War God Supreme

Chapter 1067: Situation mutation

This old man in gray is the six commanders of Nanyu.

In this operation, the strength is the most profound and powerful.

Sanyang real people were injured, mostly because of him. Now they are fighting in the square. He is also waiting for an opportunity to make the strong man of Canghai passive.

If it weren’t for the sudden emergence of the Cannon monster, the powerful people in Canghai would be killed one by one.

Such a plan, Nanyu is definitely a victory, but I never thought that the old ghost of the canopy that had disappeared and disappeared suddenly appeared and also injured the Six Commanders.

In fact, the old monster of Canyang has been here for a long time, earlier than the strong players present, but has been hiding here.

Hidden here is to achieve an unexpected effect.

Sure enough, after the first commander of the Six Commanders had killed Wushen Yazhong, the commander of the six commanders had no precautions. In this way, the old monsters in the Sun were given a chance.

In one move, he used a group of ice flames that Li Lingtian gave him to defeat the Six Commanders.

Only this kind of move can unexpectedly attack the opponent. If you use Xianleqin, or other moves, you can't achieve this effect at all.

"This person, you never think of it."

"However, the deity can give you a chance. Now that you leave Jiuzhong Mountain, you still have a chance to leave alive."

"It's impossible to get a bargain here."

A strange smile appeared on the face of the old Canyang monster, and did not say who the man was.

On the contrary, it made the strong players in the field more curious, not knowing who the character was.

When speaking, the eyes turned to Qingzai, and the whole person was very relaxed.

This situation suddenly made Qingni and others feel a trace of pressure.

Originally occupying an absolute advantage, the Six Commanders are now injured, and the other side has an intact old sun monster. After a while, the forces have changed, and the strength on both sides has returned to the beginning.

Because of the three martial gods on their own side, and the injured six commanders.

The opponent Longyang Real Man and the Cannon Old Monster were not injured, Sanyang Real Man and the Concentric Big Devil were injured, and the number and strength of Wushen Yaetian were also almost the same.

For a moment, the atmosphere above the square became strange.

Nanyu's strongman doesn't know what to do next.

The appearance of the old monsters in the Canyang made the war situation strange.

"Humph, the old monster in the canyon, I don't pretend to be a ghost here."

"You are lucky to die, just like to fool us, do you think it is possible, the old guys in Canghai are just a few of you, and even if there is another Wushen Nine Heavens, it is impossible to save you in that situation."

"It's even more impossible to improve your cultivation, and people with a little common sense will not believe your gibberish."

"In just one month's time, do you think someone can treat your Jiutian Bing Soul and injury, is it possible to improve your cultivation?"

The expression on Qingzhen's face changed several times, and finally the expression on his face became lighter.

The only thing that can be explained is that the old monster of Canyang escaped to hide and heal, and what kind of adventure he got, so that it is possible to restore the injury and improve his cultivation.

It is normal to have some magical things in Jiuzhong Mountain, but to say that it was caused by someone, they did not believe it.

Moreover, now that the old cannons of the sun are letting them leave, there is no intention to kill them. There must be no other super powers. If there are really super strongs, where can the old mobs of the sun make their enemies leave.

Qing Zhen said this, the look on the face of Nanyu's strong man also changed and became lighter.

The expression on the face of the strong man in Canghai also changed, and he was a bit skeptical about the words of the old monster in the sun.

However, I also understand that the old monster of Canyang is for Canghai.

"Even so."

"Do you think you can beat us?"

The look on the face of the old canon of Canyang was stunned, and his eyes glanced at several martial arts strongmen on his side, and said lightly.

When speaking, the consciousness moved, and Xian Le Qin already appeared in his hands.

The ice flame in his hand was suspended in the air, and there was a breath of destruction and death in the air.

The whole person is very chic, but he is worried, why Li Lingtian has not come here.

According to Li Lingtian's speed, it should be here too.

Isn't it possible to encounter any danger in the middle, this is also impossible, and there are pterosaur mad beasts around, even if they meet the monsters of the ninth level and the ninth level, they can escape.

"Then try it."

The seven commanders spoke, and when the voice fell, they gave a few glances to their companions.

A few people nodded their heads, and the terrifying real element suddenly turned into action.

Seeing that the strong man of Nanyu is going to start, the strong man of Canghai is also running the real element of terror, and the terror of the concentric big demon head also erupted at this time.

The war was on the verge, and the atmosphere in the square was strangely oppressive.

Vigor rages, and the space trembles in front of the power of dozens of super martial arts strongmen.

However, at this time, the shock changed suddenly.

I saw a pure devil qi burst out in the hands of the concentric big demon head, and the devil qi bombarded the Longyang real man fiercely.

This shocking change, Canghai strong are shocked.




The demon qi is monstrous, and the terrifying devil qi continuously invades Longyang.

The two paths of Zhengmo and the Devil are not mutually exclusive. Both of them are the venerable of Super Martial God Jiuzhongtian.

Now the magic attack on Longyang real people is beyond everyone's expectations.

The horrible magic energy bombarded the real people of Longyang like a thunder. The real people of Longyang couldn't defend themselves. The body could no longer withstand the attacks of the strongmen of the same rank, and a spit of blood spewed out.

The body threw it out fiercely and finally fell to the ground.

"The spirit of refining the demon, imprisoned!"

Concentric big demon, at this time, where there is any injury on his body, there is no slight injury at all.

After the successful attack, there was no mercy, and the strange shape disappeared. When it appeared again, it had already bombarded the real person of Longyang on the ground with a devastating magical energy.

Suddenly, there was a look of despair in the eyes of the real person of Longyang.

The figure twisted strangely and moved away quickly, but it was still too late.

The energy of refining magic landed on the body, and the real element in the body was imprisoned.


The old monster of the Canyang responded, his face angry.

The Xianleqin in his hand flicked with one hand, a ruined piano sounded, and the invisible sound wave swept away toward the concentric big devil.

With the appearance of Qin Yin, the big concentric dare dare not chase it anymore, and his figure has fallen to the side of Nanyu when his figure flashes.

Sanyang Zhenren also quickly pulled Longyang Zhenren back. At this time, Longyang Zhenren's face was pale and weak, and the corners of his mouth were constantly overflowing with blood.

"Big Devil, I didn't expect you to betrayed long ago."

"Damn it, concentric dog thief."

The faces of Sanyang Real People and Cannon Monsters are extremely ugly, and the whole person is almost going to run away.

I didn't expect the concentric big demon to betrayed at this time, completely beyond their expectations.

In this way, they have no chance at all.

Sudden change of strength, bad situation.

Originally there was an old monster in the residual sun. Although there is no chance of winning, there is also a half chance.

In this way, the most powerful real person in Longyang was wounded and rebelled with one heart. Only Sanyang and Canyang were left on their own hands, but the other party had Qingzhen and Qingren, the seven commanders and the concentric big Devil.

And although the Six Commanders were injured by Frost Flame, they were able to do it.

"I just need to get the blood demon of the blood demon emperor."

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. The deity did not betray Canghai, but joined forces for the time being."

The look on the face of the concentric big devil head was relaxed, and there was no guilt at all because he betrayed the sea.

Now, as long as the three people in front of him are erased, Canghai is his world.

The sky gradually darkened at this time.

I saw that the sun in the sky was slowly blocked by a dark mystery.

The whole world gradually entered into the darkness, the sky was cold, and the whole Jiuzhong Mountain was also cold.

This coldness caused the warrior's mind to tremble.



Qing Zhen laughed loudly, Tengu had swallowed the sun, this was the best time to break the ban.

At the same time, several other Venerables were also excited.

"The three of you, hold them down, and the deity will break through."

The seven commanders, Zhao Qingzhen, Qing Da, and the concentric big devil said, and they immediately sacrificed an array.

Suddenly, Qingzhen Qingmei and the concentric big demon head shot at Sanyang and other people, and other martial arts strongmen are also operating Zhenyuan, surrounding Sanyang and others.

Seeing this situation, the real people of Sanyang and Longyang, as well as the old monsters of Canyang, all smiled and shook their heads.

I did not expect that something would still happen, is this the destiny of the sea.

The three, did not plan to do it, because now it is also in vain.

At this time, all the people focused their attention on the Seven Commanders, and saw that the array in the hands of the Seven Commanders kept turning, and a mysterious atmosphere drifted out.

The Seven Commanders suspended the array in the air, their hands waved continuously, and fascinating spells fell on the array.

Suddenly, the breath of the entire space came toward the market.


In the void, the sun has only a trace outside, and the rest is blocked.

There is only a glimmer of light in the whole world.

The cold air in the air was more intense, and all the strong men felt trembling in front of this cold air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, the Seven Commanders and one law decided to bombard the void.

Suddenly, a shocking explosion sounded, and a beam of light rose into the sky.

The beam of light entered into the void, collided with the last ray of light left by the sun, and suddenly the space was torn and trembling, and at the same time, a dark and strange atmosphere pressed down.

The breath made everyone breathless, and the stone tablets on the altar started shaking and shaking.

This world seems to be destroyed.

Seeing this situation, Sanyang Zhenren and others were desperate, and it was forbidden to open soon, and no one could stop it.

However, at this time, the look on the face of the old Canyang monster changed, and there was a look of expectation in his eyes, and then he looked away.



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