysterious power, and the two flew away towards the light.

Li Lingtian waved with one hand, a force pulled Liu Yiyi, the three quickly flew upward, and the Pterosaur Wild Beast followed.

In the light, there is no slight pressure, just like in a vacuum.

For half an hour, with a loud explosion, the three figures appeared above the square.

After checking the direction a little, after Nangong Mingyue determined the direction, the three of them flew upward.


The peak of Jiuzhong Mountain has been extremely quiet for countless thousands of years, and no creature came here.

However, on this day, there have been dozens of martial arts strongmen gathered on the top of Jiuzhong Mountain, and all who came here are the martial arts powers of the eighth chongtian, and there are a few venerable gods of the martial arts nineth chongtian.

However, these strong men are divided into two camps.

On the one hand is the strong man in the Canghai, and on the other hand is the strong man in the south corner.

However, the Nanyu Powerhouse has the upper hand, because the Nanyu Powerhouse now has four Wushen Eightfold Heavens and four Wushen Nineth Heaven Venerables.

On the side of the Canghai, there are six strong gods of Wushen Eightfold Heaven and three respecters of Wushen Nine Heavy Heaven.

In terms of numbers, Canghai is stronger than Nanyu, but the strength between them is not Nanyu's opponent at all.

Here, Real Man Sanyang and Concentric Great Devil have suffered a lot of injuries, but Real Man Longyang has no injuries on the bright side, but several martial gods have eight injuries, all with injuries on their bodies.

Nanyu, Qingmei and Qingzhen, as well as the Seven Commanders, but beside the Seven Commanders, there is also a Venerable of the God of War, Jiuzhongtian. The clothing is the same as the Seven Commanders, but there is no sign on the body.

But it seems that this person is with the Seven Commanders.

The two camps faced each other at the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain.

There are more than one peak at the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain. It is better to say that this is just a flat mountain range.

Because here is too big, at a glance, there are mountains everywhere.

The only thing that can prove that this is the peak of Jiuzhong Mountain is that the spirit of the fairy here is extremely rich.

And there is an endless array of palace pavilions. The spirit of fairy spirits is in full swing. This place is completely a fairyland. No one will believe that it is a nine-day fairy palace.

Among these palaces and pavilions, there is a square that is two hundred miles in size.

In the center of the square is a huge stone monument with the words "top of the Nine-Five Mountains" engraved on the stone monument.

Moreover, the spirit spirits between heaven and earth are slowly coming here.

The spirit of the fairy poured into the altar beneath the stele, making the altar and stele look mysterious and majestic.

Powerful people who can understand the formation method can see that this square was built according to the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams, and all the spirits of the fairy spirit formed a supreme spiritual pressure, which suppressed the altar.

The strong men of Nanyu and Canghai, each entrenched in one side, dare not start.

Because the two sides have been fighting since the Seventh Mountain, and the war has extended here.

After coming here ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has fought a few times, but there was no overwhelming victory.

"Qingzhi, Qingzhen, don't deliberately move the ban on Jiuzhongshan."

"Dare to move this prohibition, the poor Dao will definitely kill you here, so that you can never live beyond life."

Sanyang Zhenren looked at the green extermination on the opposite side and said faintly that the Sanyang flame fan exuded a terrifying pressure.

At first glance is a superb artifact, super artifact of the flame attribute.

This is Qingyangzong's treasure of the town faction. In order to stop Qingtai and others this time, he brought this treasure of the town faction specifically, but I did not expect to be injured by the other party.

Now that the most critical moment has come, the other party may not let go of waiting.

Even if the other party now let themselves go, the other party opened this prohibition, and Canghai was finished.

Even if they can escape from the sea, they will also become sinners of Shenwu Continent.

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